Thursday, March 27, 2008 @ 7:20 AM
 sec 4!!!  now!, in memories!! exact positions to compare the difference!  our smiles.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008 @ 4:50 AM
trying to get back
school ended early today! tadaa!, went back to mayflower with chanel, cheng and chong. while chong went to return her reply slip for speech day event, we went to ask the admin staffs if we can go as guests! okay, obviously not. O.osaw ms faridah and she seems so happy to see us, so were we. and im quite happy to see her cos i passed my o'lvl GEOG, miraculously, when i didn even study much for it. then again, could have done a whole lot better if i did make the effort to study then! they were rehearsing for speech day today and it makes me think about those times where we had to dance for speech day, which is superly annoying bcos it was always so hot when we had to wait. then i realised there's aircon now and i didn get to enjoy at all, maybe only an hr when we went to collect our O's result. and sometimes i think i can be rather sarcastic, which isn a bad thing. cos when you treat someone too nicely, they tend to take you for granted."I want her to be intelligent, cultivated, well mannered..." Who the heck believes all this crap, when the first things a man sees when he looks at a woman are boobs, legs and butt?=F how do u want me to believe in man?!! #$%^&*(!and i always think i can tell. which i still strongly believe i can. haha
Sunday, March 23, 2008 @ 2:17 AM
im tired and pissed at the same time. kachapooo! met cheng ystd afternn and down to j8. and we did this retard thing for sunkist bcos the event personal was like pulling cheng's hand!!! we actually took a photo with the sunkist orange bcos they needed our faces for some idk wad contest. crappish!! and it was just not 1 but FIVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE photos! like wth?? the good thing is we got a free bottle of orange juice. okay i sound like some cheapo singaporean. LOL! anyway anyway, i went to hilton singapore ystd for dinner. the japanese buffet was splendid, it was 50 plus per/pax. like srsly. if you are the kind of people who goes for RAW SEAFOOD, im sure thats the place for you. minor sushi can actually be compared to this. they have free flow of sakae, and whats more, the food is really really fresh. i had raw prawns and raw scallops!! like oh my goodness. seems disgusting but taste really good. i should have ate more tempuras!! oh did i mention i hate clubbers. i used to think clubbing is okay until i heard some very unpleasant stuffs from my friends. and that's really not a place where i wanna be at. i hate effing clubbers, and if anyone close to me decides to go clubbing, pls break off all ties with me, and im srs abt this!! and then again, i hate alot of things too, maybe thats why i wouldn mind shifting my whole life to a countryside. one peaceful and quiet place. i've yet to complete lots of tutorials. die
Friday, March 21, 2008 @ 2:12 AM
 i place little seeds on my trail, to get alil closer to you
Thursday, March 20, 2008 @ 10:46 AM
mosquito came and talked to me all of a sudden, unexpectedly and i realised that most of my friends although im not close to them at all tells me about their personal r/s with their SO. i think it's nice to be able to hear them out. i wish i can help them abit more, but i suck at handling r/s so i can only offer to hear them out.
@ 7:55 AM
 I gave it all i had, but you never even tried.
@ 7:03 AM
i wanna go sentosa with val and davis tmr, but i's pretty busy these days. it's kinda hard trying to catching up with the lecturers. they speak at 1000 words / second , and expects us to write, read and understand at the same time. totally lost. and i still don believe wonka is not straight! he is pretty good looking and all, what a pity srsly! must read scene 1 of king lear by next tues! gp hmwk, econs case study, chinese reading, great expectation, maths tutorial 2 questions, PI draft. no mood to do anything though, may my weekend be a fruitful one, please get me starting! and i really like what im taking now. except econs which really kills my brain cells. oh, saw hoho and huimin today, at the least expected place to be, AMKhub food court! and i didn regconize them. i took me quite awhile and haha, i still cant believe i saw them. i guess a part of me still hangs on to the memories of those days. ran 4 rounds today and PE, im proud cos i ran in 10.05 min! which is brillant, take heart that i haven exercise for ages. oh, you improved! time to celebrate!!! dad's going for to batam for work tomorrow morn! which means, no more constant nagging! talking about constant, eileen was making fun of the name constance with was haha, funny! if she's constance, who's variable? oh man, and i realised today is the last day we will be taking the same bus to sch! urgh!! i feel sad. i've decided to take 133/136 to sch so i will meet cheng on the way! =D
Wednesday, March 19, 2008 @ 6:28 AM
when love becomes fear, what happens?
Tuesday, March 18, 2008 @ 7:00 AM
i just don regret anymore. it was what i chose that makes me who i am today, who am i to regret such?
Monday, March 17, 2008 @ 8:22 AM
how i wish i could turn back time and didn made that choice in my life!
@ 7:53 AM
school was interesting, maybe it was becos there's lit. haha, my class is rather puzzling. it makes me wanna know more. we had ct breakfast this morning at macs! to my suprise, haha, almost everyone turned up! which is amazing, cos i didn expect it at all. i think the class is abit closer. abitttttttttttttttttt. which is good. but it wont actually matters, cos!!!!!!! PW GRP WITH cheng, chong, lee and kang! hahahahahaha! sec 1 all over again! it feels pretty much like 1E. and then i took out my sec 1 class photo and my sec 4 class photo and all the neoprints and hmm, everyone changed abit. haha, esp the guys!! it doesn seems like four years of my life has gone. but reality is reality! anw, i just realised me and cheng dong were project mates for all projects since sec1. and to be continued... LOL!. anw, we didn choose our pw grp, it was our pw tcher who put us together. i think God is merciful and kind!! =D! i shall post the class photos and some of the neoprints taken long long ago. haha, i miss those days!
Saturday, March 15, 2008 @ 9:16 AM
so painful to be alone, yet so difficult to find company.... says: no boat plz so painful to be alone, yet so difficult to find company.... says: i fear we'll sinki thought im already sinking.
Friday, March 14, 2008 @ 10:27 PM
it would be nice to stalk someone who is interesting. haha
@ 11:06 AM
ok right! how can i not be worried now. sheesh, bb prolly told his good buddy some stuff which is so not true. stupid stupid stupid. you're going to get it on monday!
@ 10:03 AM
alrite, it seems like everyone's studying except me and pals. maybe cos we're in the very humanities stream. hahahaha, i still have no idea why i took H1 math when i got in Ny, but then again mr ong said it was a good choice. so stick with it, live with it! okok, maybe i knew why i wanted to take H1 maths. =D there's really nothing to do for geog, lit and econs and and and H1 maths. okok, maybe we were supposed to read up king lear but we didn buy the book, and why is this so??!!! im not sure myself. but yeah, i see almost everyone who is in a jc mugging hard except for me and it scares me somehow. like, zhenghui seems to be doing physics and maths tutorials almost everytime. then i have friends who have test soon whether they are in ny, cj or whatsoever. but im doing nothing, which kinda worries me. it's either i didn pay attention in cls or there's just nothing coming up. i wanted to sit by the grandstand, to watch you on the field, but i guess i will never have that chance.
@ 9:36 AM
home from Ig 30 outing! no pictures cos we forgot to take any and i didn exactly went for the whole thing. they're still up playing cards i guess and here i am blogging bcos im not there for the sleepover. urgh, i wonder if liqun went in the end. so, was supposed to meet at 4 at fep. but me being v lazy, i left my hse at 3.50pm and met up only at ard 4.25. bought bbt and decided to head down to LJS to wait for the others. played cards while waiting, dai di and cheat. and i lost terribly, i mean i didn even win any of the rounds ok! so thats pretty pathetic. played till ard 7, we didn get chase out or anything, suprisingly cos we didn even buy anything from LJS. met up with ly and down to wheelock for fish and co! a big whole in my pocket, big thanks to victor. i ordered new york fish and chip which didn taste any different from the normal fish and chip. and since val and i couldn finish our fries, dustbin victor ate it all up, so greedy! oh and leong yi knows ANG ZHI HUI! which is amazingly funny when i found out that zhi hui studied with him and some other friends. LOL! oh, my aunt just have to come in the middle of dinner. Davis's mum must be darn firece cos he wanted to stayover but he didn dare to ask his mum till ard 12 am! lols, he is one mummy's boy. 54 down to val's place, and card's out again! we played dai di with 8 people! i was the BIGGEST ASSHOLE FOR 3 times in a row, Jenni saved my day when she sat beside me, then i became KING for around 5 rounds, then QUEEN and commoner till dad called and i had to leave. sigh sigh sigh. so anw, only 9 of us turned up, joshua, victor, leongyi, tianyu, val, jenni, davis, liqun and me. arn ps us at the last last min. =O which is not my fault, val! and idk why no one told the 6 other girls and we didn invite luke and louis and the person with the flat hair. sadded. i was pretty sad that i couldn stay (personal reasons) and not everyone came. but then again, we still had a great time! just maybe if i could stay abit more longer..
Thursday, March 13, 2008 @ 8:35 AM
wooooooooooohooooooooooooooooooooooohooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo i feel fat cos i kept eating. anw, the heavy rain ruined my morning again! was supposed to be out of my hse at 11.30, but thanks to the rain, i only managed to get out of the hse at 12.55!! so i met chong and helped her xfer money and went off to meet zhenghui. went to suntec, i have no idea why we landed up there. i supposed cos we wanted to have suki at first but then upon the thought of stuffing sushi down, we headed to swensen for the DEAL 2! it's good being student ok! any choice of 2 sundae at the price of 9.80 ++, ard $11.55 in total! we both had sticky chewy choco (something like that). and we watched HORTON! urm, it was okay, just that the cinema didn had many people. there was like only ard 15 people ok! so when we laughed, it wasn exactly funny cos no one laughs it out with us! and we have niu didi for dinner, forgot to change my fries to the beef cheese fries! brrr-urgh? anw, we forgot to bring the cup home! and i saw julia with this guy in SC, im sure he is in SC! im certain he was on stage during orientation! and i saw jonathan. i saw camillus ytd in J8 wearing smurf pe t-shirt! and i saw samuel the day before when i was in 138 while going home and i waved like crazy and he saw me!! hahaha, he gave me that blank look, i guess i did look very retard after all. and i saw tzuling while going to central on tues, and i saw her while i was in pepper lunch on monday (she didn see me thou)! hahaha, and i saw many other people who were just too insignificant for me to rmb. alrite, im tired, and i need to start studying. and my senior got a E grade in chinese! oh my!
Wednesday, March 12, 2008 @ 9:23 AM
hey love, hope you aint angry with the pretence of me being someone else. i know, my bad! didn mean to, i just miss scrutinizing you thus muahahahaha, masked myself. there is really no other intention alrite. i touch the bottom of my heart, and this is the truth.
@ 6:20 AM
Somebody wants youSomebody needs youSomebody dreams about you every single nightSomebody can't breath without you, it's lonelySomebody hopes someday you will seeThat Somebody's MeThat Somebody's Meim craving for something sweet yet something abit bitter at the same time. dark chocolate will do fine. not the 99% cocoa one, i almost died while eating that in jpn. it was relatively cheap there so i bought and realised yucks, total gruesome. it was so bitter it just numb your whole tongue. brrr, went cafe cartel for dinner! boohoo, my chicken was so smalll! i could get the same amt i got for $$2.50 at the school canteen. and the pasta wasn exactly nice. and the scv sucks totally! i wanna stay home tmr and spy on the kids. it will be the very first time she's coming over. LALALA, apparently to do proj. i doubt ok! i wanna catch a movie before sch reopen. i think i wanna watch step up 2, or maybe something else. i wont mind catching something scary! leap year is suprisingly nice. it was kinda touching at some point of the movie actually. there was this girl who didn want a happy ending so she cried in the toliet ok! total amusing?
@ 12:08 AM
whats with the weather nowadays?! it just rain and keeps raining. rainy days are just boring days. it makes me wanna curl up in bed and just sleep. im not even sure if i should get out of my hse for dinner or just rot till the sun shines again, perhaps tmr? wait wait, i think the rain is going to stop any moment sooooon, i just need to blame someone for it. and i wish i can stop complaining, but then again, i cant work harder even if i don complain about this. my march holidays have been rather slacky. no tutorials, no bridging lessons, neither is there any cca. something's wrong with my life. never felt so free before when there's school. maybe school activities have always been the ones that fill up all the empty thoughts in my mind. sometimes i wonder if i experience near death experiences cos i have superb irregular slp pattern. maybe thats why my mum's fren daughter died when she was sleeping. scary isn it. things to take note, 28th march, school event with the parents about promos. 29th march, some school sports carnival. priscilla went to hwa chong, 8A1s, totally envious. we have all change in a way. and i guess he is still in ACjc, oh well. we never had a chance to be in the same school so far, but there's always uni. and to think back, we haven talk for almost 6 years. my mysterious friend is one big puzzle. and zhenghui told me there's someone who speaks like me, talks like me. i wonder who. curious curious. ^^ read a few classmates blog and i still think my class is totally insane? maki will prolly keep things interesting for the next many months. we just got to keep moving on. o.O oh gosh, it's pouring again.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008 @ 6:56 AM
my heart will let you go this instant. im sorry i had to lie, for you, for me, my heart bleed again.
Monday, March 10, 2008 @ 7:44 AM
though you cant comfort me, i know you understand how i feel.
@ 5:40 AM
 we reunite again! hahahaha  liern,
Saturday, March 08, 2008 @ 8:48 PM
i think i know who i misses the most each day. =D scary to know that you don really know what to do sometimes and you just stone or sleep. attended mr ong's wedding ystd, felt more like a performance than a wedding actually. was uber shocked to know that mr ong and mrs ong are tgt for NINE years already. thats's like so so long. anw, orchid country club's ballroom is rather grand, not the ulu place you had imagined. im broke!
Friday, March 07, 2008 @ 10:49 PM
everyone tells me this two years will be a touch and go thing. it will be then again like a sec 3 and sec 4 thing, just maybe at a faster pace. i see everyone studying including zhi hui ok! and he's now a councillor in yjc heard from donno who! oh man, so unbelievable. everyone is so caught up in their own world xcept for me, no directions. and i badly need a rest. my back ache like crazy!
Wednesday, March 05, 2008 @ 6:20 AM
it took me long enough to figure out where when wrong and what went wrong. take things as they come, because the desire just starts to die down very slowly. there were times where i feel excited, but now there seems to be an obstacle in letting that true inner soul to express its concern. bbq tmr. nyjc's lvl camp tmr. orientation was so so! and incredible hulk knows mr.c, highly amazing! what a small world AFTERALL!
Sunday, March 02, 2008 @ 2:01 AM
love is in the air took this when i was in the car. wanted to go down to changi beach for the flight show, but there were no space for parking so we just roamed the area awhile. do you still bother?, why am i always the one trying very hard. im heavy like the burden in the heart. it's not the case when it first started out, moving on from today will be tad difficult. seek peace and clarity. i hope you know, im going to move on in my life.
@ 1:48 AM
"For you, you and him, Him and you, you know my heart bleeds"everything's finalized. told no.13 i wont be around anymore, i thought you would express much more, but then again, who am i to you. all you said was be happy there since im in the school of my choice now. and you said "cya soon", but will that time come? i guess i do miss you so.
Saturday, March 01, 2008 @ 11:28 PM
GOODBYE 1T12, welcome 0834 =D  class of 1T12  BLING, classmates for four years!!  JIAXIN  IG 30!