Thursday, February 28, 2008 @ 4:25 AM
you guys are the reason i fight on so much. but i know, my will is giving up very slowly. it's like fighting for smth that will never be mine. but i will persist, cos i know this choice that i'd made and if succeed will be my long term happiness. please, just release me. i know God will bring me through this.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008 @ 4:55 AM
im feeling really sad now. and im going down yet again tomorrow. i cant believe there's actually no more vacancies.
Sunday, February 24, 2008 @ 7:58 AM
it will be monday in a few hours and of cos! appeal results will be out soon, either tomorrow afternoon or tuesday. and im praying real hard. i watched KUNG FU DUNK TODAY with zhenghui! it was not bad, was kinda reluctant to watch at first bcos it was starring JAY CHOU! but then after much persuation, i decided to give it a try. HAHA, sneaked salmon sushi in! i like salmon sushi lots. and i had mossy! after such a long time. and i had nyny ytd nite, ps my IG for my dearest and it does not seems like it was appreciated! we both had rib and it was a ripoff cos there was hardly any meat ok! brrr, 42 ++ was gone just like that. must try the chicken one day, saw loads of people eating it. yesterday was also last day of orientation. finale nite was the best time i have in CJ so far. basically cos i got to slack, except the cheering part where i couldn, and it wasn an activity where u could get dirty and wet. =DDD and i must say, the mass dance is much better than some other schools, really. my fairytale ending, short but sweet.
Friday, February 22, 2008 @ 3:25 AM
   these are the new pretty close friends that i have made in CJC. we went to ECP today and the activities in CJ are either too close for comfort or super wet. but yeah, i like the tyre game at the beach. we felt so dumb in the bus cos alth we went to ECP we didn even took a single picture, cos our phones were with the facils. there's orientation again tmr, and yupp, its saturday and im gonna get all wet and dirty. shower time. and hahaha, someone feels the same way as me too! anw, i still pin very high hopes of going NY. and although new friends are found, the old friends are the one that i guess i will never let go cos i feel part of my soul is gone!!!! so i die die die also must try my best to transfer to NY! anw, it was a damm wasted trip to NY, cos i didn managed to see anyone. and all they tell me is to wait for appeal result. oh my, if i can wait, im not chiat! and im pretty anxious. and i still don understand why do some people in NY waiting for transfer to CJ. they can just kill themselves. and i had ice cream with CHENG, CHONG, LEE ytd, and i still miss them like hell loads today. "i rather believe there's a God and to die to find that there isnt one than to believe there's no God and die to find there is"
Wednesday, February 20, 2008 @ 5:12 AM
i feel very devastated. im in cjc now. i don even know if i like it in Cj, im trying all ways to appeal out and it is affecting me so much, i cant sleep nor talk nor eat properly. it may seems abit extreme but it's kinda like marymount all over again and except this is a tougher stage in life and im not prepare to be stuck in Cj for the rest of my next yr and half. and anw, there are people are NY trying to appeal back to Cj cos they think Ny is abit boring and Cj more fun and wild. yeah, i mean why come back if you already put NY as your first choice and deprieved others?! But hey, i don mind, it means i stand an extra chance of getting in. oh well. i am putting lots of faith in him, i know he will guid me through, i am just unsure how. anw, Brother paul (Cj principal) mentioned that there are almost 350 over people appealing and thats yesterday. and today there were more people streaming into the school. and many of which have 10, 11, 12, 13. omg. and the fact Ny only takes in 110 arts student this year is so annoying. i am starting to feel the distance between us. this worrying path i am going through, im giving up very slowly.
Saturday, February 16, 2008 @ 9:48 AM
zhenghui came over and helped me to train my furball. she's so fragile and vulnerable!!! and the annoying thing is my furball doesn shake hand with me when i say HAND HAND, but he snuggles up to zhenghui everytime. OH MAN, my furball is going to disacknowledge me very soon. i have a threatening ownership. yeah and i got to drink my strawberry milkshake finally, thanks alot huh? and u didn get me my salmon sushi! bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but you ate 12 yourself! EVEN WORSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! no prata, no wedges, no hotdog!! AND NO SUSHIat all!!! ONLY pathetic BBT! and you still dare to stay for dinner!! wah, thick skin leh!! and ate my spicy soup with my he pio!! UNFAIR!!! i demand MORE FOOD THE NEXT TIME! haha, and we actually eavesdropped my bro's conversation with ahem ahem. >.<>.<
@ 9:02 AM
my very first day with my mummy crystal and her family 
the day of pacting finally came! i went home with mummy crystal and daddy yangjie. my grandma think im a smelly furkid (i just bathed ytd, i admit i stink okay but i cant bathe till tues!) grandma intro me to my grandpa, mama and daddy, but she told me not to call her grandma. =.= so =X! but anw, i feel devastated cos i had to leave my sis and my home breeder. i cried so badly and hugged my sis tight before i left the pet shop. see from the pic, i look so sad ok! mummy wanted to buy my sis last week instead of me, but i think my sis didn like her cos a while ltr i was brought out to be carried by my mummy. and they decided to settle for me instead of my sis and the pomeranian! x) so i went for vacination and im rdy to go home with them today!
my mummy named me fluffy! cute rite. =) anw im will be lock up in jail for at least a mth! my home breeder told my mummy to lock me up so i would do my monkey business all here. im sleeping here too until im toliet trained which will take me forever cos i pee on my mummy in the car and i shit on her too. i was nervous lah!, dun laugh okay! >.< 
and this is me again, my mummy keeps taking photos of me. anw, im going to be sterialize soon, cos my grandpa say that if i come my period, all the other dogs in my estate will bark. not forgetting there's two dogs just right behind my house, and i don wan to get pregnant! i shit like 5 times today and pee like 8 times, and mum was so angry becos she had to change my newspp every hr. 
ahahahaha, and this is my mummy's love. he looks super retarded here but i like him more actually because he trains me better and he lets me bite him. >.<>.< i still donno how to sit and stay and lie still thou, i hope to learn it real soon. 
and see the way he treats me. =D i feel loved. awwww. and i know how to listen to the commands, "go in" to the jail, "climb up" the stairs and "come out" of jail alr. but im afraid to go down the stairs cos im scared of height. im only 10 weeks old. but i feel mentally and physically challenged, and i like! haha, im a smart furkid! and my milk teeth will drop before 6 mths, whoo, no wonder i keep chewing stuff! my grandpa gave me a rubber car and i chewed it so badly the tyre seems to be falling off. anw THAT's all folks, check me out tomorrow, if i rmb to update! >.<
@ 7:45 AM
i named my dog fluffy at the end. oh well, she's doing great really. trained her today and she's sweet in a way. was browsing through friendster just now, unknowingly found my way to kass, and how much he had not changed scares me. same profile since 98765432 ages ago and that same devastating few lines. i wonder how he is now. it's not that we never talked for a long time, but that closeness just disappeared somehow.and i think i need a long break from this summer.
Friday, February 15, 2008 @ 5:17 AM
i've finally decided to do a proper update but let the pictures do the talking. tomorrow is sat, and i cant wait. =X, pretty excited cos my white schnauzer is finally coming over. it's 10 weeks old. and im going to name her CHUB CHUB! idk? haha, will think hard about it. i reckon the fatest way to earn money is to sell flowers on valentine day. hahaha! went out with zhenghui ytd. and i finally watched ah long pte ltd, to me it was kinda funny, but idk why the critic rated it 1/2 stars, that bad meh? ohoh, and the new ferris wheel is like finally open. that reminds me 8 mths had just flew passed. this reminds me, mum have 2 tickets to the ferris wheel and she's not bringing me along. =.= and i suddenly rmb the geog ppl went on an excursion to the sg river in june07, then we went to the roof terrence at esplanade, and the ferris wheel was only built halfway then. memories memories. =X i think i had watched all production by jack neo! oh and i saw melissa at shaw hse! >.< oh may, she was carrying a LV bag and wearing a coat, looked like a super rich tai tai. and i saw jasmine today at suntec! sweet. nice to know they still rmb me. anw then had carl's jr for dinner because we didn want to brace the very long queues and we were famished. it was hahahahahaha, funny. it was so dark there and they only had 2 tealight candles at each table, not very useful at all, could hardly see anything. not long after, carl's jr was freaking packed as well. sheesh and i almost killed zhenghui cos i added too much sugar syrup into the iced tea. we drank 3 large jug of iced tea, diabetes soon! and we went to the dedication corner after dinner and he typed in a msg (not for the unsweet heart like me) and the song, way back into love, lol, totally embarassing (i don want a sweet heart attack) and i didn want to hear the awkward dedication as well, we went off to esplanade cos i wanted to eat my smelly tofu. but didn get to, cos the place was abit off, off we went to the roof terrence to view the cranes and bulldozer over at the other side! LOL. and i tot i saw many people ytd. x= after which bused home and reached home almost 1110, as usual mum freaked hahahahahahaha cos i didn call to say i'll return home late. funny mamama. and joanne said she saw me ytd, but i didn see her at all. the traffic was prolly too heavy. >.< went out with cheng and chong today! CA, cheng! and i saw joanne today with kong and nurul. at suntec too. >.< and im thinking if i shld buy my lady bug bag, like it alot! love at first sight! but so exp, and i cant bring it to sch cos the shoulder handle is too tiny for my big arms. LOL! suppose to buy new pencil case too, but didn see anything nice. 
been having donuts recently. just bought the one today. still think donut fac better. but have green tea, and i like everything matcha. i must try MUNCHY donuts one day! 
and bowling. bowled like thrice this jan and feb. im improving my skill. with the highest record of over 100! im happy. i don think the five of us can bowl anytime soon cos of the hectic sch life we will be facing soon in just a bit. and i hate yuki yaki. it tasted so so so horrible. 
we happened to give the same xpression! funny. oh, and curtain call, stupid fringe, it sticks tgt when i sweat. luckily im not the only one that experiences that, wendy too. nvr see her for a long time. 
teeth baring! i don look like this anymore. have my china doll fringe now.
hee, wanxing, don't kill me. i think u look cute here, angel in disguise with ultra white wings.
salt and pepper schnuazer on leash!. <3333>
from love btw, me being very retard. idk why, but i hate looking at camera with the toot fringe!

trying to be artistic with my camera.  bowling, wx had to go off first. >.< and this reminds me i hadn seen rachel for one week more more alr.  i got the highest for this round. and another one, i broke the 100 record. LOL!  cvd day! xl with the flowers.!. that cost, so so so expensive.  at the bowling alley!  cvd too, miss my long fringe. will take years to grow back. anw, cvd was also my last day at YJ. =D! and thanks mdm ang for being so understanding and didn terminate my student privilleges. =D!, lol.
Thursday, February 14, 2008 @ 9:50 AM
my screen keeps jumping, i have no reason why, i think i will bring my comp to the doctor soon. hahaha. anw, i think the everyday nagging from my mum to take care of the babe that is coming over to my hse on sat, im beginning to fall in love very deeply with the schnuazer. and i cant have potluck on sunday peeps, cos my ma say that the dog needs to get use to her new surronding so need a few days to settle down. i think i need to be update properly soon, before i forget all the events that happened because i really have stml. all my recent posts had been like just a few liners. IMMA going to shop for new bag and pencil case tmr, hope my mamamama gives me money! im totally broke. my recent extravagent lifestyle is digging my pocket a bigger hole each day. i think im only left with 200 or so. pathetically lil. =.= anw, HAPPY BELATED VALENTINE DAY to everyone out there. received a few msg from long long lost friends. sweet. <3 i thought i would lose contact with them forever. i think i'm going to update more tomorrow, with pictures uploaded from my phone! LOL!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008 @ 6:54 AM
I SWEAR, this is the most gruesome thing, its worst than all the SAW, HOSTEL movies i have watch. WHOEVER BUYS fur product, YOU SUCK! go watch the video. SAVE ANIMAL, save urself
@ 6:12 AM
this week will be a very very busy week. anw, i've got a white mini schuanzer! bought it last sat at ethans pet resort. =D! alth is not akc regconized (nvr knew) but i guess its okay. and mini schuanzer was a cross breed once too. my woof woof, going to name her fluffy. will be rdy for collection coming sat. tmr will be dentist day again! =DDDD loves.
Wednesday, February 06, 2008 @ 8:19 AM
you don understand, do you? will showing abit more concern kill? i hate the way im being treated.'s a the year of a RAT! heehee. xDD
Monday, February 04, 2008 @ 6:47 AM
this feeling is coming back yet again. saw a couple of people today at fep/orchard. lots of people who i never seen for ages. haha, not alot, but 3 in abt 2 hr plus is alot to me already. and i dreamt of smth weird ystd, which i know will never ever happen. geex i want the red psp and a dog. but then i think i will kill the dog instead of bringing it up. so yeah, i noe... i cant wait for cny, not that i really want to visit my relatives. but the nice feeling of having more money makes me feel excited. and i cant wait to go back to mfss again on wednesday. for the very nice reason to see my brother, and joel. and TIANG TOO!. see i nvr forget you ok!
Saturday, February 02, 2008 @ 10:15 AM
more people should use 3G!!! hahaha then i can vid call people. actually more ppl should have 3G card not the phone.
Friday, February 01, 2008 @ 9:38 AM
i wanna bowl again!!!!!!!>.< CALLING WX AND XL!! i wanna bowl again!! im gng to have a score of 130 the next time! ahahahahahahaahs!
@ 9:22 AM
often, people tell us to change, but what exactly is change.change1. to make the form, nature, content, future course, etc., of (something) different from what it is or from what it would be if left alone: to change one's name; to change one's opinion; to change the course of history. 2. to transform or convert (usually fol. by into): The witch changed the prince into a toad. 3. to substitute another or others for; exchange for something else, usually of the same kind: She changed her shoes when she got home from the office. 4. to become different: Overnight the nation's mood changed. 5. to become altered or modified: Colours change if they are exposed to the sun changes are not neccessary in life. what matter most is who you are and not what you are. we all know "leopard never changes its spot". so no matter how much one changes, its original form will still resurface after sometime. end of with a quote from "much ado about nothing" "let me be that i am, and seek not to alter me"