Sunday, January 10, 2010 @ 10:16 AM
I'll tell you soon I'm not ready yet. I'm supposed to sign up for BTT today but the centre closed in the afternoon. all thanks to you. Had popeye for dinner. I seriously hate waiting for a place to sit. and I hate it more that the other customers stare at you, head to toe, toe to top, impatiently waiting for you to get up from your chair and leave so they can plop their ass down. I've seen so many kiasu singaporeans today fighting for a seat. To think Im quite kiasu alr. I'll give popeye a solution. Just rent the rest of the shop space in Jubilee, aint it freaking empty. They would have more customers like this. I'm finally and thankfully gonna have my braces removed this wednesday(hopefully no change). It has been 4 years and 3 months, it's really about time to take it off. I'll get my teeth polished too. I cant wait (:, it's a long wait. cross fingers, I don have to wait for another month to take it out cos of my wisdom tooth.
Thursday, January 07, 2010 @ 9:08 AM
Im very proud of myself. I'm able to shampoo people's hair now. lovely.
Wednesday, January 06, 2010 @ 11:21 AM
am supposed to!
meow, im supposed to change my url, but im just lazy to find a skin. never felt this free for a very long time. However, I wanna work soon. This holiday is not making me any smarter. I kinda feel too relax already. The only reason Im blogging is to refresh my mind and to remember how to construct proper sentences. Soon, writing an essay will be the most tideous and difficult thing at the rate things are going. Anw, December09 had been most awesome. I went to Bintan with the loveliest people on earth. Technically, it was also my first overseas trip without any adults around. caution! never ever go bintan during the December holidays or during the monsoon season, it's kinda annoying cause you cant banana boat, cant do a lot of water activities and to me it sucks. Furthermore, the sun wasn that mighty cos of the never ending black clouds. I wasn't even chao ta or any tanner when I came back to Singapore! Major disappointment. Also, the big fat ugly black clouds prevented any form of star gazing at night. My star gazing lasted for only a few minutes. Also, the sea was so so so choppy and rough, I puked a bit in the ferry. I do get motion sickness quite easily, but still, I don quite remember puking that much in the plane. It's quite a terrible experience. On a brighter note, I tried Boogie Body Surf, it rocks ttm. But it was so embarassing, I almost died cos the strong wave almost made me nude. ughhh. Oh, and I lost my Sony camera on the way to or in Bintan, whichever it was. I wasn't particularly sad, and I don't really know why. Maybe cause, this means I can now get to buy a new camera. hah! and thank God, I deleted all my pictures in the memory stick. That was my first time making such a move. Throughout this holidays, I've watched Alvin and the Chipmunks 2, Bodyguards and Assassins, Christmas carol and Avatar3D. I think I like Chipmunks the best! cute stuff. On the other hand, I like the graphics in Avatar, so dreamy. Adding on, I think Bodyguards and Assassins is kind of teary. So many people die leh, mixture of emotion in the theatre man! Oh yes and Adult fare. I am dying to find out how the SBS company actually charges the fares?! why is my bus fare the same be it I travelled 6 stops or 12 stops?! so ridiculous! Im very reluctant to travel to town now because the fare is enough to kill me and dampen every spirit to go out. Im serious. I even calculated the incentive to work with my current situation! I will never work if my pay is less than 6 bucks per hours and if I don't get to work at least 8 hours. Say I work for a day with the above rates, I'll earn like 48 dollars. This obviously excludes transport and food! Thus after deducting around 12 dollars for those neccesities, Im left with 36dollars. 36 dollars is only just sufficient for a movie and a nice meal at astons plus transport. ahhh, im going to run into some cash flow problems in no time. I'll just be happy if I can actually help out at my mum's salon and help her blow some customers hair. Im such a noob at it anyway, I doubt my mum will actually hire me. Oh sigh, the tragedy of a O'level holder who is waiting for her A's results. Well, this is quite a long post. After doing a word count, this is the longest "essay" I have written ever since the 20thNov. Time sure flies, don't remind me.
Thursday, September 24, 2009 @ 10:17 AM
ello, hello, yellow! hahaha
HELLO EVERYBODY! im back, though im not supposed to. i ought to be studying for my last prelim paper. well, i've decided to post something upon realising that there are still readers who comes to this really empty website. it's now 1.18am, and i haven slept this late for a really long time. my life practically revolve around studying, exams, eating and sleeping. and using computer once in a while. im such a boring person, i know. well, even though i don have much leisure time, i do make it a point to get away from my notes (just in case you are utterly amazed with my transformation into a nerd) i am looking forward to the road closure, seriously. don ask me why!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009 @ 11:14 AM
i wanna make this summer longer,
been long, and today im gonna rattle quite a lot about my June Hols. But first. Have you ever thought what it is like losing a loved one? I am not refering to current-lovers, friends but family members that watched you grow since the day you were born. I am thinking about it now and it hurts. It hurts trying to deny the truth that nothing is wrong when everything has gone wrong. It's even more painful watching someone degenerating and not being able to help. It's worse when you pretend not to care and only pricks you more when you're putting up a brave front, the only one thinking all will be all right. Today i kept probbing even when my friend said that it didn mean anything at all. am i supposed to trust the words? or continue to be on my guard? Sentosa with the dudes. after all the whining and much talking about going to the beach one day, we finally made our way down today (: chao-tah like red lobster, nose going to peel soon and can still feel the sand and heat on me. happy that i took a few pictures with my bbf, im going to finish the second roll soon. i wanna compact gundum again, wanna build a breakwater, wanna make sure that i wont be fooled again by my friends, wanna have another picnic and the next time i wanna just lay in the sun with my shades that are very reflective (ahem!). sentosa with the dudes allowed me to break away from the many thoughts on my head. though was very reluctant initially (sorry wx!), glad that it was a joy afterall. i thank God for the sun. caught several movies this June. MonsterVsAlien in 3D, the taking of the pelham 123, Subaru. finally watched dirtyjobs too! and catching up with gossip girls. spent lotsa money on food. hearts Changingappetites for cheese sauce, Cafecartel for the honey ribs, ManhattanFishmarket for seafood platter. Mos is still the best! KOIcafe is over-priced and for consumers who wish to end up in a dialysis centre! online shopped again, F21! am now resisting this huge temptation on several wallet and bags! i just cant get enough of stuff. i suppose all girls encounter such syndrome. Bought a lime green speaker during the PCshow. am quite annoyed that a 320gb harddrive only cost less than a 100. COS i bought a 250gb harddrive during the IT show in march for 109. i think the person who sold the product to me cheated my money since im like so blur in this kind of technology thing, ugh! Went out with some of the nydancers last week and it was the first time i walked into so many higher priced range clothes boutique in a day since im more of a Onlineshopper person. well, i saw this uber nice armani watch. i think i will get it eventually if i decide to part with my cash(: and the Australia trip was cancelled in the end, i think i left that unannouced. i would have been back by now anw. wx is still quite sore about it! HAHA! i seriously need to get down to work(studying) i shall start tomorrow. please, i hope it going to be effective man! i don wanna end up sleeping again. well, thats all i need to pen down about my June Hols. the rest shall just be stored in my more than 250gb of memory space (my brain) in case im confusing you and yes i don have a brain. and as you can see, i am very sore about the technology thing. am very sore. yes, am very sore, actually not really(: a really long post, i like.
Thursday, June 04, 2009 @ 8:51 AM
 PLEASE VOTE FOR ME!!! no 1145!!!! (: thankyou very much! and the picture is from BBF's my first roll!!! (:
Sunday, May 24, 2009 @ 6:50 AM
am happy (:
happy cos i watched Night at the museum 2 using my buy 1 get 1 free movie voucher (: happy cos i ate lotsa cakes and deserts today it's quite a good day cept that there was this one unhappy conversation in the midst of many. but it's okay, im quite an open person. i have a wide space between my eyebrows remember! it's 1.5 inches to be precise (: (: (: i no longer think that way, they are just being responsible for themselves.
Friday, May 22, 2009 @ 10:04 AM
The 10 "I want"
I want to go AUSTRALIA! (my geog trip is cancelled again, i hate H1N1 totally!) I want to start studying! (5 months to A's, everyone's telling me about it) I want to watch Night at the museum 2 (it's a must to catch it) I want to buy more clothes from F21 (dresses to be precise) I want to buy a new phone (ther'es something wrong with my keypads) I want to get a new wallet (either from Urban Outfitters or Accessorize) I want to drink Honey Red Tea (im going to get it when the sun rises) I want to dance (it has been a while, i miss dancing) I want to wax my legs soon (HAHA! those hair are really long, imo) I want to just chill during the holidays (that's not going to happen) those are the 10 "i want" in my life. im sure there are many more, but these are just all the material stuff im craving for. do you know whats disappointment? the feeling of having the lights on and off? that's my geog trip for you. with much anticipation previously. i just needed some days off, away from home, away from everything and everyone who are so busy. so, my life still continues. tell me about it.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009 @ 7:54 AM
There's really just so many things.
these weeks have been rather exciting. the following weeks will be even better. this blog will be temporary left abandon till there's time for me to update during the hols. ciao.