Wednesday, January 30, 2008 @ 8:19 AM
i want to give this up. and i will, one day
Tuesday, January 29, 2008 @ 5:43 AM
this is so terrible and i wish more people from 4E will crash ny cos the people are friggin quiet, maybe cos its the first day i crashed there and idk it makes me feel like im not cut for jc life bcos the lectures are so big that u can hardly see the teacher at all, infact you don see them neither do the teachers bother whether you listen to their tutorials or lecture at all and its so not for me, then whats for me. i feel as though i've made the wrong choice of my life. and now with the additional facts that all people around the world (abit exaggerated) are telling me that A's are friggin hard, im defo crushed! and if i don go into ny, yj isn my next opportunity course either.
Sunday, January 27, 2008 @ 7:08 AM
im blogging again. O's results were out, cried cos idk why, and got over. PRAISE the LORD for everything anw since i didn bother to study much. frustrated with the choices of school i have to put, but then again, we all got over. hopefully to get in NYJC if not i will prolly end up at CJC.oh well, i have a few friends who did awesomely well. a six pointer in zhss, another got 7 at plmgs and another got 7 too. oh man. inferior man. both the 7 pointers are heading to rjc and the six pointer staying in njc all going for science stream. well, if only.. i've considered poly route, but then again idk. this hurts. cos if i don get my degree, im gng to be sent overseas. and although i would love to, some things are just holding me back. im just thinking too far. i've got my 3G card. so im able to video card now! wheee. >.< and it's 28th tmr. another month gone. aunt rainie got 2 tickets to the olympic game in beijing. cool. she won it in a lucky draw. and plus she have got herself a bonus in pay to be able to go australia this year and sarah got 7 for O's, and serene got into a good sch thou appealed in with a v low t-score, Praise the Lord for this. HAHA, sam and i was saying that something went wrong at cambridge and it was bloody hilarious. omgomgomgomgomg. cant wait to finish As! in 2 years! srsly and karin retained. serve her right for every damm thing.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008 @ 4:39 AM
OMG! i dreamt of results ytd night, i swear i could cry. it was pretty scary to know that you have a raw score for 18, for l1r5 and a 6 for your A math, it just makes you so f up.totally waiting for time to pass by. i don wanna go to sch tmr, the fact that i have only one day of perfect freedom left makes me wanna grab hold of time even tighter. drew out a what-seems-like-a-perfect-plan, <13,>13, YJC, and if anything more than 20, good luck to me, idk where i wanna go. OH, AND MY DOGGY ADVENTURE ON SUNDAY! there's this cute silky terrier that followed my bro home on sunday morn when he was going for some concert. so we decided to keep it. and we brought it to the vet near our house, and we did some paper work. the next thing we knew, the owner gave us a call, looking for her pup. sad. Dx but then again, im going to get a puppy soon. real soon. >.<
Saturday, January 19, 2008 @ 10:05 AM
You're still a part of everything I do, you're on my heart just like a tattoo.
Friday, January 18, 2008 @ 6:39 AM

  stupid unsolved rubix cube! this post is specially for you. for pictures speak a thousand words. for all the good times, bad times and just times, thank you. there may be times that i caused you to worry about my whereabts, but thanks for waiting ever so patiently. there may be times when i flared, but then again, you have always been so patient. for all the very disgusting things i have done, you have bear with it, learnt some from me and create more with me. our public display of torturements may have disgusted many friends of ours espiecially today, but im quite sure, we did enjoy those sane times. you have allowed me to be just myself when im with you, for that, a big thank you. ♥
@ 5:36 AM
 PLS INSPECT THE ABOVE FOR INFORMATION FOR THE RELEASE OF O's!  while waiting for rachel! stupid cole trying too cut in from the middle.  clockwise from green benko, rach, zh, wx, me and chong!  O"S RESULT IN EXACT ONE WEEK!!  sadd life! as i was waiting for sleepy pineapple to reach home, i tested out my phone camera. the self timer was abit too long and i couldn find a way to adjust it, the rest was not bad. was trying to take some photos of myself and ended up spending about 45 min. HAHAHAHA!
im going UBIN tmr! but we cant skinnny dip! duh-er. it's going to be another tortureous day, i swear this is true timetable for next week is hell! it's lessons after lessons without break. kill me. and im gng out on sunday!! wheee-heeeee. definately going to buy everything for cny before next friday. the results will definitely spoil my mood.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008 @ 5:42 AM
i don want to grow up.
@ 5:40 AM
some people just don't click along i guess
Tuesday, January 15, 2008 @ 4:25 AM
i will make myself forget you.went suki sushi yesterday!! bwahahahaha! it was damm filling. and i want a psp so so much! i want the red or lavender one. it's nice! but, since i don have the money, then forget it, i guess. unless cai sheng ye comes to my doorstep on CNY! school was tideous today! 5 hrs without break, seriously, drop dead!
Sunday, January 13, 2008 @ 8:17 AM
with every second that passes, i know the time is near. xinlin commented that it was artistic. but deep down only she knows. im ponning school again tmr. going suki sushi! oh man, im kinda broke. anw, i got my M2 card 2gb at carefour yesterday! it was omg, cheap! at least i think so. i bought the brand, sandisk, at only 58 bucks. please comment, i donno if i got cheated or anything. but since my friends said that it was cheap, so i just got it. haha, being as kiasi as ever, i went to ask a few retailer and they were selling at sky high price from a range of 68-78?! so i guess i did bought it at a lower rate. i think this pic is cute.  as usual, my class have more girls than guys. we had, 10 girls and 6 guys in OG 9, and now at P13, i think we have 10 guys and 17 girls?! and then look at my class population throughout my 4 yrs in mayflower, i think im so fated to just get dump into a less guy more girl class. not that it really ever matter! haha, since i was all along in the lang cls. and i think may have more females leh, look at pheonix house. -_- i went sp ytd! and i ate 2 ice cream, was free! and a bottle of fruit juice! free too. i don think i want to go to a poly after going to the open house. and i hate techno and any kind of loud music, it makes me upset and crazy! and i cant wait to go shopping soon!! yay, girl's day out. finally, soon!! o's result in a week time. tentative 25th jan! guys, enjoy your last one week plus of fun and laughter. cos when result is out, i cant assure there would be much laughter, but cries of much sorrow.
@ 8:00 AM
i saw this from jiayi blog, where she got this from huiwen's blog. after taking the quiz, which is somewhat true only to a certain extent. Your view on yourself:Other people find you very interesting, but you are really hiding your true self. Your friends love you because you are a good listener. (not true, i talk more than i listen to others) They'll probably still love you if you learn to be yourself with them. (i am myself with my friends, definitely.) The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:You are not looking merely for a girl/boyfriend - you are looking for your life partner. Perhaps you should be more open-minded about who you spend time with. The person you are looking for might hide their charm under their exterior. Your readiness to commit to a relationship:You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person. The seriousness of your love:You like to flirt and behave seductively. (i do?!!) The opposite sex finds this very attractive, and that's why you'll always have admirers hanging off your arms. But how serious are you about choosing someone to be in a relationship with? Your views on education:Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can. The right job for you:You have many goals and want to achieve as much as you can. The jobs you enjoy are those that let you burn off your considerable excess energy. How do you view success:You are afraid of failure and scared to have a go at the career you would like to have in case you don't succeed. Don't give up when you haven't yet even started! Be courageous. What are you most afraid of:You are afraid of things that you cannot control. Sometimes you show your anger to cover up how you feel. Who is your true self:You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.
Saturday, January 12, 2008 @ 7:47 AM
 stupid huzaini made me sat with han hui after he told us to change positions!  kaiyong acting omg? weird. well the first row consist of my dear OGLS! and kiayong calls me "as clear as crystal" always and never fails. and that reminds me of nic's OGL who calls me cole slaw. wth? how can crystal sounds like cole slaw to him? huzaini is funny as well, the one who sit besides kaiyong on the left. and he was my angel! and his msg was always so long. but then i only wrote one sentence every msg to my mortal Jason, Take care and have a nice day! damm -_- , to think of it. too ann looks like one of my friend, Daryl. i thought he was his bro or smth and rach mentioned he've got a common face too. Irene is the only female OGL, and she's pretty caring, and wonderfully nice. and qijian, who we laugh at being han hui long lost brother, is pretty quiet thou. i think they do look alike actually. lol.  OG 09, haha, we stayed till 7.45 to take group photo. anw the guy beside me is talented. in some way! he is in youth flying club, and i think he plays the violin. and he is damm enthu and nevertheless funny. haha, then focus on the guy behind me (the fatter one). he is know as subj advisory student. and he is kinda anti-social. and he asked about everyting about the college subj combi and all information. and i heard he is planning to drop CSC! funny man. but okay la, i shall not be mean!!! then camillus (the one bhind me) is know for his titanic intimating scene with zhi hua, i must upload the scene one day! it's hell bloodyfull hilarious! oh well, enough of the guys. OG 9 girls are nice too. and wendy, jessica and jiahui got selected as MISS SUNSHINE! but nurlizah won, which is kinda good too. glory to mfss. haha. not exactly something worthy to be proud of. the girls are rather chatty and super high! that explains why we kinda bonded very fast. as said, all good things come to an end. i shall move on, hopefully to see more fun in p13, thou v unlikely. hahas!
Friday, January 11, 2008 @ 6:25 AM
and you are my is terribly boring. im planning to skip school, yes, again on monday, because i have a freaking 5.5 hr break and sch only ends at 4.10. it's superly stupid. and beside paying for the orientation package of 30 bucks so far, we have to pay 40 bucks for what cvd! something value day! it's kinda asshole. i mean it's just PAE! i cant imagine how much more i have to pay if i stay in this school. so people pls buy coupons from me and attend this cvd. i cant promise this will turn up good. but do support us, the poor souls who PAEd there. and someone solved a 5x5 rubix cube today! omg! she so PRO-ed. and she have 2x2, 3x3, 4x4, 5x5. like omg! that's damm genius and she wants to buy the 6x6 which is coming out in the later part of the year! omfg! she's awesome. and apparently shilin was kinda happy cos she managed to solve a side of the 5x5 as well. but yeah anw, i still cant take the idea that o's result is coming out in approx 2 weeks time, i feeling scared. yet excited but worry at the same time.
Thursday, January 10, 2008 @ 5:24 AM
ponned school today! cos there was P.e and i hate running and hate to look at the fact that i've put on wg and not grow any taller hurts. hahaa. went back to mayflower and many things have changed. the canteen is more vibrant in terms of the pricing poster. and i ate YONG TAU FU, much misses for it. xD. that's just random. and tiang was just as hyper for idk wad reason. but anw, i returned my dance costume. and we chatted with JIMMY ANG! lol. as usual he was -_-"". canteen food have more varities now. like crispy noodles, laksa and idk what nata de coco thing at the drink stall. so wth, i didn get to experience that! but oh well, if the world is fair, the earth will be square. so nvm. all of a sudden, i miss potato koroke! and the toliet have the sign NOW.. seriously, the school is just spending unnessecary amt of money to beautify the school. oh, and i saw nic's evil stepmum. wth, of all people. and i collect eagles today! 150 bucks extra in my wallet. greatnesss. time to shop and have ultimate fun with the money. and don't tell me i have to save that for future studies.
Wednesday, January 09, 2008 @ 5:44 AM
 during geog lecture. it's uber boring. cos it's almost exactly the same as marriane chong txtbk, not to mention, we are learning plate tectonics as our first chap!  me and stupid zh, idk wad we were doing.  during jam and hop!.  during geog lecture, candid shot by xinlin. i look weird, but i think it's kinda cute! haha, bhb OG split to Pae classes alr. im in P13, basically i'm in the rojak class. cos YJ have the flexi subj thing, so you can take any subj combi u like. you just choose whatever you want to take. so i'm in the v weird rojak class. same class as zhenghui (since we chose the same thing, not suprising then) and xinlin (which is damm fated, cos she's the only one who took H1 LIT in class!)! heee. was talking myself mad again! and we sang "jenny" during econs lecture, i know it's passe and rach was sitting beside xinlin and she gave us the deh look. haha. it just reminds us of the times before prelims! anyway, present to you, OG photos. 90% of it are still with OGL and other friends, so will upload maybe next week.  jessica (from MCS), pearlyn the girls  me and pearlyn xDD  me and wendy! =D  wendy :DD  jia wei =D  OG09, best OG! edwin the pirate!
 this is blurrrred!
Tuesday, January 08, 2008 @ 6:01 AM
five days of fun and laugher (orientation) is over. will be the start of lessons tmr. D= still don't know which class we are in yet. but hopefully and most likely, me zheng hui and my dearest xl will be in the same class. wheee heeee. i hope so. let's not pin my hopes up too high! ohh, OG 09 come in FIRST for best OG group, with a total of 26000+++ points. oh ya, and i fall down today!! on the road, and my wallet is ruin. ah, sorry, but thanks to it, it saved many scratches from my princessy face (just being bhb). i fell face flat OKAY! it's totally embarassing, considering i was wearing fbt so the scratches were terrible. open wounds sucks. it hurts so much it makes me wanna cry! and we danced the couple dance today AGAIN. and me being a very very very nice person, decided not to dance with my OLD gay advisory panel partner but partner zheng hui! it's funny to see him dance, eh, but not bad leh. he could rmb the steps, unlike me. boo hoo. and he kept saying i sucks after the 2 dance, so bad right. at least hor, i partner other guys they will still give me face, say i dance v well.we took super lotsa of OG photos today. xDD so sweet. and we only went back at 745, i suppose we were the lastest OG to leave school, but i like this orientation. apparently it's fun. unlike other schools, they end orientation like at 1?! so -__-, and i think PAE is impt, the stupid moe should not cancel it out. what a waste. totally dreading lectures. but anw, ciao!
Monday, January 07, 2008 @ 5:04 AM
it's not nice coming home at 7 almost everyday. it's just so so tiring and stressful. and i miss sec 4 life, cos now it seems tougher and i haven seems to grow any mature to take up such challenge. so much for completing o's. heehee. i miss how this period of time last year when we were doing syf practices, just finish cca exhibition and just beginning the start of the end. it's nice to think back and i wish we could start that phrase all over again. not exactly the fact to take o's again, but to mix around with the people you used to hang out with just feels good. just, there's still sentimental attachment. planning to head back to mayflower on one of these days to get my eagles and of course check out on the new air-con, i sound so cheapo, but they really cheat my money! there's amazing race tmr, around yishun that is. not smth to rejoice about, but tmr will be sad, cos it's the last day of orientation. i think i will miss my old friends, esp those from my pri school! lol, weird to see them, esp after 4 years! oh and the sch sucks, cos they throw me in dance although i tried to escape! man, grabbers. hais, sad to know that many of my friends have already earn their first one thousand dollars during the holiday! and yet look what im going to do! MUGG!!! stupid! wendy reminds me so much of my pri. sch friends. and i kinda think of them when i see my ex-schoolmates nowdays.seriously in need of a shower now. ciao.
Sunday, January 06, 2008 @ 7:04 AM
my oh my, it's going to be monday again tmr. did nothing during the weekend, just spent my time rotting away and regaining strength for school i miss ballet, but then again, i didn felt like going back. oh rite, i burst my phone bill by 10 bucks. too much outgoing calls. D= and oh ya, i got my phone on new year. so im kinda happy, no more old silly stupid charger. still not use to the fuctions and applications. it's kinda complicated. oh yeah, and i am trying to complete the stupid rubix cube, always screw up the last step. my bro is good man. he says tt mayflower kids are kinda hook up to tt thing. well, actually not just mayflower la, but apparently saw some people doing it in my school too. and my bro had been talking non stop about the stupid air-con. i feel so cheated anw. sample lecture tomorrow. =D and i'm planning to go for sp open hse on sat, wanxing are u interested? haven heard from you for like 4 days already!!! haha anw, just realised poly publicizes alot more than the jcs. oh wells, i better turn in so i will be fresh tomorrow. You gave me wings and made me fly You touched my hand I could touch the sky I lost my faith, you gave it back to me You said no star was out of reach You stood by me and I stood tall I had your love I had it all I'm grateful for each day you gave me Maybe I don't know that much But I know this much is true I was blessed because I was loved by you
Saturday, January 05, 2008 @ 8:14 AM
3 days of orientation is finally over. very very tired. i feel as thou my bones are breaking v soon. orientation was not bad actually, not tt there wasn any bad times, but overall the activities were good enuf to at least keep me occupied. esp, just sitting next to tacole makes things work out even better. my ogls are pretty nice people, except for this particular ogl who never fails to be so bhb, like me! hahahas, he's kinda funny too, actually. met a couple of familiar faces, what a small world afterall. chose subj combi and i kinda think i made a very wrong choice. but i just have to live with it for 2 mths at least, i guess. i cant change it anm. sometimes, all we need is abit more time. sorry for everything, it's just me
Thursday, January 03, 2008 @ 6:39 AM
this insecurity thing is piling up. not sure why, don't want to know anymore. it's just me, i is tiring, and im beginning to feel the stress. but i think some parts of the orientation are crappish, like the college song.