Wednesday, April 30, 2008 @ 6:06 AM
yes, i know chanel's lappie hates me. i tried blogging in schoool twice okay, but the comp hates me. first i was blogging in the lit room and i blogged the whole conversation betwn my frens and i. i really did mean, the whole convo ok!!!! like almost every word! ok, ugh? pissed!!!! cos when i decided to stop having fun after typing out the conversation for an hr!!!!, almost an hr, i clicked publish post, and taddaaaaa the page cannot be displayed. wtf?!!!! THEN REALISED CONNECTION WENT o.O, so i tried again! and shit it, it hang on me the next time. so no choice, i surrendered, the laptop hates me. i pouted and whined as usual. and prolly woke those classmates of mine who were sound asleep. so school was as usual. boring. it's really boring shit, firstly we didn have chinese cos our tcher wasn here, and secondly, roy didn come as well, which meant yes, there wasn econs. which is fark. why did i even come to sch. cos i didn do anything during the first period at all. so as far as i can really remember, i only had one period of lit today which was a waste of my very precious time. i didn have dance training as well. which was ok, wasn very sad, cos i have been feeling as though i want to puke, im not pregnant ok. ugh, i have been really very sick for the last week which sucks. and napfa is coming up. ugh, bad. dance ended ard 415, cos it was only speech today. so okay sat in school and chatted with nicole and zhicheng till 630. then decided to head home cos we all had something to rushed to. break tmr. yay!
Tuesday, April 29, 2008 @ 8:24 PM
helolo everyone,imsopissedd. i just typed an whole entry on my dysfunctional classmates convo and its gone... stupid wanxing, stupid xinlin and stupid rach.last but not least, STUPIDCHANELLAPTOP!!!! geeex. \ yes we are not rubbish bin .
Tuesday, April 22, 2008 @ 3:53 AM
hello world, speech day dinner was okay last friday. it was better than expected actually. hee. anw, no dance again tmr, so there's high chance im gng back to mayflower to collect my o'lvl cert. tsk, and my jep book too. ugh. and i know evil grape reads my blog!!! >.< anw anw, geog test on thursday. econs test on friday. went to SRT for drama night on saturday. i thought the walls was not bad. anw, the eunuch part was weird ok. and clarke quay is super noisy at night, for a reason. ugh, bye world. off to sleep
@ 3:37 AM
in the midst of finding myself back, i lost you. not everyone is in love,
Wednesday, April 16, 2008 @ 6:01 AM
i drew a new face and laughed, those peaceful melodies.  had dance today. it was good!! i felt so rusty!! and inflexible! need to train more!! and need to lose wg. im putting on lotsa weight. cant control myself. i get hungry all the time. no idea why. i finished my econ essays in 2 hrs, be proud of me. dance again on friday by another instructor. apparently it will be a guy. i don really like guy instructors. they give me the creep. i want to go back for speech day too. totally envious of chong, cole, zh and blahblah. so lucky la!!! most of the mayflowerians in NY are going back. only poor souls like me!! =(((( so sad!!!! and something always pull me back, even though the thought of giving up appears so frequently.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008 @ 4:28 AM
i just decided to stop caring, given the many chances. i don't feel like going for the england trip anm. math test on friday, on probability! so-not-easy!
Saturday, April 12, 2008 @ 2:53 AM
i wont hesitate no more,
it hurts when you said "whatever" and i thought i saw this coming, giving up slowly each time but it will never reach nil. and i thought i wouldn cry, but i guess i was wrong each time.
Friday, April 11, 2008 @ 8:24 AM
SA is the uber extra!!
@ 7:15 AM
we just needed to be abit cooler,
in our own way. urgh. but so, i think dance is really slacky! which is awesome! and i changed my braces colour to neon orange on wed!! heehee, so cool right. but the bus ride to alexandra hospital from ny is super long, i swear i tot i almost dead the way there. i thought i was lost okay! i first took 105 from the side gate to srgn central to take 147, fall aslp in the bus okay!!!! and this bus attendant woke me up to check my ezlink card. so i woke up and realised 20 min passed and i was at chinatown!!! so i was like wtf??!! how am i going to get there from chinatown. unknowingly, after some time, i landed up at SMU! which was near douby gaut, then after more minutes, i was at some place which eventually got me to queensway! so panick ok!!! and i waited almost 2 hrs at the clinic for my turn!!! geez! THEN 1 HR BACK HOME!! URGH.
went haji lane on tuesday!! heehee, and finally met yuki! the last time i saw her was o's result day. ahahaha!! and yellow fella nachos cheese fries is awesome!! at bugis!! hee. i saw a number of things i want in haji lane that i will nvr be able to buy! and i had swensons ice cream again today!! 2nd time this wk!! AND!!! pheonix won champion house! whoooooooo, first time out of so many years! hahaha. probably cos slackers like me are gone. 
Sunday, April 06, 2008 @ 7:07 AM
 and i thought, this is pretty sad.
Friday, April 04, 2008 @ 7:53 AM
you are lying, i's finally friday. i need a long break. mentally and physically tired. my dog stinks!! she hasn bathe for almost 2 weeks, all thanks to the vaccination. need to dump her in the pool tmr! my dog hates showering btw. urgh, she needs dog perfume! is there even such stuff?!JC life is srsly fark tideous. other than my group of friends and my clsmates, i don really tok to anyone else. its tutorials after lectures and tutorials again. i hope A's come quick! cant wait for PW and chinese to get over and done with. 6 mths to go. HURRAY! noo more chee-na for good. i think i failed my GP essay! singapore singapore singapore. great, totally missed out the working adults bcos my essay was only on students, singapore, students. maverlous.i have decided to do on UGLY for LIT song analysis. it's counted in CA okays! my muscles hurt. who the hell have pe on thurs and fri?!!!! except POOR 0834!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. i have no freaking stamina to run 2.4!! if i ever becomes the minister of education, the first thing i will eliminate is NAPFA!! who the hell created NAPFA is crazy! doesn mean i cant run means im unfit okay! ASSHOLE! im perfectly healthy, alive and kicking!!!! who no illness!!i need to get PI draft done BY MONDAY! and i hope i will get it done BY TOMORROW! i so hate missing dateline. i need to rmb to finish up GEOG tutorial. im so not going to get any scolding from wonka, NVR!!! econs test on week 6! wtf?! im going to fail! and the only reason im moving along in JC bcos there is NO SCI!!!! i HATE science! sorry to say that, i just have no potential in doing science. im the ultimate loser there! chemical equations and idk wad gravity her there everywhere, urgh!!!and im so addicted to BBT, i drink it almost everyday!! lets make it 5 outta 7 days. im sure im gng to get diabetes real soon! look at the intake of sugar consumption input into my body each day, im sure im gng to visit NKF real soon! stop chiat stop!!! control!!!!!!!!!!i guess i haven really changed much. and i hope my fringe grow longer fast fast fast. i hate looking like a primary school kid!im craving for honeydew milk tea with sago and pudding. im really taking in too much sugar!!p.s, wanxing, why aint you online on a beautiful friday night?!
Wednesday, April 02, 2008 @ 5:31 AM
i wish i have abit more time with you. the life we are living is just too hectic for anything else. perhaps it's the life you are new econs teacher is much better than kenneth. urgh, went for dance today. speechless and shant elaborate. we did street jazz anw. and i joined pets and welfare club! haha, i want to go to spca and help wash the dogs!! i like bathing the dogs, it give me a sense of satisfaction seeing them clean. >.< but the sad thing is, it is never going to happen. it's not that you are not good enough that you didn get in, cheer up. maybe this is just not the time.
Tuesday, April 01, 2008 @ 4:41 AM
when things become difficult, who will save us?
 i still smile at the fact life sucks, srsly. there's finally cca tmr!!! okay, which idiot wants to have dance pract, but i need to keep myself in shape. im putting on wg. there's an hr of break in the morn and yay! that means mushroom chicken mee with lots and lotsa vinegar. i like eating vinegar, well both metaphorically and literally. don't ask me why, it just happen. finally had a pizza renuion at pizza hut. =D school ended at 12.30pm, week A tues is the love. and im hungry, really hungry. i have been eating alot, thanks to chanel who stocks us up everyday! pizza hut's criss cross fries are good!  anw, i went to ccab last sat and things hadn really changed much. didn get to see the gymnast people thou. oh well, they are fantastic, really. old hag really sucks okay. in what way are we going to produce the books when it is non-existant?!!!! so much for demand and supply and microeconomics, when they cant do the math properly.