Sunday, December 30, 2007 @ 5:42 AM
whooo-hooooooo!!!!!!!!!!  i've got a new schedular for year 2008! i cant believe, it's just a day to 2008! blabs! it's time to reflect over the many many things i had done this year. may 2008 be a blessed year.  classic :D BBQ again tomorrow! went to starhub today at toa payoh! but sad, couldn change my phone unless we go to the main branch cos dad's line is coporate line. man, that means the earliest i can get my phone is tuesday! i wanna cry! i waited so long, my darn phone is super stupid now. i cant charge sometimes. hopefully we can go down on tues to plaza sing. man, bro is sick cos he ate too MUCH! which i realli doubt, i hope he is well by tmr or he wont be able to enjoy himself during the bbq! im craving for chocolate. and royce champange isnt that fantastic, still prefer their potato chips. im so puzzled on why yjc didn call me up when all my friends got a phone call from them. it's giving me the creep. boohooo. and s.e K810I is free for me, and i've decided to get that. im such a cheapo, but oh well who cares if i can get something free and durable. at least it's something new.
Friday, December 28, 2007 @ 8:22 AM
I AM BORED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@ 8:21 AM
great, changing phone. ee-hahahahas!
Thursday, December 27, 2007 @ 6:45 AM
i wish i could learn to like my dad abit more. he's an ass. what's up with me and my bro not being able to go to esplanade to watch the fireworks on the 31st????!!! he exclaims that bcos there's alot of people and for goodness sake, this aint the first time. there had been national day and i went last year and this year too!!! so what makes it different this time. and he exclaims that i didn tell him i was going out this afternoon. HELLO, i said GOOBYE to the whole house! and goodness, i went to find my mum! sheesh, my dad is --------, sometimes i wish i didn have you as my dad, you are so temperamental. it irks me. whatever it is, stop contradicting yourself. oh man, and i wasted one hr waiting for you. boohoo, pls don do it eva again, i will kill you. and pls pls pls always have $$$$$$!$ with you!!! oh well, took out my extensions cos sch's reopening. boohoo again!! then did hair treatment and then off to meet zhenghui to eat dinner. then he came out this whacky idea to watch national treasure! and guess what? only 4 rows of seats were filled!! what the hell. its like damm stupid to open such a big theatre for a few rats! urgh.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007 @ 9:09 PM
read lots and lots of forum, stated s.ek850 aint good. boohoo. and talking about going back to sch, kinda sucks. i realised theres this guy who once added me on msn, and me being kinda vulgar since i didn noe him, is currently in yjc too. omfg, and he is a ogl.
@ 8:26 PM
woke up by firdaus's sms, funny how he wished me happy boxing day. pretty nice to hear wishes from some people i have never talk to since chalet is over. it's fast how things just sweep off every second and today's the 26th already. 7 days to sch, that's kinda fast. i wish there will still be many days of holiday. suppose to go swimming today, but idk what happen. am kinda worn out by everything that had happen the days before. tomorrow will be fun, i hope.
@ 5:13 AM
 log cake, thanks michelle  stupid shot D=  mum's colleagues and their families  me and my bro, emoing (looks like im kissing my bro -_-O)  with the blink blink christmas tree  gay shits  obviously, we're suaning xinlin!!!  and this tooo  im tallerr!!!  me and chong, with the pretty lit up x'mas tree merry christmas to everyone!!! yesterday was extremely funny and cute! had bbq at my house and mum asked me to invite xinlin, zhenghui and wanxing over. (but wanxing couldn make it, D=) poor zhenghui was starting up the fire with my maid and my bro, while xinlin and i were watching iswak ep 2. oh, and i didn bully him ok, he volunteered to set up with my bro. my ma called zhenghui our extra housekeeper bcos he sat infront of the bbq pit for almost 2 hrs trying to keep the fire alive. yangjie was being extremely bhb and he somehow or rather managed to keep us from losing our rags. all of his crappings on how all the girls in the world are smitten over him. i want more need for speed (most wanted). didn get to play with zhenghui yesterday cos there were so many kids. boohoo
watched night at the museum and chuck and larry til abt 4 when my dad chased us to go to bed. my bro actually stayed up talking all night with zhenghui till 7am ok. and my bro say he is funny. too bad, xinlin and i dozed off immed once we laid on the bed at bt 4, so we didn get to hear what was going on in the next room.
woke up at 12.20pm and barged into the boys' room to see them still sleeping. and they were sharing a blanket, the scene was so gayish!! omg! we immed woke them out of bed, then on the computer and amazed that most of the tixs at almost all of the cinema except yishun gv are sold out. so no choice, we could only watch alvin and the chipmunks there. but the good thing is, we didn have to brace the heavy traffic at town. though heard from my dad there was lotsa nice things going on. ohohohoh, and to save money for snacks!!! like nacho combo!! you can actuali get the 50cents cheese from KFC, then get ritz cracker from ntuc or anywhere. then buy a bottle of drink. its only like 2.50 lah! save 4 dollars! heehees~
christmas was near perfect, just the lack of a white christmas.
and i realised my christmas tree doesn have a big golden star on the top, that's kinda incomplete..
chipmunks are like the best small creatures. they are so adorable! just like chip and dale.
Sunday, December 23, 2007 @ 7:51 AM
the delights of the angel's eyeall ready for tomorrow's christmas party, mum's frens coming over and their noisy brats. my whole refrigerator is stocked up with plentiful of food. yay! christmas party at my cousin's place on 25th. still debating if i should go over. today was rather happening. shall blog about it after christmas. thanks for the royce and the ^^, alth i don think i will ever wear it.
Saturday, December 22, 2007 @ 8:02 AM
shout out to zhenghui : happy sweet SIXTEEN!hahahs, finallyand huimin too.
Friday, December 21, 2007 @ 6:01 AM
counting with my fingers and toes, and still counting. why is the whole world going to yjc?. goodness gracious
Thursday, December 20, 2007 @ 8:40 AM
my thoart hurts like crazy. all thanks to you.the year is coming to an end soon, so fast. couldn infact believe there's still about 10 days to 2008. it's been awhile since i start thinking about something more logical. time to get down to serious business. next week is going to be real real busy. BBQ on christmas eve, christmas day, out with marharkers, with Cs (tentatively) and many more ... .... ... .. .. i wanna watch exp nuns. lol orchard is having sales again. like omg, yesterday was sale-less, and today, KABOOM it was like sales here, 50% off, 20% off, sales, yadaa daaa. it was so omg packed. i could hardly find my way through the current. but then again, bought many many stuff, not for myself thou officially broke, approx 58 bucks left in my bank. goodness. tell me, just how am i gng to survive my next week. finally and thankfully getting my new phone next week. it's between S.E k810I or Nokia N73 (me). cos dad pays more for his plan, we get special offer for these phones. im superly suprised my dad actually agreed allowing me to change my phone first. he must be in a good mood.
@ 6:56 AM
 this is total ungalm, i still can rmb the photographer asking me to pretend to look at the magician and pose a shot for him. sheesh!
Wednesday, December 19, 2007 @ 6:47 AM
im going to blog something more detailed. the posts these few days are rather one lined or very short. went swimming yesterday. fabulous! >.< i finally got myself tanned. and sun burnt too. i like my skin colour now, cos it's reddish brown. but then it hurts alot at the shoulder cos the skin is exfoliating (more like peeling). swam 10 laps too. superb happy cos the last time i swan was last december i think. i don even remember when to be exact lah. so it's a rather big achievement for me. due to me being very blind without spec, i tot the "lifeguard was real" infact it was just a figurine. so i asked papaya why the lifeguard there keep looking at us, and all i got in return was laughter and more laughter. i wanna go swimming again!! need to keep myself tanned. the choco cake frm chomp chomp garden is uber nice, alth sinful but very chocolaty. today was very fulfilling. went to dentist and got my braces checked and stuff. after which took a bus to orchard to get chirstmas pressies for some kids. wad a total embarassment for you to smack the thing down lah! hahahahas, very funny. there's this senior who actually remembers zhenghui. omg, we got a shocked. ohohohohohohoh, and finally got something for xinlin, like a very very belated bdae pressie. i finally got the gut to go in and get it lorrrrrr. it wasn easy cos we walked all the way to far east, upon seeing tons of people near the shop, we walked all the way to cathay, hopinh there wouldn be any customers! lol, and heaven's on my side. hahahahs, it was so omg. i think xinlin is going to either smack me or idk, hit me or smth. but yeah, hey chong, i think i dedicated my first buying such stuff to you. and oh ya, john lil is having a 20% disc storewide. so we can go and get ur stuff there. finally collected my gv card. oh and i made myself so embarrassed in the toliet. i didn noe the taps were auto, and i kept swerving the handle wad i initially tot was a handle so the water will flow out, and i went to all the sinks. and idk why people were staring. so suddenly at one of the basin, water flow out so i just washed my hands. then when i went out, i told zhenghui 'eh, u noe the toliet sink all spoil lor, no water flow out when i swerve the handle around. then he started laughing and told me the handle is for soap and the tap is auto. omg!!! so blurr can?! oh man, and so many other dumb ass stuff happened that i cant believe wad i have done nor said. just omg! alexandra village hawker centre claypot laksa is love. even their sugar cane with lemon rocks. i wont mind travelling all the way there for good food, but then again, i don have the time. school's starting in a wk time, it's kinda hard to believe. am gng to catch up with all the taiwan drama i have not watched since 9877656453 yrs ago. need to catch up with the neglected parts of my life tmr. going out with xinlin on friday, supposed to be tmr, but then im very broke now. =O
Tuesday, December 18, 2007 @ 7:30 AM
went shopping yesterday. bought a dress, 2 tops, a short, a skirt and a bag. xD spent only $73 leh, so cheap.
@ 6:47 AM
dad: im going for your parents teacher session me: don be so annoying lah (eye fixed on the comp while dad fidget with the letter) dad: im gng to share the joy with you, anw, your sch v kiasu, not confirm gng yjc why they want me pay 30 bucks?!!! my dad is superly annoying. sheesh!
@ 5:45 AM
im feeling broke. offset christmas present.
Sunday, December 16, 2007 @ 12:10 AM
You Have A Type A- Personality |  You are one of the most balanced people around Motivated and focused, you are good at getting what you want You rule at success, but success doesn't rule you.
When it's playtime, you really know how to kick back Whether it's hanging out with friends or doing something you love! You live life to the fullest - incorporating the best of both worlds |
Saturday, December 15, 2007 @ 11:50 PM
How You Are In Love |  You fall in love quickly and easily. And very often.
In relationships, you tend to be a bit selfish.
You tend to get very attached when you're with someone. You want to see your love all the time.
You're secretly hoping your partner will change for you.
You are fickle and tend to fall out of love easily. You bounce from romance to romance. |
@ 11:34 PM
You Are a Carousel | You are young at heart and a truly playful person. No one would ever accuse you of taking life too seriously.You are definitely in things for the fun. You find joy easily, and you are often building up anticipation for your next adventure.In relationships, you tend to want to be babied and taken care of.And while you may be a bit high maintenance, you are incredibly loyal. Your life is simple and satisfying. Each day you treat yourself to something you enjoy.You have a lot of emotional attachments, and experiences are extra vivid to you.You tend to be nostalgic and sentimental. The past is important to you.Comfortable around all living things, you have a special connection to animals and children. At your best, you are whimsical, free spirited, and creative.Even if your schemes seem a bit strange, they usually work out wonderfully.At your worst, you are spoiled, demanding, and impossible to satisfy.You've been known to act like a brat if you aren't getting your way! |
@ 10:29 AM
i cant get you on your cell, so i called your hse, unexpectedly you are not home. so just, where are you?
@ 1:15 AM
Monday, December 10, 2007 @ 11:34 PM
my mum has been spying. this is so bad. i just woke up at 3pm, there's just nothing that's going on today to add some spice in my life. town is getting very boring. if you don't have the money, you can do nothing. the standard of living is simply getting much hard to cope with. collected my photos (grad and prom and china) yesterday. finally did some washing out at the photoshop. came home, trying hard to find an album to fit all of my photos, to find that my JEP photos were not even placed in an album. need to buy photo albums badly. my dad was browsing through the photos and he couldn regconize xinlin and asked who is that. he said xinlin looked so wild. dad also said zhihui looks like a uncle and asked if firdaus talks alot. hahahas and he commented on some other people which i cant really remember anymore. i hope there's really work tomorrow.
Saturday, December 08, 2007 @ 9:16 PM
my bro just jio me to his chalet tmr for like i expected to buy alcoholic drinks for them not that i can, but since i do look 18 so yeah whatever. since there's free flow of bbq food and i don have to pay a cent i shall consider going if i am free. and my bro even jio him to go. so yeah, they must be desperately in need of people to buy drinks for them to ask us. wadthehell! and my bro even said they need security protection incase they get drunk, i can send them home. oh my. this is super funny.
@ 8:38 PM
i know you will be fine.
@ 8:21 PM
idk why but i dreamt of clown. it was sweet yet inexistant between us.still raining. i dont think i would want to get out of my house. suppose to go down for job briefing today, but guess i will just give this a miss since i wont be free on thurs. anyone that needs a job for a day. head down to far east shopping centre today (2-5pm) (9 dec for interview and briefing) 15-02/o4 (next to liat tower) bring along a photocopy of your passport as job will be held in terminal 3 JOBSCOPE -survey and act as passenger only -13 dec -2.5 to 3.5 hours
@ 8:16 PM
today isn anything spectacular to start off. been raining since i woke up and hindering my mood to get out of the house. just remember, cio ppl are leaving for hk on the 10th, and so is nicole who is leaving tmr. urgh, my very sad life in having to rot here without a job till next friday. so whatever, i worked as a promoter for votes on thursday. got into this super unhappy conflict with one of the staff. supreme flooring aint a really trustable company. i wonder how this company got singapore's prestige award when they are so indecent. liars. but whatever as long as i got my pay on that day and i quitted, i dont care. thats the webby of their company. shant elaborate on this. what a waste of my time.
Friday, December 07, 2007 @ 8:42 AM
im so sorry if i made you feel this way. i will do anything to make it up.
@ 7:52 AM
there is something fishy going around
@ 7:40 AM
this is like superb annoying. i dont really understand why there are people who do not even know who am i, nvr seen me in real life that is before and is very interested in reading about my life. i never knew my life is so happening that people are refering back to my blog every so often to read up on my daily happenings as if there's nothing better in their life to do. please, do get a life! all your comments to him probably wont even matter at all. it's not as if i give a damm or he give a shit about what you people think. FOR GOODNESS GRACIOUS, it's passe and we're just friends. whether my photos may be un-glam, or i may not be pretty or whatsoever, it's really none of you guys business. so, buzz off. thanks, i dont need additional popularity from strangers.
Tuesday, December 04, 2007 @ 4:37 AM
 i saw gays today.. hahas, in the train. no lah it's zheng hui n huzzy
Monday, December 03, 2007 @ 11:18 PM
urgh, you are so mean
Saturday, December 01, 2007 @ 9:44 PM
finally, uploaded some photos. this thing is taking some damm long. i took bt 3 hrs already. blah!  huiwen :)   tacole nini!!! xD   doreen (=  our principal, mrs lim  huimin xD  xinlin and zhihui before we change!  4Endeavour  yuki, rach, xinlin  comparing heights  tzuling  hanny =D  romaine xD  yuki (*o*)  huiwen, qiying and huimin!  mayshan  sec 4 dancers  RACH!  wth our make-up! back to singapore. i realised i forgot many gifts for many people cos i always tot i only have that few cousins. luckily, my mama bought lotsa gifts knowing i will forget some! lols.
heard that singapore was flooded a few days ago, well, yunnan has been freezing cold.
came back and realised so many things had changed. thou it's just mere 8 days, feelings had die hard for some, yet for some, feelings grew deeper. am not talking about myself, but the people ard me. it's just a few days that i did not contact them, but the things they are telling me are so much different already.
my torture at home is like a prisoner in his cell. i don't know how long i can take this. my parents are killing me softly.