Saturday, June 30, 2007 @ 8:19 PM
should i wear my jeans or shorts. rah. freak it...
@ 7:31 AM
this is the only week im not having mac breakfast on saturday. awww. how sad. i love the milo... =)) ahh, i have to go soon as in outta my house and catch a bus. my schedule is so pack today. like sardine. will only be free after 10.30pm tonight?! wtf? and i still have ballet at 11 tomorrow?! until 2. follow by lit project at 3.30... OMG?!!! this sucks. and monday, i have to mugg at home. oh YAY! i can go casurina curry for prata..LOLS!. i want my cheese prata badly. damn, im putting on weight again. one thing im happy bcos i get to dance again tomorrow. OMG! i need to dance badly. im left rotting on the shelf for two weeks alr. im getting rusty.. i want learn jazz at the end of the year. anybody want join me??!!! or maybe ballroom dancing, or latin or salsa or POLEDANCING!... if i ever go australia to study, i will hit that definitely. WAHHAHA.. but i will end up with lots of bruise. freak it,. and i didn bring my tys home la! !@#$%^&*()_+. my tutor is so going to kill me!! oh shucks. this is bad.. ah, whatever la. im late! oh crap! bye..... i will let you go.
Friday, June 29, 2007 @ 9:02 AM
THE CHALLENGE Use the 1st letter of your name toanswer each of the following... They MUST be real places, names,things...NOTHING made up! If you can'tthink of anything, skip it. Try to use different answers if the person infront of you had the same 1st initial. And remember - you CAN'T use your namefor the boy/girl name question. Your Name: CRYSTAL :D Famous Artist/Band/Musician: Craig david song: confession of a broken heart!. 4 letter word: CRAP! xD Color: Cyan? -_- Animal: CAT!! TV Show: CSI.. lols! Country: CALIFORIA?! Boy Name: Charles?! Girl Name: Cheryl x) Occupation: carpenter! .... Celebrity: Christopher lee Food: C??!! chip and fish?! lolSS! Reason for Being Late: CAught in RAIN! You shout!:CHENGWANXING, CHONG XINLIN, im bored.. I TAGG: NO ONE!! hahas
@ 8:08 AM
yipee ya ya.. .. yipee yipee ya.. i spent 120 bucks today !!! oh gosh... 1) leotard.2) accesories3) food (yuki n yaki)4) inner earpiece5) noraml bass earpiece6) crystals7) top up 5 bucks in ez link-_-" dammit. i saw this very very nice ripcurl wallet/purse today! it cost 32 bucks. wanted to get it but xinlin keep saying it looks wrong (looks like bra la!). and its quite expensive too and i would need a new wallet cos mine is still perfectly fine and new. plus im quite broke, so hais, the wallet is left on the shelf with no onwer currently. im only left with 10 bucks in my savings currently. thanks God it's saturday. here comes 50 bucks again. LOLS. anw, i think the wallet i like really looks like a bra la, now that im looking at it. but i like it lor.. someone please get it for me.. where's santa claus?. and when's christmas? rah! and the leoptards now are all so revealing and stuff like that. oh man. im going for ballet lessons, not some swimsuit parade. -_-" once again, i paid 16.90 to kill myself at yuki and yaki.. wanted to have ice cream buffet but the smell of the teppanyaki tempted us la... i like their prawns, so much better than seoul garden. LOLS. and with the new GST hike.. and tmr being the last day of the GSS. im really quite dishearten now. i want my wallet.. will ripcurl have 7% GST in future? hope not.. i will feel terrible if so.. im splurging so much nowadays. when my dad ask for the total expendtiture from my mum on the 30th june, im dead. i calculated, i spent close to 550 bucks, including allowance. wadthe... bad..btw, chinese oral topic was about people jumping off the mrt track to gain sympathy (something like that? and ytd was why singapore is having so many shopping centre nowdays. relatively answerable question ya? hmm. wonder wad will mine be on tues! GOOD LUCK EVERYONE IN 4E!! we will all get our distinctions! yay! 54 days to prelims.. please don go telling me all those stuff when you already have someone else in your life. im not interested to listen neither am i interested to change my heart for you again, plus i hate people who contradicts. if you want a girl like me, then surely you would have waited.
Thursday, June 28, 2007 @ 6:08 PM
tuition is going to start in 5 min.. then im going out after that. YIPEE!. just did 10 question of physic msq! -_-" im happy! lols. i didn have to go school today.. WANXING JIAYOUS! whoots, my dad finally allow me to buy a new leotard. hees! this is cool.. ahh, i cant wait for later. im going out, like finally!! after a week. i hate staying at home la, but i don exactly like going out too. cos i need to spend money, and my allowance of $50 this week, i used them all upmy tutors here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@ 5:42 AM
is the people around me changing, or is it just me being the same.went pastamania after school today!! HAD HAM AND SUASAGE BAKED RICE!! and when i was going home, this girl (my age?) waved at me. so i just waved back unknowingly. but the problem is i donno who is she!! she just kept giving me that weird look and im still trying to figure out who she is, and how is she related to me. i don really know much people outside school and so im stil quite puzzled. hahas xD reserved the musical tickets today. will be going for the friday afternoon show! YEAP YEAP! im happy. and Wanxing! GOOD LUCK FOR YOUR CHINESE ORAL tomorrow! cole called and said it was easy peasy! hahas. so hopefully you will do well OKIES?! mine will be next tuesday! so i will have time to prepare mentally. LOLS!.. my dad agree to let me learn that foreign language after O level. HOORAY!! i thought he would like say "NO, waste time". but the results was unexpectedly good. 55 days to prelims, according to school timetable.. -_-" i still thought it was 60 days yesterday! im so slow!!. apparently our class finish O level the earliest this year i think.. 7th November.. so we will have 1 mth and 3 weeks of holiday and i mean REAL holiday before we start our first 3 mths in JC!.. 8 weeks to prelims. 8 weeks to doom.. my lies to you are just little things that i don tell you in details. if i would have to give every details of my life to you, wouldn i be so tired?. even my mum dont question me that much. who are you to poke into my delicate soul. i am very sure everyone lied and lies, be it to friends, family or even their partners, but every small details i do not report to you are being discovered, and being called a lie. please tell me, what did i do to deserve "an angel" like you?. i don need you to pity me, because i know God made it happen for a reason.*ore no shitta kono ja nai*
Wednesday, June 27, 2007 @ 11:46 AM
just reached home and i immediately plunge down at my comp. hahas! nicole, do you think ** saw me mouth lip?! that was so embarassing.. oh no!! then ** will know!! ahahs! shucks! this sucks. mr ang is back to school. no idea why, but thats not impt. hahas. and i feel kind of annoyed these few days. i feel being tracked.. dammit. yeah, whatever, my lies cant escape your eyes. you aint anything to me at all, why is this happening. Lord, will you fill my doubts with ans?! i think im just being too paranoid. and whats with miss yeo and her class hygiene. give us a break!! and kind of suck cos our assignments are piling up since the O level are going to be here, and every teacher is reminding us that A math is the first paper. as if we need them to keep reminding us. it's kind of terrifying, but i believe i can at least get a C6. hahas. oh theres no school for me this friday and next mon. and 23th JULY! HURRAY! and that means.. i can watch HARRY POTTER! laughs. at least this is something to look forward to.. should have signed up and get 4 tickets for the movie marathon next mon. then we can go watch since we are all free. but i was kind of late in applying... oh wells.. and the hawker opposite has a new western food stall. we bought cheese fries and some other stuff. it's okay i guess. things just come and go. so why even bother to look back.. and i bought coke again.. im craving hard for coke nowadays la.. ah, dammit. do i really like drinking coke, or is it because coke reminds me of you..i am feeling a lil tired now. i think i should get some sleep before i continue doing my work.60 days to prelims, 10 points, here i blogshop is almost ready..... ......
@ 12:29 AM
30 questions 1. Do you ever lie about your age? "yeah, to sign up for accounts online.. 2. Do you prefer "sensitive boys" or"tough guys"? "im greedy, both xD 3. Do you prefer blonde or dark hairedguys? "dark hair i guess 4. Are you currently single? "duh.. 5. How many things in your past do youregret? "alotalotalot 6. Do you have a best friend? "tats of cos :D 7. What do you want to be when yougrow up? "i want to be me.. XD 8. Who was the last person you hugged? "i hug alot of people everyday, so i cant rmb! 9. Have you ever had your heart broken? ?eh duh! who have never got theirs broken. tell me about it 10. Have you ever thought about having plastic surgery? "LIKE NO?! 11. Do you like your life? "it depends on my mood. current: i LOVE my life. 12. Do you shop at Hollister?" NAH 13. Has one of your friends ever stolen a boyfriend from you? "no, not yet 14. Has one of your friends everstabbed you in the back? "maybe... 16. Do you have more friends that aregirls or boys? " girls lurh. :D 17. How long have you had friendster?" since sec 1.. so thats 3 years.. 18. Have you ever cheated on someone?" ... that's for me to know and for you to find out how much of a player i am. HAHAS. jk. 19. Has anyone ever cheated on you? "dont want to know la. :( 20. Have you ever slapped a boy in theface?" yep. A RECORD of 11 slaps at a go. so fun!! 21. What is one of your biggest fears? " YOU :O being spied on 22. Have you ever skipped class? "ahemm.. er.. duhh 23. Has anyone close to you ever passedaway? "yeah sadly.. 24. Have you ever cried yourself tosleep? "hmm... i was crying when im going to sleep. but i've never cried myself to sleep. 25. Have you ever not been able to get someone out of your head? "yeah.. even now.. ;)) 26. Do you believe in the saying "oncea cheater, always a cheater"? "LOLS, duh! a leopard nvr changes its spot. laughs*.. 27. Have you ever had a good feelingabout something and it turned out youwere right? " okay.. x) 28. Do you ever wish you were famous? "never really wanted to be famous... 29. Do u ever wish u were a man? "yeah!!! esp when girls have their monthly cycle. argh, that sucks. XD 30. Do you think any men will open this just because it's labeled "The FemaleSurvey"? "men are mutated from female! hahas. so men are still female once. so i guess they will see this lurh!
@ 12:15 AM
i just finish watching the last 10 min of huan huan ai! yeah! finally! finish episode 4.. eh, the story plot so similar to devil beside you. sometimes i think im watching a duplicate cos it's like almost the same story line and its the same people who act also la. -_-", but anw, i still feel much satisfaction after watching it. LOLS. cole knows why! i saw this really nice pouch for you to store your tissue in the teenage mag. hmm, i think it's 5.90. im thinking if i should get it. but then $5.90, i can watch a movie, or buy 5 cup of BBT, or even 3 plates of chicken rice. zzzz, or 12 packets of YEO's drink from the vending machine. HOW??!
Tuesday, June 26, 2007 @ 8:54 AM
see that smile on my face.. i finish my add math hmwk!! yay! and one hist essay! XDDDDDDDDDD!! im gng to chiong the another essay in class during chinese period tmr!! oh cole!! i know u r sleeping now, i cant wait for chinese!! then i get to tell you how happy i am!! im loking forward for the first 2 periods tmr!!! YAY!
@ 5:15 AM
the feeling has just gone numb all of a sudden, i noe it's over.two more days!! LOLS. eh, i want buy sims 2 too! over O lvl, im going to get the full set! RAH! i have been wanting alot of stuff recently. and oh ya, the graduating classes had assembly today, finally, after such a long time. xD does old man has menopause as well?? my dad's mood has been thunderous, and then he can be rather hype up sometimes. -_- stupid dad! just he was nagging at my brother for my bro burst phone bill.. once more as usual like he burst it every month and has to foot the remaining sum, (oh shoots, i burst my bill this time!! for like the first time, i think my bill really skyrocketed!! i think it's close to a hundred bucks) tmd!!!i went icekimo today! hmm, had belgium chocolate and tiramisu with waffle. was rather disappointing, cos their green tea was with red bean. and there was no hazelnut. and i drop my ice cream while licking it in orchard last time. that was hell embarassing, but that was some sweet memories i can still rmb. then i told xinlin about it, and we ended up laughing so hysetrically... dotsmr ang went for operation and we have no standard math tcher for 2 whole weeks. thou, i hated him to ps us like that, but i hope he recover fast. see, im a nice student. take care, mr ang!!
Monday, June 25, 2007 @ 3:38 AM
i really do not know how you can do it. tell the world another thing and tell me another. all your lies, i had it all.. i am sick and tired of all the worries and heartache you have been piling me with. hell you! you suck!
@ 2:07 AM
OMGOMGOMGOMG!!!!!!!!! my o level chinese oral is next tues!!! 3rd JULY 2007!! can you see me hyperventilating?!. i cant believe it.. so fast. and ms yeo said prelims on 26th AUGUST! exactly 2 mths from now! OMG! and im not exactly ready for exams! i dont think i have the time to finish studying! save my soul, someone!!! and i miss what had happened exactly 1 year and 10 mths ago! my swensen's earthquake.. im sure sentimental. laughs...and and and and and, im happy today!! that ignorance of yours lightened my burden. and someone's not angry with me anm. that's fantastic! at least i hope thats true..
Sunday, June 24, 2007 @ 10:47 AM
why must all good things come to an end. even as i thought we had cleared the air, your grudge against me is still there. i should have known...
@ 8:49 AM
rahh! my lil bro isn going to sch with me tomorrow. that's bad. i realised he is always sick on the first day of a new term. and i rmb, last yr, me and my lil bro didn go to sch on the first week of term 3 cos both of us were down with fever. hahas, and i lose my trust in someone at that period too. but he wasn to blame.. sometimes, it's just like that being a christian! hahas. so im gng to march to school alone tmr. ^^ damm. well, at least school's starting. im kind of excited about it. dun ask me why. i feel happy going to school. so weird huh?! first period is hist, but mdm shanti hmwk is still left untouch. whatever man! i will chiong in class! went to changi ariport just now.. 2 hr 20 min journey back and fro!!and 1 hr 20 min of waiting in the airport (zzz..), so we took alot alot alot of pictures! to kill boredom!! eh!! and i realised airport brings me alot of memories, cos everytime i go to the airport, be it whether im departing or arriving, or just sending someone off or receiving someone, the place just bring me alot of memories. like going china in sec 1, and then i was on the phone and my friend was crying and crying and i didn noe how to comfort her and im leaving, that sucks, then in sec 2 i went to japan, then i rmb wanxing and chanel who came to send me off. then in sec 3, sent yuri and sadayuki off and we were like crying and crying and crying. and at the end of the yr, went japan again and i had such a fine time hiding from him and his parents and avoiding each other. and now, im sending someone off again! and i was sad.. x((and i saw this really really nice pendent from mini-bits.. anw, thanks babe for accompaning me! we went to send sanso off, lucky he, at least he gets to settle down in melbourne.. and im still stuck in singapore, for god knows how many more years!! Laughs** i gave him a long long wishlist of what i want from there! i will only receive it 3 mths later thou. and he is going to send it to my doorstep cos i wont be seeing him. i will be doing my o'levels by then. so yeah. cool, after o lvl i can finally go overseas again! and thanks for the 10 bucks. i treated myself to oreo coffee BBT, and not starbucks nor coffee bean cos i was too tired of sitting down! and im really not on a diet or smth, but just didn really have any appetite to eat these few days ever since thursday and it got worse on friday evening after some incident that still seem like a dream to me now. i didn eat today until 6.40pm. finally got 1 pack of lrg fries from BK! and i wanted to PUKE! it was horribly disgusting. not nice! and then 10 plus i bought BBT! and came home. so im like haggard now. real exhausted and annoyed cos i haven complete my hmwk and i reckon tmorrow's first period is going to be another scolding and nagging session. nvr really felt not eating anything, not even when his footprints was all i have left. anw, sanso, your last word before you went in cheered me up alil. but, it's no longer impt you know. eh, and rmb what i told ya, have faith. cos what is meant to be will be, don think too much there. xD im feeling exactly like you now! and HOLD YOUR FAITH!! like me! be happy dude!!anw, after we sent sanso off, we went to the viewing hall. i like seeing airplanes taking off. and i like being in a plane except i get motion sickness and i have to pop pills in. i know it sounds dumb, but i like to reach my hand out of the window only at night thou and try to reach for the sky, but then its so so so far. but in the plane, at least i know im somewhere in the clouds and i will reach the sky if i can reach my hand out. and i like planes because airplane only reminds me of leaving. and arriving. and many a times, airplanes remind me that i can leave my past and move on. and so, i love seeing airplane taking off. and since there is no shooting stars in singapore, i always make a wish upon a airplane flying past. but thats only when its at night! and thats rare since i hardly go out. hahas. i think this is dumb! and if you want to make alot of wish upon a plane, you should go to east coast, at this particular side of the beach, there are airplanes passing by every few minutes. then you can make lots and lots of wish! i did that once. and i just made another wish while walking home today, cos i saw an airplane shimmering in the sky. may my wish come true, i know it will, i believe so...this is such a long post. hees, im excited about tmr. may my morning turn out to be bright and sunny! sayo!!! XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDcrystal is loved today by you. <3333>
Saturday, June 23, 2007 @ 9:48 PM
 there were tears in my eyes.   rach and me!   chong, dun force yourself to eat liao la!
@ 9:48 PM
went back to school ytd to collect recommendation letter and of cos to see SANSO!!! yeah. felt so much better now. hees! hmm. saw many other seniors but yeah. doesn really matter. hmm there was some alumni gathering. went to view the musical, it wasn very well cheorographed actually. dancers, you guys really have to work doubly hard ya. thanks for everything, really. what i have wanted to say has been told out. a hug has sealed everything, a peck has breezed everything. you were perfect once in my eyes.
@ 9:14 PM
i really don want to give up on you, and i don mind waiting. but my heart cant take it anymore. it hurts and this isn the time whereby im suppose to feel like this. just like you, that pinch of love for you isn dying, it's jus all about numbing all thoughts and memories and letting everything die off by its own. let it all fall into pieces. pretend that nothing ever happened..
@ 8:56 PM
this is my 100th POST! is that something i should be happy about.. nvm. thats so random. it's yet another new school term. damm. that means it chinese oral soon! LOLS! ok, i think im prepared. it's a matter what problems will resurface on the actual day and bring my mood down. *laughs* i think going to school would be much better, at least.. i will be able to let go some stuff easier. thanks for that long night, counselling my poor soul. you're right. 16 isn at all mature enough, and there's still more to life. i believe i will cross that barrel. and i wont let you see me in this exasperating state again. i will try to uphold this promise and fuifil it by the time you look me up.
@ 5:14 AM
may all your wishes and dreams come true. that's so random!! wanxing!! im still waiting for you to call me back you know! and i cant sms anm, cos my hp bill explode this mth. i outgng 2 hr plus and sms more than 600!! and i still left more than a week before it reset my charges. and you are not anywhere online!
@ 4:36 AM
boredom ends HERE (: * what's your name ?` crystal * who's in your mind ?` no one in particular :D * who's in your heart ?` .... * hows your heart lately ?` my heart's perfectly fine. * what is your memorable numbers?` 8 * the last place you went ?` school * miss someone ?` erm, yeah. * what made you smile today ?` a msg * the last time you fall in love ?` right at this moment * ever love someone so deep ?` not sure.. i think so * what time did you get your sleep ?` 1.30am ytd * what were you doing this morning at7am ?` sleeping la.. * what are you doing this morning at10 am ?` slacking. * where did you go to yesterday ?` rach hse and school and amk hub. * what do you want to do in thefuture ?` nothing, freeloader. xD * what is the country you will everwant to visit ?` travel around the world. * have you dyed your hair ?` yeah.. 2 years back * can you sing ?` NO! * what is the last thing you ate ?` char siew rice *what genre are you listening to rightnow?`nothing * do you have a nick name ?` lots... * things you need to do everyday ?` slack * are you a type of person who easilyget hurt ?` it depends actually. * the last thing you said to one ofyour close friends` hey wanxing are you sleeping, yeah ok bye! call me later or smth * the last person who called you ?` nicole!!!! xD * the last person who sent you amessage ?` gladys * the last person who talked with ?` my dad!! * what thing you want to do now ?` dream * are you well ?` erm, maybe * what are your plans tomorrow ?` tution * do you hate someone ?` no, it takes a lot of love to hate someone * are you an addict ?` hmm.. dance addict.. * have you ever smoked ?` no, wont ever try either * what do you want to buy ?` my soul back!!
Friday, June 22, 2007 @ 9:33 PM the girls in 1G! if you want to disgrace yourself. then i don see any problem for me in putting your frenster website here. pls stop msging those disgusting msg to my bro and put him into a hot soup between his dad and him.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007 @ 9:08 PM
rahHHH! i cant go casurina curry cos i woke up late! and this sucks, cos my bro's screaming. suppose to go parmount hotel for dinner but thanks alot for the stupid NDP rehearsal! [i hope you know somebody loves you] that was just random, damm! 6 hrs left before im going to have my add math tuition. JOLLY WELL, i have not even touch add math for a week alr. laughs. 6 to 8.30 today!! my gosh, i will probably feel so tired! at least im going out tmr! yipee. that's something to be cheering about. HIP HIP HOORAY!will be going rach house in the morning till 4, then go bugis, arab street, simlin sq then 133 home! yeap!! that's for tmr, and i hope i don see some jerks.. i just realise it's the end of the holiday, x(((, and then i will chiong for o'lvl. and in 2 mths half it's prelims. I think i could barely catch hold of time. is the time really passing so fast, or is it because everyone's so caught up in their work! and after prelim's its going to be the O levels. there's so many things, yet so lil time.[clown] sometimes letting go isn`t that hard. i have, so can you. and im sure 'wdv' just don exist in your dictionary. let your dreams stay big and your worries stay small.
@ 3:38 AM
i just deleted a long f****ing post. decided not a publish it, before some stalker accuse me or irritate me further. i've tried to avoid it but since im found here, so be it. i don care. [yes, im not easily contented, because i don go for anyone that just come by. if not i would have thousand and one dices on my board. and that makes me lousy! and of cos there are a thousand and one people out there, so why not try my luck on the better people who will cross my life and not the immediate one that cross my life..] see what i mean, because i believe prince charming don appear in a night. whatsoever AHHH!!! since when do we have to finish PHYSIC TYS!! hell! i haven touch it yet!! xDDD!!
@ 3:24 AM
OH MY TIAN!! this is bad!! this cant be happening.. laughs* i think im going all hay wired again.. studied 4 chapters of chem today.. bravo. im going to do add math tonite. LOLS. i dunno why im still slacking here. cant seem to pull myself off the comp and study. i miss shopping. and i miss moving on, i miss my past and the present and i miss YOU. :O i wish time can just stop now and so i can take a moment to breath. i feel out of this ever so fast changing world. went to school this morn at 8 to find mr. ong and he was having lesson so i had to wait till 9.30 before i could see him. and so i just waited at the canteen and i was hoping i would see who i want to see. but i knew who i want to see wasn coming to school. and i was quite bored until nicole came and i told her like 101 stuff i have in my brain!! LOLS. i know i can be quite mad over something but thats me.. being crazy over something, keeps me going actually. and so i was just rattling and rattling. i like the staff room, anw, their comp is quite lag, and the screen is like miniature. im like staring at a 19' inch screen everyday and the school's one is like 15' or 17' inch. i had to like press my face against the screen la. I HATE SMALL screens! laughs. i admire your courage, because i know i would never ever do that. i prefer this bittersweet feeling. so just let it last a little longer. xD
@ 12:54 AM
where'd you go? i miss you so, its like its been forver, since you been gone, please come back home..
Tuesday, June 19, 2007 @ 8:49 PM
1. Do you still have feelings for the person u slept with last? .. my bolster?! chip n dale, dog, and lion? i love them la!! 2. Have you ever been given roses .. yeah.. xD don really like rose thou. too common 3. What is your all-time favorite romance movie? .. hmm.. *dunnooeee... 4. How many times have you honestlybeen in love? .. none?? oncetwice? maybe none.. im a player. x( JOKING! 5. Do you believe that everyone has a soul-mate? .. yupyup! of cos. 6. Who was the last person you kissed? .. for me to noe, for you to find out! hees. 7. Have you ever had your heart broken? .. yeah.. of cos la!! :(( thats for thinking too much! 8. Your thoughts on online or long distance relationships? .. dun really support such realtionship. its like only 1 in 1000 that the relationship will last. and i think its just "we ration shit". hahas, someone taught me that last nite! 9. Have you ever seen a friend as morethan a friend? .. laughs* of cos 10. Do you believe the statement, "Once a cheater always a cheater?" yeah! a leopard nvr change its spot! whoots.. i can testify for that!! 11. How many kids do you want to have? a soccer team! hahas. nah, maybe 2 will do 12 What is your favorite color(s? hmm, depends on my mood that day. 3. What are your views on gaymarriage? hmm, as God's child i would say nono. but i think its okay xD. im fine with it. some people are just born differently. plus, love is blind. 14. Do you believe you truly only love once? .. hmm, no.. i think you can love as many times as you want. but u can only love when you really have let go of things that had happened in the past. 15. Imagine you're 79 & your spouse just died, would you re-marry? depends, unless i met a fine old man! hahas 16. At what age did you start noticing the opposite sex? God knows. i don 17. What song do you want to hear atyour wedding? not very sure. but From this moment is a nice song. but too many people has it as a song to walk down the aisle. 18. Do you know someone who likes you? yeah!! my family and friends!! xD 19. Do you like anyone? yeah. i like everyone. and you :0
@ 8:39 PM
when it doesn work out, let it go. it beats better than waiting. i love me and the world!don want to wait, bcos i don want my heart to shed anymore for you.i might be selfish, but thats to defence my inner self.nothing will ever stop me from moving on without you.
@ 8:32 PM
how old were you when you first.. 1. Fell in love? erm.. thirteen.. x) 2. Lost someone close to you? not suree... 3. Drank alcohol? 12? 4. Smoked? wont ever try!! 5. Got kissed? the moment i enter earth! LOL! 6. Went to the hospital? i was born in the hospital 8. Lost a pet? my hamster and tortoise!! when i was in pri sch 9. Got arrested? eh, i wish!! 11. Broken a bone? awww. 7 yr old! 12.Got a job? 14 13. Got cheated on? not yet at least. xD 14. Rode the city bus alone?eh?? 15. Went to a concert/pub/disco? in primary school... 17. Got a cell phone? 12. LALA 18.Snuck out of the house? huh? 19. Drove a car? erm, in the arcade!! 20. Fighting in school? don see the need to fight 21. Your 1st brutal fighting? nahh!. 22. How old are you now? sweet sixteen! :)) DNOW REPOST THIS WITH THE TITLE..."How old were you when u first
@ 8:47 AM
don't ask me how much did i ever love you, discover it from my past actions. actions speaks louder than words, isn't it?
@ 3:03 AM
i am extremely bloated!! today was much of a fruitful outcome! woke up at 830 and saw cheng's sms. and then realised had to wake up soon to meet xl at 1015 at bishan. so i chiong and everything and tgt with my mum, we walked to the bus stop. i was helping my ma to carry her stupid banzhang, and the f**ing bus just have to come. so we had to run across the road. oh my!! my mum ran faster than me lurh! -_-" i was like ma, you bully me!! you make me carry your banzhang and you run off!!! and so the nice nice uncle waited for me while i ran and walk and ran la. paiseh man!! so toook bus then mrt!! it was like so hilarious!! xinlin had stomache, so i waited for her at bishan mrt. and we went to ma's salon to do our hair. erm, i rebonded my lousy fringe, hmm, its short now la, and straight finally. and xl rebond her fringe and cut her hair too! then at 11.15, wx and rach came and both cut their hair.. RACHEL cut her hair short, erm she looks much much much fresher. anw, after we went to make my contact lenses at some shop distance away.. was like so cheap la!! 135 bucks for 8 pairs?!! my 8 mths of supply! whoots! and then head to town for SUKI SUSHI!. it was pukefied and i was going crazy!! nono, we were all going carzy!! we ate till we behaved like some drunkard people at the bar la! madness. we were singing along with the songs that were played on air. it was hilarious!! i would like to go back there, but not to pay 20 bucks to kill myself again. i dunno why, but i felt so full thou xl and wx proclaimed they ate more than me! and then we couldn talk and everything we just plugged in our ear piece and took the train home. we were all so dead!! and i almost dead choking on water cos of wx's realhilarious joke! and fukuan got into the next round. well done. at least, he did mayflower proud! haas!
Monday, June 18, 2007 @ 4:33 AM
what an irony!! didn you do the same??! and wtf you still dare to confront her.. tmd!!!
@ 12:18 AM
whoots! went k box until 2am ytd la!! siao liao. today morn woke up at 11, my eyes want to roll off alr.. *** coming back soon!! yeah!! miss *** lots...
Sunday, June 17, 2007 @ 2:03 AM
 my first handmade necklace!
@ 12:42 AM
 <33  xinlin hand made necklace!
@ 12:31 AM
im like finally taking a break.. was extremely busy on friday and saturday.. oh wells. im suppose to have tuition now, but my tutor is not here and i have no idea why.. i think she aint coming. since i told her im not feeling well. anw, friday, had physic tuition. and i went to rach house like extremely early. called her at 9.30am and she was still sleeping la. so she didn joing me and xl for breakfast and macs. yadaa yadaa yadaa.. went her house and i played audition! im so lousy at it can!! hahas. anw, i kept choosing the fast songs, and rank like LAST for all! so much fun... then had tuition and went to town in the evening. much <33. there were not as many people as i thought there would be la. i made my first necklace! and it was nice nice nice.. <33 awww.. lols.and ytd, was sucky, had a math and chem tuition!. and and and the dance performance @ esplanade was not up to my expectation. expected something more.. =(( lousy! i like pastamania, ham and suasage baked rice. it was my first time eating that. anw, vongole, there you go! you are out of my menu!!
Thursday, June 14, 2007 @ 5:36 PM
[my dreams came true, when i found you] its the end of the fourth week. damm. im going to be late!! suppose to leave my house soon!!
@ 5:29 PM
whootttss!! im going to rach hse like soon!! to complete all the other hmwk and stuff. and im having a sorethoart now. and not to forget theres this aesthetic programme at esplanade tmr! cant really rmb what we're watching. but oh wells, i will know tmr. and i need ms mok to return me my thumbdrive. miss mok!!! my photos!! damm, i want to develop the photos!! its been 7 mths!! i want that particular photo... wheee......i went to arab street yesterday! it was at bugis, somewhere near bugis! and i count myself real lucky. cos everytime, its either a day after or day before where someone would spot ^^ there. so hahas! bought lots and lots of charms and findings! whoots** i have another idea!! but i don have the time to go back and get that particular charm! hell! i need an online blog shop soon!! hees! xDD crystal's happy..
Wednesday, June 13, 2007 @ 6:36 AM
to veron: what attire must you be when you do cca(sport) in your school?!!
@ 3:37 AM
no fair.. everybody's going to m'sia except me!!! and i don mean only m'sia, but overseas!!! ahh,, and my cousin is going hongkong for shopping sphree again! my dear aunt just came back last week from guangzhou, with a belt, a watch and a t shirt. Better than nothing! still... im stuck at home!! and i dont like that!! AND MY NEIGHBOUR GOT SOME REPAIRMAN TO REPAIR HER AIRR CON AND IS FARKING ANNOYING. STFU!!! I CANT DO MY MATHS WITH THAT LOUD IRRITATING DRILL THAT HAS BEEN GOING ON SINCE NOON!!
@ 3:07 AM
wheeeee! i had cheese and egg prata! i noe its fattening but its so yummy.. and yeah, laogong! i do miss ***. xDDi finished mr ang's elementary math hmwk!! im so proud of myself! considering the fact that i don do my math. lols. and math seems so much easier than before.. anddddddd im having rather weird mood swings, like happy and sad at the same time...and dumbo's coming back tmr. yipeeee!!!
Tuesday, June 12, 2007 @ 7:58 PM
whoots. im going to have roti prata for lunch.. bro and i are gonna walk to casurina curry for lunch lor. was gossiping with my bro till 1.30am ytd la! hilarious! he was like cursing and swearing about some random people in sch.. sometimes its great that both siblings are in the same sch!!. it happens, that we dislike certain people! ahhaaa., that was like so funny yesterday night lurh! and and and and. my bro piggyback me ytd! and i wanted to come down, but cos i was struggling, my bro said i looked and a fish swimming on air.. it so happened we were infront of his mirror.. then he laughed so hard that he was really rotf la! im doing emath now! and is it just me or the answer key do have mistake. cos i checked my ans a thousand times! and there are some answers which i think the publisher got it wrong!
@ 7:56 PM
i dont understand... lols. when i was in sec 1, my aunt said i look like sec 3, now that im sec 4, they said i look like sec2?
@ 1:08 AM
IM ROTTING! 2 hrs behind my timetable!!!
@ 12:24 AM
This quiz has 85 questions. Here's whatyou're supposed to do.... and DON'T spoil the fun. Copy this entire bulletin and paste itonto a new bulletin that you will send. Change all the answers so that theyapply to you. PUT HOW LONG IT TOOK YOU TO DO THIS ASTHE SUBJECT. 1. Start Time: 1526 2.Name: Crystal:) 3.Nickname: BIMLIGENTGOH, bimbogoh, chiat... etc.. 4. Astrology sign: gemini 5. Gender: FEMALE 7. Hair color: Black 8. Eye color: define black 9. Height: 163cm!! :D 10. Most Favorite colors: dunno! :D 11. Glasses: yep 13. tattoos: nope. i want to have one tho.. 14. Birthplace: singapore lah. 15. Area code: huh??!!! 16.TRUEfriends:wanxing, xinlin!!! many many more!! :D ******HAVE YOU EVER***** 17. cut your own hair? : yup. 18. Done something in the pastregret?: duh. many!! 19. Have you ever met someone you werenot supposed to? : uh huh... =(( 21. Skipped school? : nope. and never 22. Bungee jumped? : nope. ): 24. Punched someone? : yeah. real hard 25. Cheated on someone? : -_-" 26. Been arrested? : nah. i wish i would be someday 27. Broken into someoneshouse?: lol. yeah!! 28. Been to a funeral? : duh!! 32. Used a lighter? : hmm, science lab!! *****FAVORITE***** 34. Season: winter 36. Ice cream flavor: DARK chocolate! :D:D 37. School subject(s): LIT! :D 38. Candy: ehh! dun like sweets. they stuck on my braces! :D 39. Breakfast: hmm.. donno. im a chute, i eat everything 40. Juice: uh. tomato?!! (: 41. Book(s): alotalot x)) 42. Movie(s): donnooo 43. Song(s): plentiful! 50. Letter(s): love letter!!. x) 51. Favorite fast food restaurant: mOSSY!! :D 52. Disney Princess: cinderalla.. 53.TV station: i dont watch tv. 54. Name for a son: never really think about it 55. Name for a daugter: NATALIE, i like that name ******DO YOU PREFER***** 56. Chocolate or Vanilla? : BOTH 57. Alcoholic or not? : yeap! 60. Scary movies or comedies? :scary lurh! 61. Short or long hair? : long!!! 62. Croutons or bacon bits? : bacon. ******FIRST THINGS THAT COME TOMIND****** 64. Mexicans in general: o.O 65. School: -_- 66. Grass: erm, farm?! 67. Cow: cow dung?! :D:D :D 69. Mouse: mickey<3 70. Hands: ??!! ******THE PAST 3 DAYS, HAVE YOU****** 71. Watched a movie? : nope 72. Talked on the phone?: yeah, duh-er 74. Choked?: er, nope! 75. Drank a glass of water? : duh!!!! 76. Done Drugs? : nope! 77. Read a book or magazine? : yeah of cos! 78. Watched TV? : yup, huh! 79. Looked in the mirror? : obviously! 80. Taken a shower? : o.O nooooo! 81. Taken a picture? : yup! cam-whore! 82. Listened to music? : i am now! 84. Told someone you liked them: thats of cos! =)) 85. End time: 1537
@ 12:01 AM
Can you name 8people you treasure & can think of right off the top of your head? Don't read the questions underneath until you write de names of all 8 people... This is a lot funnier if you actually randomly list the names first... No Cheating!!!(not in mannerly orderd) 1. wanxing 2. xinlin 3. rachel 4. cole 5. alvin 6. ken 7. jiaqi 8. felicia How did you meet 8? dance =)) What would you do if you had never met1? hmm.. dunno leh.. i wont do anything. hahs! What would you do if 6 and 2 dated? they dun even know each other. =(( hahas Have you ever seen 4 cry? eh, duh-er.. Do you think 1 is cute? hmm.. okay lor... x)) How did you get to know 7? dance! (: Would you ever go on a date with number3? huh? of cos.. go shopping x)) What's 7's Favorite color? I NOE, i noe!! orange!!!! What would you do if 6 confessed they loved you? -_-" errrr..... (let's not think about it) Fact about 8? super duper zilian!! Who is 4 going out with? no one.. she's rotting at home at least for now.. who is number 5 to you? cousin! Would you ever live with 1? of cos i would! definitely!! i love disturbing her!! yay! =)) Is 2 single?#. of cos not! she's mine leh!! xD Where does 7 live? huh? bishan correct?! at sin ming there? xD What do you think about 3? lolx! perfectionist! What's the best thing about number 8? she's the best person you can gossip with! xDD! What do you like about number 6? is there anything to like about him?! definitly not. only one though! YAN DAO! Favorite Memory with 1? lots&LOTS!!! xDD!
Monday, June 11, 2007 @ 10:03 PM
MY LEGS ARE FARKING SORE!!!i so do not know how am i going to get out of the house with these sore. its killing me softly. and i just woke up!! like 12.30pm!!! im such a pig!! i slept at 4am last night?!!! after talking on the phone, ya, till 4am. and on the internet at the same time. so i think im really going mad. and *** showed me some stupid website and i think my computer is corrupted. nonono, the comp wnt be corrupted with the anti-virus thing! my mind has been corrupted... there's nothing much to blog about today cos im going to be staying at home, and mugg i guess. im going to start doing another math paper 1 and 2, and study another 5 chapter of chem till evening. i will spend my night probably if im pleased, to do another math paper. and tomorrow shall be add math! yipee. im please with myself. i have been rejecting offers to go out cos no.1, my dad is kind of strict now. no.2, my leg hurts so much! no.3 i think i want to study. thats probably the reason why im still going to choose jc over poly, despite all the propaganda on polytechnics. hahs. =))
@ 8:06 AM
Is Love the epitome of Fear? Or is it the rememberance of Faith?i spot that in one of the blog while blog hopping and i thought it was rather interesting. hmm. its 11pm. and i suddenly had this urge to come online and look around. i had only finished 1 math paper 2 and 2 chapters of chemistry revision. and i plan to sleep at 1 am later and wake up at 10 tmr to continue my revision. i know im mad.. but well, i don want to lose out anymore. right! so much for only realising that now. but like what my dad and ms yeo say, i pick things up very fast. so fear not.. rahh.. and, i like to read adult blogs recently. like those of a teacher and you know young adults where they talk about their jobs and stuff, i thought their post were very interesting!
@ 3:06 AM
 i was born, to tell you i love you.
@ 1:34 AM
leg sore!!! helps!!!!
@ 12:48 AM
whoots! i went tjc for the dance audition today morn and i've got to admit, the dancers who went for the auditions are like SUPERB! the moment i stepped into the studio, i was already intimidated by their dao expression and tall and slanky physique. considering im not exactly the slimmest person you see.i was rather impressed with the dancers, and some of their techniques were of professional standard! poise and everything, and they are only 16 year old. it was brilliant, and most of them are from convent schools like tkgs and sac, blahblah, so there you go(tall, slanky and a pretty face). i was from a convent sch too! just that i graduated and came to a mixed sch!BLABS! there was this girl who could do triple turns on pointe shoes! OUCH! isn'it?! i have done ballet for like 11 years and i could only do ONE pathetic turn on pointe. she sure trains hard, but then there were some who obviously joined the wrong category! theres this girl who danced cyndi aini! i was like HUH??!! and theres this girl who danced chinese dance.. so dots.. and theres this girl who did a mixture of hip hop, contemp and a slow dance. she's good la, impressive!! the dancers who went are much much better than the ones you see on the dance floor, really. so we learnt this phrase in 15 min. ( thers no aircon! and so mfss dancers stop complaning!! you guys are so fortunate!) 2 min to practice our own after like 2 counts of 8 to link the steps together. the phrase is about 6 counts of 8 so yeah! the instructor, go through once, teach twice, go through, and we have to handle it our own. so it was really tough. then we had to do our self cheorographed dance individually! it was exactly scary or anything, cos it beats doing infront of an australian ballet examiner. and anw thank GOD!, i didn forgot any steps and it went smoothly, just one part, where my legs went so wobbly and i could not kick at a 180 degree so it was like 140 degree only. but i felt so relieved after that. and like wanxing said, don do your best, be the best! and i really have to thank her for those words of encouragements. dumbo! its your words that really brought me to the 2nd round which is also the final round. there were moments where i just felt like giving up during the contemp phrase, the fact that i haven't practice for such a long time. ever since syf was over and i only had ballet trainings every sunday. so yeah there after was the eliminations and stuff, and the 2nd round was crap. cos i cant do hiphop. i flunked that session! i swear, hip hop is so not me!!!! i was like swearing at the top inside me. but i had no choice, i had such a big difficulty to even remember the steps, much less to say dance it out. WORST! there was this you noe free style thingy, where you do your own style for 2 counts of 8. FAINTS!!! so then that was the end of it, and they say they will call us up if they select us, 3 of the 7 remains. hopefully, im one of the 3 who gets in! but i think i will never get called up. cos i cant do hiphop! and im sad.. =(( boohoo. after going for the audition, im so sure that i want to get in to tjc for my tietiary education. it looks old inside though. butttttt!! you get to wear your polo tees, cca tees, cls tees everyday except wednesday. where you have to wear the full uniform cos its their assembly day!! and their dance studio, although no air-conditioners, but the standard is so high that you feel that the steps is so challenging that keeps you moving on and on and on. it's at least 3 times harder than what i have been learning in mfss, cos it was really pure technique work today! a good workout, no wonder the dancers there are so slim. i had never perspire so much in my dance class! just a random comment, theres this really cute guy that brough me and nicole to the studio today cos we couldn find our way there! =)) he is like real handsome lurh! but then, teenage guys are still jerks! lala~ oh computer screen jus went off but it came back alive.. heng!!!, or my whole entry would be gone!!! OHOHOH! AND I WENT MOSSY TODAY.. and there was this lesbian couple. i don have anything against them, and i respect lesbians ok!! but there was this OLD!! guy who go up to them and ask for their bus pass and jot down their names and their address and said that he would call the school cos it is not right and stuff like that!! i was rather irritated with that old man! hello!! its not your problem right. people have the freedom to do what they want... and it was so embarassing for the 2 girls loorr. i know its wrong to publicize lesbianism la. but they weren even hugging or anything la. the girlgirl was like lying on the guygirl on her shoulder. so its like what friends normally do!! so am i going to get sue if i go out with my tomboy girlfriends???!! -_-!! and theres this clique of girls who were dressing up their dolls!!! hmm, a bigger version of barbie! i was like is singapore becoming more weird. they take photo of their dolls and you noe, dress them and they are kinda emo.. cos theres this girl who wore a red contact lense on one side of her eye! quite cool, but dressing doll up is real scary.singapore is really becoming a weird city. BLAB!
Sunday, June 10, 2007 @ 8:21 AM
damm. im gettting quite excited now. cant really sleep. just burned 2 copies of my self cheorographed and some copied steps from syf for tomorrows dance audition at tjc. im really quite reluctant to go acutally, considering the fact that i might not get a place cos of my real lousy lousy results in the mid year. but oh well, i wont know till i try. so yup! im gng to sch at 7.30 to practice in the studio before my dad sends me to tjc at 9! rah! so yupp. im not able to sleep now. was smsing dumbo just now when my phone just had to go flat! was quite pissed off with my phone recently. sorry about it, dumbo!! you probably didn get a reply. opps, and shes going chalet tmr, so i wont be able to see her on msn nor talk on the phone till thurs morn. but we're going to have tuition on thursday! so thats ok, i can talk all i like then. heess. so ya, im making my way down to town on tuesday again! its the fifth time this holiday alr! cos my button on my shorts just had to fall off on the way to rachel hse that day and no one could fix it and so my mum asked me to go get it change, and get the black shorts as well. so yupyup... was toking to gladys in the afternoon, and she said that arab street has this cafe where they sell really fantastic mudpie. XINLIN!! heard that!, must go someday. and gladys said that the charm shop there are where all the online bloggers got their charms and stuff for their earrings. i hope im able to go anytime soon, and not after my O levels. which it seems like its the case now, cos im really having no mood to go out, considering the fact that prelims are only 2 to 3 months away. and im targeting for at least10 point.. call me mad, but im going to get 10!! i will!! so yeap! LAUGHS you heads off! i am going to get 10 points! so at least i can go into nyjc if i don make the cut for tjc through tomorrow`s audition! eh, im going to practice my dance now.. =))) sayo!
@ 7:51 AM
why are all guys like this? some farking guys i know just have to ditch their girlfriends of 2 year plus for some unknown girl whom they know for just like 2 months or even less? and some guys who just has to ask the girls questions like "will you stead with me if i ask you to" when they don mean it at all? and later tell the girls that the question wasn real at all! and thats why i say guys are jerks! and why do many guys just have to find a duplicate of their ex?? it's just not one guy but there are many out there who are like this.. and sometimes it scares me, knowing my friends ex are having girlfriends whose character are exactly or having looks that are so similar to them. and of cos would it hurt that guys just stay single and stop fooling around outside. faints*! it so farking annoying. and there are guys who still calls their ex-girlfriends up every fortnight and pester them for some really unknown crap reason, like "can i have my belt back?!" like so whatever?!!!!! or my shirt back, or even worse, can i have my pen back?! laughs! a belt, a shirt and a pen can be easily bought anywhere in singapore, why do guys just have to pester their ex-girlfriends for it? to put it simple, they just want to see their ex-girlfriend, to meet up or so whatever. and naturally, girls are all emotional creaturs and when they hear those overwhelming words, they start to get all flustered up, all emotional caught up and stuff like that. and so, the girls have to go through that torturous cycle having, needing or learning to let things go again!guys just have to learn to buzz off and stop using other girls to cover up for their hurts... and i actuali ask my guy friend this question, "why do all for you have to stead with that girl when you have not get over the one you like many months ago?" and this is what he replied. "a substitude, a cover-up, a companion!" i could almost wallop him in the face.. HELL GUYS!
@ 2:27 AM
i reali dont like this!
@ 2:17 AM
Friday, June 08, 2007 @ 8:03 PM
@ 7:32 PM
 my love..
@ 6:44 PM
 willywonka disciples!
@ 6:34 PM
i need inspiration...
@ 6:29 PM
went shopping on thursday and friday! spent a total of like 150 bucks! im like totally broke now.. i bought 5 shirts, 1 short, a pair of denim skirt and my new jazz pants for dance. i want more shorts, maybe next time lurh! and my daddy didn scold me for splurging money on clothes. cos he thought the clothes were quite cheap! hahas, bravo.. i need to freaking cut the music to 2min 59 sec!! can anyone help me!!! im gng to tjc on monday for audition! dammit. im not even ready..
@ 6:19 PM
THE OLVL seminar for english and lit were totally crappish over the few days. we spent so much time listening to some professional who could only give us advice like what our dear sch teachers have been giving over the years. to think they can earn at least 500 bucks a session. if so, i can be a training consultant cum lecturer too! and the eng speaker turns out to be the one who spoke to us in the RELC lecture hall! and the notes for the unseen are like SO FREAKIN IRRELEVANT! why? bcos we didn even manage to fill in the blanks given and it was suppose to be SUZANNE CHOO! i want my money and time back! well, at least i ponned the second half of eng, thou they said the speaker was better then the freaking guy who wore the same shirt for the 2 days of lectures! RAH! freak you man!
Wednesday, June 06, 2007 @ 1:24 AM
i want my 1)quote "men sucks" num shirt! s$39.90 2)levi's skinny jeans s$149.90 3)fourskinconcept? BLACK shorts s$24.90 4)denim shorts s$32 5)black rose choker s$8.90 6)new shirts!!! s$??????
@ 1:18 AM
HAH! went to RELC for some lit lecture and i was LATE! eh, sorry guys!!! hmm, wanxing is no longer MISS LATE! damm. and anw, the lecture was SO BORING and the fact that im so not in a good mood today cos i was in this huge fight with my mummy at 0000(yes im toking about 12am)! i felt like jus curling up and not tok to anyone today. and i think i spoke lesser than usual. i feel all so tired! rahh!! and i like wanxing blue vertical line shirt, though i will never look good in it. wanxing shirt reminds me of the one my dad bought at CalvinKlein (is that how u spell it?) on monday, except that my dad`s one is Black and wanxings one is from G2000!
@ 1:15 AM
i went to my cousins house at about 2 for that tea ceremony. shes married. YUP! so i was really late in meeting my parents at BISHAN and i got this huge scolding and nagging from them! wth! its just 10 MINs!!! and i told them i didn want to go. and they said was compulsary! and went we reached there, ALL OTHER COUSINS were not there?! wth??! that pissed me off more than ever!! after that TEA ceremony, we were heading back home. and they starting comparing me with this guy from ANGMOKIO SEC!! hmm, my cousin`s cousin?! TMD! i was like "THEN YOU SHOULDN HAVE GAVE BIRTH TO ME SO YOU WOULDN WORRY!" to my nagging parents! this is the second day of my FEROCIOUS war with my parents!
@ 1:14 AM
my parents are NUTS!
Sunday, June 03, 2007 @ 11:10 PM
WANXING is MAD~xinlin and rachel is dn SHEARING!!im blogging
@ 2:53 AM
i got a new sony w80 cam and a handy camera. my dad spent a total for S$1500 on it. S$1448 to be exact. my dad rocks. YAY! hmm, wanxing n xinlin said that the camera isn v clear. BOOHOO! i told my dad about it and we concluded maybe cos i paste the clear screen protector over it. so, i tried peeling it off and it actually seemed better, but i had to paste it over to prevent scratches. wanxing said canon cameras are better, which is true cos canon specialise in cameras, but sony specialise in TV! canon printer is good too! but the ink is super duper expensive, same goes to HP, hawlet packard!
@ 2:41 AM
i just see myself moving and moving and never stopping. boo-hoo, one week of the holiday has past and i have done nothing! well done. so much for wanting to revise. i jus realised how chiong i have to go if i wan to get straight As for my O level, and at this point of time, i think its highly impossible becos, i can only annouced that i am only confidence in scoring at least an A2 for my E math only. but thats bcos i revised my sec 3 work and it wasn easy, i swear. the fact i didn do my hmwk since sec 1 and haven done any revision during the mid year exam , it was hell doing math for the past one week. now i can finally go on to my sec 4 math stuff. i used to love drawings, and i mean transformation, loci and stuff like that. but not anymore, i go crazy dn drawings and the fact that its not easy anymore. it was so hard to move on to the next question.
fark.. i don nid to know how to draw to work in the society next time. all i need to know is to count!
and i donno why, but my bro doesn like our distant cousin. i don even know how he looks like la. so much so for being in my school as well.
i had add math tuition just now and my tutor works in the airport too! she say the pay there is good. so maybe i shall go find a job there after my o levels. hees. and dad say we can go japan! and im happy.
Friday, June 01, 2007 @ 7:34 AM
it wont matter to me anymore, im leaving far off where you wont even be able to find me
@ 6:56 AM
went to my mummys salon today. i wanted to do something to my hair, but my mummy and her 3 other collegues were so busy that they couldn attend to me. so no hairdo. i only manage to straightened my fringe. but thats good enough, hees i was helping my mum in her salon the whole time.