Friday, October 26, 2007 @ 9:36 PM
!@#$%^&*( blogger could request my last POST!!!! zzzz anw!! 11 days to eOo!!!! rest well for monday PAPERS! its gonna be damm stressful!
Wednesday, October 17, 2007 @ 6:14 AM
and this time, i can feel my heart ache again. a slight bit of bitterness with a few pieces of lemon drops. maybe, im just abit too senstive, overly emotional and perhaps, petty. but i dont blame you. sci prac tmr, jiayous.
Monday, October 15, 2007 @ 6:31 AM
it's nice looking at the photos. xD nobody seems to be in the mood even when o's are drawing so close. rahh, my parents are breathing down my neck!! its kinda irritating though. i didn really studied this few days! urgh, this is so terrible.
@ 6:15 AM
Friday, October 12, 2007 @ 8:11 PM
 samuel has been the only male classmate for 4 years! hahas yusheng: i remember how i used to dislike you way even b4 we were in the same school cos we were in grace and joy and i rmb how much we hated each other in sec 1 and now, we're all fine. and it's funny how i knew you in pri. 5 and you were actually sitting with wanxing then in class, and now wanxing is my fren. hahas. and i will always rmb your catch phrase "sometimes, all you need is brain" and its nice having you behind me during add math. and its nice of you to help me in my add math even thou most of the time, all you did was chuck your paper with me and huimin to figure the sum out ourselves junhong : i rmb taking the same bus as you almost everyday to go home with beznar but we never ever talks. not even a hi and bye. ahahas  huiwen : you have been sitting behind me for almost 2 years. i rmb you were behind me with suhailah last year. hahas. i also rmb going jep in 2005 with you and u were playing the marinba? i tink. well, although we weren v close then, but it has been nice knowing you better this year. thanks for never being annoyed when i sat at your place during add math! XD  ongsiling and lixin: it has been all fun going home with you guys. and i still rmb how we used to watched horror movie and my hse in sec 2, tgt with the rest! and how i used to scream and the screams would continue by all of you! hahas.  4endeavour. dearest ms yeo : thanks for everything  nicole : you have been my flexible 180 degree split partner and working with you in the dance comm as been the greatest thing. you were able to work out everything in an ordering and fast manner. although we were in a different class for 3 years, we never fail to hogg on the phone at least once a week. it is nice homestaying with you. although we have a fair share of up and downs. and of cos, thanks for laughing with me about daddy and thanks for never leaking out any secrets including this that im trying to hold very tight until now. thanks for all the times you have been beside me and standing by me firmly when we have to make a decision esp for the welfare for contemp dance. thanks for going crazy with me in class and for scolding the juniors in when we have to, cos i always end up crying. thanks for always hearing me out, compromising, and i still rmb our dustbin plastic bag is sec one. and how we always get scolded for talking alth we weren exactly sitting next to each other cos there a gap in between us. and all the mamee you stock up and how we bully mr sia and his bean curd. hahas. our love for green tea ice creams and my love for coke! hahas. oh wells, COLE I LOVE YOU!.
 it's fun seeing andrea chasing firdaus around the class. and liyan for being such a lively person.  suhailah for her water babies! joanne for occasionally walking with me to the bus stop. and angeline kong.  Fat HO: you have been a wonderfulous assembly sitting partner for 2 years. esp in the hall. for all your sweets and candy, magazines and gossips, thanks. it has been fun going shopping with you and it has been a long time since we shopped tgt. i still rmb our sore feets after wearing the pokka dots heel. p.s i have never worn it out since that day !. so shall we wear out after o's when we go for prom shopping?! hahas. you have been a wonderful companion!  Huimin : thanks for constantly helping me in my add math, you have been the best add math sitting partner. thanks for never being annoyed with me and always respond to me when i needed helps in my sums although i know it can be rather irritating. xD thanks!! and we'll go dyeing out hair tgt after O"S! yay!  nurul and rachel. thanks for enduring the very loud and maybe irritating noises from me and wx. rachel: thanks for being such a good physic and chem partner during tuition. thanks for working at a very fast pace so we move along tgt. and thanks for always annoying yingjun with me. hahas. and of cos thanks for all the accompanies to the toliet when i had to shit. and how u never ever complained even if my shit stinks. ahahs. you are such a great shitting partner!!  chengdong: YOU HAVE BEEN FAB this 4 years. tolerating my every stupid acts in class. i remember how we used to say, "oh man, i still have to sit with you for so and so months" and now we have grad. it's nice to know you have been there for me. and guess what? i just dwld maple and it says, maplestory is uncompatible with your windows. and im right, window vista cant work for maplestory! and p.s, my bro is a lvl 25 mage alr in one day only. urgh. you have been a great fren, trying to understand and meeting my every needs. sometimes trying to give in to me too. footsie during tuition had sparked some lives into the long boring hours. and we have only 4 more lessons of tuition left. i will rmb all my chiatyism and how you always laugh at me but i don understand sometimes. you have been a wonderful chef at steamboat and i rmb how you forced me not to sleep during sec 3 camp cos you were scared. hahas. and i finally couldn take it and fall asleep at 5am, and you didn slept and you were being so emo the next day. you have been a funny dude, and of cos your sense of humour pales in with caroline's sarcasm. you have been the bestest friend since sec 1 and i rmb how you had been my alarm clock in sec 1 too, bcos you want me to go to sch earlier! hahas. and of cos how you sometimes waited for me to finish dance. and we will go for bubble tea and you will sit with me at the bus stop and we'll chat for as long as 3 hours? if i didn remember wrongly. and you never fails to see me up the bus even now if we are going home tgt. thanks my fab fat FREN!!  yuki : you have been a great assembly buddy for all these years, 4 years to be exact. and nice knowing you for 10 years. our hentai pose in japan, tiger and hunter had been a great bonding sessions. of cos our minnie ears at disneyland. =) you had been a nice sitting partner in sec 2 and our sing a long sessions were always so good. our sleepovers and cam-whoring session are also highly appreciated. i look forward for the 80m drop at mt fuji!! =D
 romaine, i still rmb our onion cutter in sec one and how it rusted and we were so frustrated at that time becos the product didn exactly turn out like who it was originally proposed. you had been a great leader to us in the ipw grp! seowhwee: thanks for always standing behind me during p.e, adding laughter and poking me creating some live in the tense atmosphere
 firdaus : although we were only closer towards the end of this year, your jokes had never fails to cheer the class up. i still rmb why xinlin cried cos you bullied her last year and to think back, it's kinda funny. you have been adding a great humour into lessons by turing around and making silly faces at me and wx. =0 and threatening me dun help btw.
this pic is highly amusing. xD
zhenghui : you had been a fun-loving geog mate, and it has been enjoyable geoging with you these 2 years. geog tests had came alive with your never ending jokes and consultation sessions. thanks for always waiting for me to finish my papers and for always giving the papers back to ms faridah although sometimes you still had to rush off for your violin lessons. and how our geog paper would last for 2 hours instead of the supposed 45 mins cos we were always toking and yaking away. and of cos i rmb how we were toking openly in the office in sec 3 and the phone kept ringing and i was uber irritated since it was our eoys! i still rmb how u were so ngiao over the ruffles bag and you made me run opposite 5 minutes b4 the test to get you the ruffles before you are willing to pay me back the money. i also rmb how you refuse to help me carry my stuffs during obs and how you were belaying me and you were screaming that im uber heavy for the fun of it. and of cos i will rmb how you have been tryin to help me these few weeks, be it encouraging me not to give up on my add math and throwing me papers to do like a very personal tutor. thanks for continuously motivating me not to give up on this very impt subject and reassuring me i can do it. thanks for your sour cola, Ferrero Roche and all the other sweets.
 chong: thanks for always standing by me. thanks for always helping me in times of need. you never fails to crack some cold jokes to lighten the atmosphere. i still rmb your geo society jokes and stuff like that. it has been fun sitting with you in sec 1, and thanks for all these time allowing me to poke fun of you. be it, just calling out your name and pretending you aint ard, thanks. it has been great knowing you all these years and i still rmb we went mac on the first day of sch in sec one. like when we barely even knew each other. LOLS! your sincere advices had always been a guidance to me, esp for the sec 1 leadership camp, when im in charged of running it with those 2 very irressponisble people, thanks for vetting my proposal. thanks for always being so generous to help me photocopy my entry proof! and for all the k-boxing and icekimo trips, it has always been fun with you around.
@ 8:10 PM
it's taking damm long to upload the photos. !@#$%^&*
Wednesday, October 10, 2007 @ 7:45 AM
seeing your name blinking on my cell just makes me smile. bcos i know you care
@ 7:31 AM
thinking of graduation makes me doesn even seems like 4 years, more like 4 months or perhaps 4 minutes or maybe 4 seconds. like so fast?! and it's actually four whole year?! outrageous. just as things are at it's constant acceleration and now its changing it's velocity?! urgh. i don like things changing, maybe becos there's a certain lvl of attachment. it's 28 days to EoO's. and i think 4E is a v jolly and unique in the sense unlike the other classes, we aint actually counting down to the start but the end of the exam. XD, originality.hahas. oh well, shall blogg after O's. im off to much adooing now! adieu.
Monday, October 08, 2007 @ 5:33 AM
it's very nice to know that there are people out there who actually cares. :Dhad fish n chips at botak jones. it was yummy, not exactly a fan of fish and chips but decided to have it today. i am tempted to play my ps2 now! im kinda noobshit lah! likE AFTER ALL THESE YEARS OF PLAYING DYNASTY WARRIOR 4, I KEPT KILLING LIUBEI AND THOUGHT I WON. no wonder it kept saying "game over". sheesh. found out last week from a friend that i comprehend the game wrongly. so now!!! i want to redo my mission!!! -_- and complete. def going to complete it the night after O's. hahahas.thanks for reassuring me that all these are going to be over. you are pbb the last person i thought i would hear that from. thanks for telling me how all these comes and go and how it wont matter soon after. thanks for telling me to put up, to tolerant and thanks for standing by me all these while.
Sunday, October 07, 2007 @ 2:57 AM
4 days to grad. Dx i wish time could slow down abit. oh wells. things just have to change with time. 31 days to the end of O's. rejoice. today was kinda slacky. kinda worn out from all this crap O's im facing. just have the sudden urge to just breeze through all my papers by crapping. but im not that brave, so i will try my best to pick up my books to revise these few days.craving for kirin milk tea with green tea biscuit. the perfect combo. XD!to xl, rach and wx : hpl on thurs 3.30pm and friday 9am (not that rach will actually see this)it's funny isn't it, to see some people out there trying to reach for all the materials in the world when they just cant seems to afford it. thats just random.
Saturday, October 06, 2007 @ 8:27 AM
thanks for trying to be there, trying to guide me through this mathematics mess I'm facing and reassuring me repeatedly that i can do it. it makes me feel a whole lot better and it makes me know that i can do it. thanks for all that you have done. you make me feel much stronger than before. it is because of you that i have not fall. it is because of those words that im pressing on.
@ 6:40 AM
will you listen? do you understand?did dy/dx today. was rather much an accomplishment. cos x, dy/dx=-sin x sin x, dy/dx =cos xi think i need more practice. dunman high's pp dy/dx was kinda tricky, spent about 3 hrs plus to do 20 odd question. xD today was quite slacky yet quite accomplishing too. woke up at 9.00 and redid my mock compo at about 10.15 till 11.20, it made me feel so much better. the arguementative essay was more debative in a way and the topic sentence was clearer. i forced myself to start on dy/dx, i was kind of reluctant at first but the sudden urge pricks me to do more. wanted to take a nap before having tuition with gladys but to my dismay, she was coming an hr earlier so i could only nap for about 30min. then we did rate of change, dv/dh and stuff like that. revised equation of tangent of the curve and stuff, and again i felt better. gladys left at about 4.30 and i was uber tired. was on the phone for awhile while revising lit quotes (man) and couldn take it longer and fall aslp. the next time i know, it was almost 9.00pm. woah, so dragged my feet out off bed and ate dinner. xD yummy. and its 9.53pm now. "it makes you want to cry" but yet "i want to do it"
Thursday, October 04, 2007 @ 6:45 AM
this i assure you, that, that was passe while you're the present.
Monday, October 01, 2007 @ 3:37 AM
awake and refresh school was as usual, just that mr ang went cuckoo over some brush things which is stupid and he called us childish?! -_- man, (we think that he just didn want to teach la) and then again, he was all perfectly fine during add math, but i guess he will just cont to "suan" me until i finally and hopefully pass my add math which will be damm miraculous during O's then. rahh didn do shanti's hmwk and was supposed to see her after school but apparently i forgot. ahahas. tsktsk, stml. practically copied the whole model sb ans down during hist. somehow time just pass very fast today. not very sure why... i just realised it had been 5 weeks since we took our very first prelim paper. man, it feels just like yesterday. and 5 weeks later, O's end for 4E. thats kinda too fast yeah. i barely started studying.i'm still waiting for you to text. 6.43pm