Tuesday, July 31, 2007 @ 8:22 AM
i dunno how to explain this over-whelming emotion that is getting all over me, i guess this is just life. and suddenly it just feels great that it is okay not seeing you anymore. infact life seems brighter and calmer. thou the sudden 'hoo-haa' i made when the name of yours was mentioned, but it don't matter this moment. urgh, broke. onlineshopping is ♥ <3. splurged on some stuff, and its so addictive. rah, i need more cash on hand. well. actually onlineshopping is fabulous! cos 1)no crowds 2)relatively cheaper 3)you wont find it in sg. BUT THE MAIN DISADVANTAGE IS the process of shipping, which takes up to 2 WHOLE MTHS! but i guess its okay cos by the time my goods arrive, O's will have end in time for me to wear them out shopping. GREAT! i ♥ sprees!
Monday, July 30, 2007 @ 6:04 AM
it just occur to me that everyone are getting very pretty much emotional now. i would like to understand so many things, but oh wells. some things just don really matter. with all the pressure and loads of stress, im not very much suprised with all the recent happenings, after all humans are self-centered people. pretty much self-conceited, selfish which means all the same thing. went for geography today after sch, and ms faridah said something about certificates-character, but i dun see it happening among us singaporeans. must singapore bring up morale education to a higher depth of learning before everyone of us learn to understand and be more aware of other's feeling. are we that arrogant? or that ignorant? just so you know. the moon is very round and glowy. it reminds me of moon cake festival. eh, moon cake festival is around the corner. that's fast, this year has past so fast, i could barely catch hold of time. i can eat my lotus and yam mooncakes soon. this makes me elated. we had career path planning today, and my adament decision of going to a JC has suddenly faded away. im stuck in between JC and POLY! dammit. i have media and communication, banking and finance and NYJC to brood over which to pick. but first, i have to score at least a 11 for L1R4 and L1R5, to secure a place in either the instituition. =(( im getting so affected with my speech nowadays, so concern over each and every pronunciation. and i really want to be a banker. but why does everyone thinks im joking here? urgh, on the other hand, i want to work in the media, or maybe as an artistic director, or maybe a teacher, yet maybe i should just dance for this lifetime.
Sunday, July 29, 2007 @ 2:00 AM
urgh, math test tmr!
Friday, July 27, 2007 @ 7:09 AM
im still left deciding. i aint sure.bored. the new classroom is really in a bad state and its an eyesore. the wall is painted purple. i dun think i can study in such bright striking colour environment. urgh, im pissed, so is everyone. i need new stationaries. i need a break. its 31 days to prelims. and 10 days of break in btwn. im happy! at least im going down to town tmr for the very last time before it's all work and no play again. i really want to work in a bank. at least thats what im thinking of now.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007 @ 7:51 AM
it has been a long long long day. and i have just finished watching 换换爱ep8. urghhhh.. this show reminds me of me. not the ending thou. nice features with a bad attitude. then what's the point? i didn study at all tonight. didn even tried to. shall try to study tmr. came home ard 6.50pm and changed out of my uniform and went JOGGING with di after much persuation. LIKE URGH! damm gross and disgusting!! i really hate/dread/detest/protest running. eh, at least i jogged 800m but i ran back into the house cause dinner's almost ready at 7.10pm. di was fumming at how LITTLE we acheived. to me, jogging 100m would be a GREAT ACHEIVEMENT! LOLS! i finally jogged, its been ages since i ran. the last time was 2.4km during P.E! and count the days, that was almost 90 days ago. oh well, its 27 days or isn 29 days to PRELIM! im speechless. am i suppose to rejoice or am i suppose to wallow in self-pity? or am i just suppose to give that laid back attitude i did for mid year and then filled with resentment when the results were released?. nah-ah, im going to do well this time. prelims means alot to me. it does, really, just that no one understands why. chem test today was relatively easy. STFU! if you cant even teach the class, and much less control the class. who are you say i didn study for my test?, when i obviously answered each and every question. i simply just asked you if ions were the answer you were looking for. i didn asked you to JUDGE just by one question if i did study for your dumb test, and i do know i had made that mistake, or why would i have bothered asking you. and so after teaching for so many yrs, yet you forgot to add step3)add distilled water to the glass pieces and step 4)press the glass pieces between filter paper to dry which i both had clearly written in my paper but you had to wait for a student to remind you. how great?! so now, is it me who did not study or you who do not know your facts well? sometimes, i don think i can tolerate all your sympathetic acts and feign ignorance anm. you know, i hate chemistry so much, it is all because of you, you and you. and yes, i had decided to stop and have stopped hating chem cos of you, after all the O's results are mine. not yours. and hell, i don want to change clsrm with 4B. i strongly object. i love our notice boards. and the sun ray and the kiddy tables and chairs. and i love where we are now. it wont be the same. everything will never be the same. it's 11.55pm, shall turn in now to catch up with what i was deprived of last night. i couldn sleep till 3am. thanks. my sleepless night, you followed me through. your words they guided me thru that lonely night. thou my stars didn shine, no planes did shimmered by, neither had any songs lightened that dark sky, but all didn matter cos' my phone glowed with this text "1 message receive" "clown" then i smiled, this is what that matters. bonne nuit, je t'aime
Saturday, July 21, 2007 @ 9:21 PM
so terribly sick that i don even feel like moving.i have been rotting. haven been to school, haven been out of the hse lah! i need to breathe some fresh air. no tuition, no ballet. im going mad! attempted 1 question of add math then started hogging the comp. LOL! im determine to finish one chap of my add math today! urgh, really hope i can go out for dinner tonight since there's no sch tmr. urgh damm, got tuition at 9am ya!!! apparently there was some walk a jog thing aka cool card running today morning. but im still coughing, how to go?!! terrible terrible terrible! dammit. i want to watch harry potter!!! but.. i have got no time. can someone enlighten me, how many days to prelims. if i aint wrong, it's exactly 30 days. OMG! im deadly screwed up! zeng!!!!! how now?!! my head is going berserk soon.. damm
Thursday, July 19, 2007 @ 1:39 AM
vectors sucks alotlaotalot.! and im terribly sick.. OMG! i was all okay until the last 2 periods when i started becoming so cranky and then realised im down down down with a fever! hell. so after that was lunch and i ate you mian and felt much much much better. eh, and fifi(according to many ppl who nicknamed him tt) and gg began scaring everyone who came up the stairs. it was so hilarious that i just stood there and laughed for like a whole 10 mins. had a douse of entertainment in the midst of my terrible sickness. belle was the funniest and hoho expression was kinda outrageous too. then it was another horrible 2 hrs of physics lesson again. dumbo and i was trying to act out a skit on how christians were not supposed to lie but apparently failed.. what loser actresses we were. we did an experiment for 1 hr 30 min! and another 45 min on stability and moments. i wasn really paying any attention to mok but nvm, i do get it after all. LOLS! and dad was so weird. i smsed him to say i was sick and he called me and continuously smsed me to see if i was okay. right, didn know he would ever be so concern over me. anw, took a cab home and i was coughing hard in the taxi and the bus driver told me to eat yu gan you. hmm.. cod fish syrup i suppose. shall ask my mum abt it. {your sudden appearance and your mouthed 'hi' cause me to make a weird squeaky sound. thank god no one was there. it was so so so embarassing. yet that made my day.♥}
Wednesday, July 18, 2007 @ 3:22 AM
bought august issue of seventeen. i haven started reading though. dammit, your smile reminds me of huo da and yay! i finish huan huan ai ep 8! oh wells, im glad you have finally let it out like a fountain. it's 35days to prelim. this leave me worrying. and it means it's exactly 5 weeks. i have yet so many subjects to revise and im not in the exact right mood to do anything. this means less phone calls, less computer till o level is over. darn. i hate this feeling of not being able to acheive something. at least i finish O's on the 7th! JIAYOUS! gambatee! WORK HARD!! school was okay i guess and i don really like vectors. i cant get it at all! it was so annoying. i need mr ang to like HELP ME!! and all the talks on how vectors is something like the one in emath!! who say it's everything like e math?! big diff can?! this is urber annoying. cos emaths dun ask you to find weird point in a middle of the line! wadeva! i want to go beads etc too. but im broke. im saving up for HK. urgh! and i want to order national geographic. shall ask my bro to sign up for it and get my dad to pay!. GOD is good! i prayed for my thoart and yeah! it got like much much much better today. i was like SO GLAD?! just that my ulcer hurts so much cos of the stupid braces. now i cant wait to take it off. so much for trying to have my braces on till JC2. DR.CHONG said that i could remove my braces in about a year's time. WHOOTS! im on braces for a year and eight mths alr la and yet another year! JIAYOU! that means im still gonna have braces on during prom! oh man, this sucks, but wait, it don matter. LAUGHS! eh, im going to nap now. its 7.16pm?! shall wake up at 8.30pm for dinner and slack. and if im good, i shall rack my brains and think hard for the solutions to my VECTORS' questions. although it's more likely that my paper will still to be a BLANK sheet at bedtime. oh well! i will <33 ADDMATH and do well!!!!
@ 2:34 AM
that's because we have all grown up, some words are just so hard to be surface out. and some words are just so hard to be taken in. so why not just live in our childhood, where everything doesn need to be taken into consideration..
Tuesday, July 17, 2007 @ 8:41 AM
i will not be able to comprehend my thoughts on paper anymore.
Monday, July 16, 2007 @ 3:06 AM
hyped up!
@ 2:38 AM
just checked out on HK again! <33
@ 1:27 AM
thanks for your good luck. thou i only read it when i reached home. Still thanks, alth i dun see the need to rcv anymore well wishes from you but thanks alot. i appreciate it.HAD chinese o level listening compre today. it was okay XD! got a possibility of getting full marks. got all the ans the same as xinlin too! thats great, felt much relieved. and im happy. chinese paper is finally completed. 7 subjects to go. cant wait for results to be release next month. excited and heart trembling. pray hard that it will surface a distinction on my results slip, thou it's highly impossible cos my chinese aint that fantastic. oh wells. we shall see when the day comes. anw, i must announced. i got my first BID SHIT DROP ON MOI on 15th JULY 2007!! whoots, ytd was just so unluckily. whoots, and im confirm going HK! im much much elated. i want to go to all the factory outlets. heard from yuki that GIORDANO there is 2 years more advance than singapore, and they have clothes similar to FOREVER21. hope mango has their factory there as well. victoria secret has an outlet there. cant wait to go shopping. flying off on 10th NOV (most probably) if everything goes smoothly! cool. coming back on the 14th, yippee, 5 days 4 nights of FABULOUS SHOPPING SPREE! this is going crazy. and and HK disneyland!!, but have yet to book the ticket due to administrative issues. *-* today's cme was rather enriching cos it was a talk conducted by nyjc. and i want to go to NYJC so i actually listened to the lecture. i want to take math, econs, geo and LIT! i think it would be quite fun. hmm, but somehow nyjc reminds me of Mayflower? damm, have to finish up emath hmwk on probability. tough luck, it was quite complex to comprehend. tsk, total madness. i was dang frigging pissed yesterday and now im having a terrible headache. i couldn sleep well la!! luckily i could concentrate during the chinese LC, or i would have slaughtered myself! thanks LORD! im so so so so glad o level chinese is over. one day nearer to walk a jog, one day nearer to national day, one day nearer to o level, one day nearer to hk, one day nearer to prom, one day nearer to china, one day nearer to christmas, one day nearer to a new year, one day nearer to JC, one day nearer to o lvl results, one day nearer to chinese new yr, one day nearer to my bdae, one day nearer to today's date. and ONE DAY NEARER TO REMOVE MY BRACES. and many many others. there's just so many things to look forward to. im happy!
Saturday, July 14, 2007 @ 9:18 PM
whoots.. 35 people in class going for prom. lols, thats almost the whole class. for all the proganding, we made it. oh wells, i just had my fun teasing someone over the phone. wad a failure, so much for a show off. all your deceivement you are giving yourself, i laughed it all, a least i laughed at your life now. pretty miserable.. that's why i insisted you were nvr for me, just, you never believed. im going hongkong! at least i hope we are. i cant wait! i just cant wait for olevel to be over. get over and be done with it. i want go kowloon tong, kowloon, causeway bay, and all the factory outlets. i want my puma shirts and shoes. oh dammit. and im saving hard for my expenses there. GOD BLESS OUR JOURNEY! disneyland!!! i want all my disney stuff! went for our schools own dance prduction ytd at the arts house. it was okay i guess. spotted quite a couple of mistakes here and there but the way they actually reuse the costume amaze me. had steamboat at boon keng after that. OMG?! we were suppose to go marina not boonkeng. we probably took the wrong van over. LAUGHS! we thought we got kipnapped la! i was preparing my nalgene bottle to hit the van driver if he was going to lock us up. ya but we didn got kidnapped so wahtever, so much for fearing. er, and we had to wash our own crab la! how disgustin?! didnt really eat much cos the food wasn very nice. so much for all the gu niang-ing ytd.. (*.*) and dear chef wx, refused to eat and insisted only to cook. and xl had to stuff the food in her tummy. had a hard time finding the 133 bus stop to go home. so we walked thru blocks of flats and the public toliet was so dirty. luckily i know the art of peeing without sitting or even touching the seat. LOLS!! i want to have my brain freeze again! i want my slurpee again!. i want to watch HARRY POTTER!
Tuesday, July 10, 2007 @ 5:37 AM
oh whatever, its the past, im in the present. i don feel sad nor any guilt anm.. reminiscene of the past wont help, somehow.. my soul have lost touch with you.
@ 5:33 AM
OKIE GUYS! i have checked the airfare! it's 128 bucks for a to and fro ticket!! if im not wrong, pay by POSB to get a 5% discount. YAY man!! im happy, but lets not get all excited, until everythings confirm. MAY GOD BLESS US! lols. and i have decided not to go for prom. er, wait, haven really think about it. hell.
Monday, July 09, 2007 @ 2:56 AM
finally, done watching huan huan ai ep 6. hahas i cant wait for episode 7, managed to save some time by taking a taxi home today. ah, i want watch my liar game too. it was so so hilarious anw, i reached the bus stop with xinlin then suddenly my tummy hurts so bad that i needed to shit. so i hailed a cab home. it must be the hor fun i ate after sch that caused my tummy to react that way. dammit. so yeah, i reached home and shitted immediately( i shall spare the details), btw i have to stop using the comp soon. there's O level SS prep test tomorrow. theres venice to study for SEQ and source based techniques to revise. my aim is to get my first distinction for the whole paper. hmm, i want to watch harry potty, it's coming out soon, on wednesday. bravo. and im going for the dance musical this friday! YAY! cool, there wont be english rmd, wait, i don even think im going to sch on friday la. still, i cant decide on what shirt to wear with my jeans. BLUR!!! oh and the school gave us a collar pin for good performances at the SYF this year. oh whatever. the school has finally decided to PART SOME OF THE SCHOOL FUND. laughs. JA, im going to take my evening nap now. <3 me not♥ i need a break.. all caught up. ♥
@ 1:21 AM
huanhuanai is so so so funny la! yay! im at episode 6 part 4 now!! xinlin!!i bet you have not turn on your comp yet. LOLS! argh!! how can huoda give up jiadi to huoyan?! and say he likes yanshu?!! its will ever be so complicated. i wont understand. whoots, went NDP preview on saturday!! <33 the fireworks. it was on for five minutes la, and it was such a majestic scene. very very pretty. xD it just makes me realise there are many other things in the world that i can look forward to. hees. oh wells. our school performance was bad.. it was like so so messy.. had chemistry test today and i didn study la. bad. but i can do most of the questions i guess. well done, a pat on my shoulder! LOLS! im bored. im going to watch my huan huan ai now JA-ne.
Friday, July 06, 2007 @ 5:13 AM
47 days to prelims. -_-" screwed. i donno my facts well. and my teachers have been going rather eccentric and demanding. I'm unable to cope with this hard felt feeling. finally, bought my blood red nalgene bottle, cost me exactly 20 bucks, from sports connection. im happy, wait should i even be? laughs. see the way im typing here and you with intelligent guess, know im mentally unstable. at least, no more water from the school water coolers. rach have her lime green, wanxing with her orangy red and my bloody red. and, ms mok have 3 nalgene bottles. the red snowman, purple and a new green one. argh, she's lucky, if only i can change my bottle everyday, just like her. *envy* still, im proud of my "3 major problem affecting youth in my country" expository essay. i read it a few time and thought this is one of my most accomplished compo i have done this year. i hope such topics would come out for the o level, though i highly doubt so. f**k i need to redo my history cause i lost my essay. well done?! i feel like hitting the roof. i dont want to redo it and spend another 30 min on a stupid essay. it could be better off doing some other things. whatsoever. i still my june holiday cat HIGH prelime comprehension to do. fark! oh shit! should i go for NDP preview tomorrow? i cant make up my mind. my dad's pestering me to go, but i want to go out for dinner with my friends. oh no, its between friends and the scoothing sun and fireworks now. dammit. but then, i've got ss test and chem test next week. and plenty of homework! HOW??!!! ohohoh!! i like crumpler product page website. so hilarious. im having a this mixed feeling again. i donno, a thin coat of sadness under my mask of happiness. it's not even like i could think straight anymore. its so Topsy turvy.. excuse me, can someone introduce me to a full time psychologist or a counsellor. i need one to destress. i have so many answer piling up without an answer. i never knew. it seems to me, im no better off than a bitch and you, a jerk. what makes me someone to tell you off when im unsure of my own thinking as well. things i told you only exist in the night. yet, in the day, those words were meant just for someone else. i guess, i can never make up my mind. i always thought i have grown up, but now i know. 16 isn all that mature enough. i dont blame you. if i hate you, then would i be hating myself too. one life, live it. that's funny. oh damm, my peace is gone. noise starts next week.
@ 5:05 AM
i guess you would never heed my advice. it just isn right. it may seem okay now, what about the future? are you are willing to lead it all enclose..
Wednesday, July 04, 2007 @ 6:09 AM
a thousand apologies to those i snapped at in class today esp dumbo, and includes, the people sitting infront, beside and behind me and the people who i was hanging out with today. i was just kind of pissed off with the many things that happened today and yesterday or maybe i was just just PMS-ing. so you admit you are drunk. all the words you spoke, i remembered..
Tuesday, July 03, 2007 @ 7:23 AM
o lvl chinese oral sucked? whatever la. i think they will moderate the marks anyway. i feel utterly disappointed in myself. cos i think i didn do as well as i did expect myself to do. of cos, my other friends felt the same too. at least, i finished my emaths hmwk and im happy about it. going to start on my add math sooon. and i calculated, selling all my junks away will get me about 200 bucks! yeah.. im happy. then i can go shopping again. loves. well well, since there are already buyers, my trash will soon be gone. LOLS!. im am loved <3 and thanks for making my day after my dreadful oral. you probably wont know how your sudden appearance cheered me up, but still, thanks.
@ 7:21 AM
for all the promises you have broken, i forgave you. but not this. im sorry.
Monday, July 02, 2007 @ 4:36 PM
  can you see how much i need you right now?  when you're gone.  the pieces of my heart are missing you  i miss you
@ 4:21 PM
 LAUGHS. she's the girl.
@ 4:18 PM
  yuki and yaki  love..   every step that we take
@ 4:16 PM
when you're gone, i miss you...
@ 4:02 PM
oh man, huan huan ai ep 5 is superly fantastic. i cant wait for next monday!! next episode out! yay!
@ 3:15 PM
if you have nothing to do , my problem huh, farking call then don want to talk? if you are going to meet her, then still call. you think i so farking free to entertain you?, i thought you got a fark huge circle of friends, then why pick me on your contact list. i dont farking care about our past so stop bringing up to me. reminiscences of our past don bother me anm, guess what, it is you who numb me to all these, so stop blaming me for being unemotional or heartless. i don care whether you copy my idea or it jus happens we are running the same business, telepathy huh. i refuse to believe i share so many common abilities with you.. fark. i hate you, if you think im incapable of doing many things, then don bother asking me what i want to do after my o levels. i wont let my performance during my oral be affected by you. all your disencouraging remarks wont excel me, they numbed me further and turn me into someone who is more heartless than ever towards you. if you think critic remarks will strive me to do even better for tomorrow. then im sure you are wrong. it don't work this way anm. your critical remarks will just numb me further into forgetting you and the past. i wish for a proper encouraging remark "good luck" and not some critical remarks.
@ 2:09 PM
OMG!! i am so full!! practically bloated la! i had such a feast in PARISS seafood buffet restaurant at MARINA SQ.. I have been to MARINA SQ for 3 consecutive days. *laughsthe food was OKAY xD. wasnt very fantastic. cos the prawn is SMALL typical seafood buffet. BUT I rank it 4 stars! because they serve GREEN TEA ice cream! LOLS and the service there is fabulous. the waitress walk by your table so often that you have no unwanted food on the table and there is no additional charge for wastage. the drinks came in many varieties, from soya bean to soft drinks, to fruit punch and coffee and tea. there's mocha, latte, black coffee, ice milk coffee and so on. I recommend their CRAYFISH! JAPANESE unagi, fresh salmon! it's mouth savouring. and their smoked salmon is very good too. they have my favourite KIWI, not the sour one, but the sweet ones. YAY!. but their sharkfin soup taste no other than the ones you can find in the PASAR MALAN?! and they put chef's recommendation.. -_-" and their black pepper crab are tiny! so i did'n bother trying to eat. The price for adult (after the 7% GST and 10% SerViCe charge) is S$30.30 approximately. then again, their oysters ARE humonguous. i ate one and i almost spat out. YUCKS! but my mum said it was very fresh so yeah, oyster lovers, i found the right place for you. and this seafood buffet is much much better than the one you find in NOVENA SQ and TAKAshimaya 5th level.
@ 8:06 AM
im in need of new idea!!
@ 7:09 AM
not again.. this is bad, i reached home at 11.15pm last night and had to resort in sneaking from the back door. and i got caught in the branches and twits all so because my garden is now like a JUNGLE! bloodyhell. but, whatsoever, i managed to sneak up to my room without getting caught. GOD bless me. we had LJS yesterday! add fries with shrimp-li-cious chicken meal. YUMMY! i think there was some chatting gas in the 4 of us. we were talking non-stop from LJS, till the MRT, and in the MRT! it was funny, funny. funny. yeah. mummy's in good mood. she has decided to go PARISS for lunch today! great. this makes me happy. a good motivation meal before the O lvl Oral tomorrow. will you remember to wish me good luck? and my dad has been very mad these few days. all he keeps saying is "you are having chinese oral, read to me a passage now. but i have never read one to him yet?" LOL!!anw, i finally made my first bracelet. i think its quite nice!!
Sunday, July 01, 2007 @ 8:17 PM
there's no school tmr. bravo..
@ 7:24 PM
GREAT!! im only left with exactly 40 bucks for 8 days. PLS do the math! im renounced BROKE! and i still have to top up my ezlink card! again... ok so today. im going for ballet, then meet wx, go rach hse to DO lit project. then.. off to marina sq. LOLS!. great! at least im going out. hais. and i really like the wallet. but they all say it looks wrong. nvm, since i dont have the money to get it, i will wait for a new design to come out. then at the end of the yr, i shall change my wallet. but i rmb i promise wx i wont change it. OHDAMMIT!.