Monday, June 30, 2008 @ 7:38 AM
PW today, im envious envious ok! cos all my kukus have a lappy! 
Friday, June 27, 2008 @ 10:25 AM
"i learnt to walk like you,
each time you walk away from me.
so be far or be near,
i will be walking at the same pace as you" yeah so funky funky right! 
@ 8:24 AM
i feel liberated.. exams are finally and thankfully over. YAYAYAYAY!! PICTURES!!! =DDDDD   chippy and duppy!! YAYAYA!! i got chippy while damm the calculator asshole got duppy!   still can laugh???!!! ONE HR BEFORE PP?!!!   YAY!! model student =/  enjoy enjoy, enjoy it all before ECONS PAPER! YIPEEEZEEEEEEEEE!!!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008 @ 7:20 AM
and did i mention i feel so stress that i feel like pulling off all my hair. and i think im suffering from mild depression. and im not even so sure why im not taking life easy anymore and i feel as thou another day will kill me softly. okay great. tmr is really dooms day. geog mid years for H2 is = Olevel multiply by 2! i feel tad upset. i know im going to fail. human geog is really gone. and weathering is like holy crap! i really cant imagine myself taking A's in a years time. cos i know i failed lit alr. and i have to cover another 4 books. and econs is like a brand new subj, and im not sure how am i going to write a good essay. i feel tad frustrated bcos i cant get myself to study. now i know why people say 4O's = A's and my A's chinese Oral is on 11thjuly and i didn do well for internal oral. =(( i don think i can take life as it is anymore. J, thanks for telling me not to give up. but this time is really gone case.
@ 6:58 AM
so all my kuku friends called and said they decided to give up on the frigging mid years. wheeeeeheeeeeee, we are the 5 losers! (so apparently) maybe except chanel. wanxing chanel and i are online. that leaves only xl and rach mugging i suppose. it's 10pm, my best advise, give up and sleep. before you enter the exam venue, give a pat on your shoulder and say you have prepared enough. =)) i have covered, let me see, converging and diverging!!! YAYAYAYAY!!! and macroeconomics, which i have already forgotten more than half of everything. wait wait wait, i rmb something!!! MARGINAL EFFICIENCY OF INVESTMENT! uhm, thats not good enuf to even pass. so as you can see, i give up, bcos whether i am going to cont studying or not. nothing gets into my dumb brains. and so i just checked out litespeed, to my HORROR!! i haven submitted my assignment due a mth plus plus plus ago!!! OUCH! im so going to get a scolding soon. sometimes i think im just waiting aimlessly. quit waiting cos life isn going to be a fairytale. i dreamt of K. smoking cigar without lighting it, in the bus?!. wtf??! hahahaaha, i miss you so so so much.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008 @ 9:24 AM
tired tired tired tired tired tired tired tired tired tired stress stress stress stress stresss stresssssssssssssssssssssssss
@ 6:42 AM
and so they say, girls never fail to take out their calculator. swensens was funny. TOPLESS 5, nuttynitty and cookies n cream! AH LOANLING EP 1 Chiat : CAN WE HAVE THE BILL PLEASE????!!!!! RACH AND CHIAT SNATCHED THE BILL : XL!!!! 107 bucks, you pay!! YOU ARE THE RICHEST!!! the rest of the KUKUS! "HUH?!! 107?!!! SIAO!!!!"  xl snatched the bill from us and slammed gently on the table, "wahlao! what i pay, i pay????" chanel and rach "nvm la, we treat you" (apparently they owe her money!) xinlin "WHAT TREAT ME??! YOU ALL OWE ME MONEY! DON COME AND BLUFF ME!"
xl returning my change.. im the richest. i don owe anyone money! LOL!?! wtf. im just crapping randomly.
i wished i had someone to write about i wished i could be abit more attentive. i couldn believe i went gallivanting after two failed papers. i just couldn believe. seek amusement and pleasure.
@ 6:09 AM
I EARNED 40 CENTS FROM NUFFNANG! =.=it feels like the holidays again. next paper will be on thursday!! ECONS AND GEOG!! both H2!!!!! freak man!I HATE LAST MIN WORK!!! I HATE EXAMS! I HATE FAILINGS!! I HATE EXTRASS! I HATE ECONS!! I SWEAR I NO NOTHING ABT AD AND AS CURVE UNTIL TODAY!! I WISHED I HAD STUDY ABIT HARDER FOR GEOG LAST TIME! =Xlit was extremely horrible ystd. i want to go back and make it right. i cant believe i spent 1 hr flipping the book for the quote. rah!!!!! i really thot was in the book. so well done, i failed lit. i know i will.......... how to pass if i only wrote one page??!!! I WILL FACE ALL LIKE A MAN! uhmmmmm......i was thinking what i should put for the picture of the day.. and i have decided to upload it from my dumb phone so BEHOLD FOR THE BEAUTY!! i will store all the pens and pencils, as much as im a bimb, im not dumb, thank you for under-estimating my intelligence.
Sunday, June 22, 2008 @ 7:03 AM
i placed a note on my phone,
i wrote a note on my desk,
i engrave these messages in my head, 
take things for granted no more. i will meet my fears at the battlefield tomorrow. for now, "break their hearts"
Saturday, June 21, 2008 @ 9:46 AM
(i chose the prettiest)
 still got 4 others!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! TAKE A PEEP!
scroll!! .... ......... ............... ............................. ................................................ ............................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... TADDDAAAA!!!!!! 
TO SAVE OUR REP!!! we look demure and pretty pretty okay!!!
@ 4:51 AM
soup of the day, i like it g-r-a-n-d-e 
sometimes we binge because we are upset, or simply because we like the food. or maybe for just some other reasons, we like it big. velvety mushroom, i like mushrooms. slurp slurp. each spoonful makes me abit much fuller than before yet almost nearing half the portion i feel abit pukish, abit uncomfortable, abit intolerable. and i reflect it on myself. it seems as thou, we get tired of things so easily, we can just simply dump aside what was once impoartant to us because we feel as thought we don need it anm, perhaps we just cant hold on to that irritable feeling no more. i count myself abit more determined, because i forced myself to finish the bowl. it's just a pity to see the rest go to waste. even when you suffer, you don mind holding on longer because you want to hopefully see a better beginning. cheers to my perseverance, i think i am ready for math paper. not sure about lit thou. GEOG AND ECONS ARE totally screwed. for a reason, i don think i have time to study anymore. although binomial still worries me, i think with a bit more practice, its possible to get C. hopefully swimming makes me smile, even out my tannlines. wheeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
Thursday, June 19, 2008 @ 10:30 AM
LZH opportunity only come knocking on yr door once..... once and its gone says: i don crystal imissyou. says: wanxing, xinlin, rachel, yuki, andrea, doreen, firdaus, zhihui, smauel, yusheng, sokwun, menshing, benjamin, qiying, seowhwee, angelinekong, angeline toh, szekhuen, eeling, theresa, isabelle, junhong, beznar, zihua, huiwen, nurul m, nurul s, huimin, romaine, joanne, vivien, liyan, zachary, debbie,suhailah, luoling,tzulingcrystal imissyou. writes:I LOVE THEM ALL! crystal imissyou. says: opps crystal imissyou. says: i think i left out one crystal imissyou. says: but its ok
LZH opportunity only come knocking on yr door once..... once and its gone says: oh LZH opportunity only come knocking on yr door once..... once and its gone says: i love everyone in 4 e except goh chiat yi LZH opportunity only come knocking on yr door once..... once and its gone says: straight to the point LZH opportunity only come knocking on yr door once..... once and its gone says: gals will say she like everyone's name in the class and leave out yrs just to show that she don like you. guys will say that he like everyone in the class except you crystal imissyou. says: thats yr own theory?LZH opportunity only come knocking on yr door once..... once and its gone says: yeah theory by stupid zhenghui. i suppose he is trying to add it to the humour disparity btwn genders. he is trying hard to act smart. =X
@ 8:49 AM
"Though he is at heart a very good person, Pip has not yet learned to value human affection and loyalty above his immature vision of how the world ought to be".often as it seems, people explore different ways to seek out for what they want best for themselves. often only realising that things are just either not meant to be or they have walked the wrong path. it takes some to only come to realise that the journey they walked for months or years is a mistake. it is not easy to turn back and it takes a lot of courage to face the truth that they have reached a loophole in life. yet for some, they refuses to see the mistakes and choose to move on with it, only to carry a bigger regret at the later part of life. we often delude ourselves with, "what is wrong can become right".
@ 2:54 AM
awwww, hearts for me and you. so we'll scream like no tomorrow   I WENT SWIMMING YTD WITH CHANEL! ouch, my leg sores. i think i grew a bit tanner and i think i shed a pound. maybe??! hahahahaah, im just deceiving myself. i know, i know. then went down to find xinlin and attempted to study at bishan, did math, phew... and saw samuel and yusheng. they studied from 10am!! hardworking souls! basically the lib was so packed and so was coffee bean that we went to the children's corner. rah! and i was like erm spying on all the kids and mama and laughing my heads out. i think im quite done with math. =DDDDDDDDDDD smile for the greater good! and i saw lotsa nyjcians at bishan ytd. which is O.o and anw!!!! im left with $2.88, yes 2 dollars and 88 cents in the bank!! i think i spent too much money on shopping this month. =X it was like 200 plus to 100 plus to 68.88 then 32.88 and now 2.88! hahahahah! thank God allowance will kaching this week!
Sunday, June 15, 2008 @ 8:40 AM
just cant seems to shake the feeling away. if things didn started, then it wouldn end. and so they say, everything with a beginning has an end. somethings seems impossible to change. fluffy went for dog competiton today and anw, we lost. hahahahaha. =.= cheng, take care in hongkong. and hope u will enjoy urself and i admire your bravery for going on a holiday 1 week before the midyrs. if it was me, i prolly wont be able to enjoy myself, srs. and pls stop thinking abt plane crash or wdv. and plsplspls, if really there's a plane crash, do not trek!! PLS STAY if u happen to be one of the survivor! and please buy back lotsa stuff! muahahahahah! and do not even think of bird fluu!!
Friday, June 13, 2008 @ 8:40 AM
time speaks for the fate, grace annouces the destiny.  and that is why people say skinned knees are easier to heal than broken hearts. "Often we say goodbye to the person we love without wanting to. Though that doesn’t mean that we've stopped loving them or we've stopped to care. Sometimes goodbye is a painful way to say I love you". 3 days to think it through, 2 days for you to show your sincerity, 1 day to end off everything. so similar yet different, and just who can understand.
@ 5:32 AM
one more week before school reopens. im feeling really lousy now my bro was being kinda retarded just now. i turned on the comp, and there was this flashing thing on my computer. and so my bro thought that i had DISKETTE inside my cpu, and he said "you nvr take your diskette out". i was erm, shocked?!! NO ONE USES DISKETTE ANM RITES?! so i told my bro, "my cpu have no diskette slot at all". +.+ HAHAH! anyway, i went to do treatment for my hair today. i think my hair is frizzy and dryy! i hate my hair. its always so pompom!! urgghhhh! you crossed the limits,
Thursday, June 12, 2008 @ 11:02 AM
2.01am, i lay this promise to you. the last;
@ 3:31 AM should take a look at the link abv. it's funny yet so so so true. hahah! i mean most of them apply to me and in life. except one or two. TOP3 truth for me! The TelephoneMen see the telephone as a communication tool. They use the telephone to send short messages to other people. A woman can visit her girlfriend for two weeks, and upon returning home, she will call the same friend and they will talk for three hours. haha, now i know why im almost talking to my friends 24/7, is like morn, sch, and at night on msn and on the phone.Eating Out… and when the check comes, Mike, Dave, Rob and Jack will each throw in $20 bills, even though it’s only for $22.50. None of them will have anything smaller, and none will actually admit they want change back. When the girls get their check, out come the pocket calculators. and i thought this is like freaking funny, cos everytime rach will zoom out the calculator and press the keys.Going OutWhen a man says he is ready to go out, it means he is ready to go out. When a woman says she is ready to go out, it means she will be ready to go out, as soon as she finds her earring , finishes putting on her makeup… uhmm, everytime im asked if im rdy, i said i am. but i haven even got ready enough to get out of the house.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008 @ 1:24 AM
im feeling abit crappy right now. there's nothing much to do today, except studying for mid years. it's 425pm now, and i haven started any shit. which is uhm, bad. i haven started studying for mid years, maybe except a bit of lit. and some Olvl knowledge of geog. im sure im going to fail econs and maths. boohoo. went to watched kungfu panda last night. i think it's quite good! =D im feeling abit tired now. i have been sleeping at 3am and only wakes up at only 1pm everyday since last week. ugh shit, i think i need to get myself adjust back to normal. and so, a week is almost up. don ask me how it fare, this is the very last chance.
Sunday, June 08, 2008 @ 7:34 AM
smile to the camera,
i'll keep smiling till the jaws hurt.
 there's something wrong with people these days, they assume you dislike/hate them just because you do not smile at them when you see them, the problem is i don even know who you are. so behold, my braces smile will come alive. i don care whether it will look sarcastic or whatsoever, this is what the others want right?! goodness gracious. i just don understand. SMILE FOR THE BETTER ME!
Saturday, June 07, 2008 @ 8:43 AM
i was looking through the photos @ mayflowersec.fotki. it's time like this that i really miss secondary school life. it's just not that easy to move on just when you managed to get used to a lifestyle that suits you then. not everyone can move on as fast as you. you are such a social butterfly where you can just mix with anybody, so it's def not difficult for you to make a new bunch of friends. so stop telling me things change, and even if i really am living in the past, im fine with it, bcos its the past that made me who i am today. just as long as im still doing well in my studies, why should you care? and my friends are still the same as before for the last 4 years, what difference is there even if im adjust to the present. so much easier being friends, really.
@ 8:22 AM
ho, will post up the pictures tomorrow. the thing is kinda lagging and send me the bs of the contact lense spree yupp! i need to do something to my pom pom hair. ugh, its kinda getting on my nerve. ANYWAY! my mum is urm, bimbo is not a nice word to use on someone who is in her mid forties but i cant think of any other substitude. she went KOREA and my dad told her to buy kimchi back. and either she didn know how to read english or smth, she BOUGHT KIMCHI (PANCAKE PASTE)! =.= and she didn realised. so today at my aunt place, she gave one big packet to my aunt and was exclaming how such a big packet of kimchi is not found at the local market but at the airport. then we had dinner, and my aunt went to open the packet, TO HER SUPRISE, it was in paste form! so she asked my ma, why your kimchi liddat one??! it's like PASTE resemblance of dough mix and NO vege! i was laughing like crazy and say, maybe its soup base la. and they all believed me. i was just making an assumption. when its time to go home, my aunt told me to take the packet home cos my frandma doesn eat hot stuff. then in the car, my mum said like tmr lets have steamboat then put the soup base and passed me the packet. and OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the front of the packet stated "KIMCHI PANCAKE'! wtf??!! and it cost 20 dollars!!!!! if im dumb, you people should know why! it's in the genes!
Friday, June 06, 2008 @ 5:37 AM
will it accelerate or fall to a greater depression? stay tune..  "I'd be lying if I said I wasn't angry some days. But I really have worked hard to put a lot of the anger and disappointment in the past". went out with hoho yesterday. i didn bought anything! omg! im spending very little this month. and it's unusual becos its GSS! ughhm, weird. basically, we just went shopping, very typical of us. =D and huimin couldn make it. D: i think i need a couple of stuff thou, should start drawing up a shopping list. today was more slacky. went for breakfast and zh came over, supposedly to study. basically just slacked around doing nothing. so going to fail mid years at the rate we are going. and adidas and nike never goes well tgt, even if the colour matches, there's still something missing. don be too greedy. mum's coming back tonight. hopefully she is smart enough to buy kimchi and seaweed. i highly doubt so. urghh.
Wednesday, June 04, 2008 @ 7:20 AM
let this comfort your broken heart; Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a teardrop  "I was never one to patiently pick up broken fragments and glue them together again and tell myself that the mended whole was as good as new. What is broken is broken -- and I'd rather remember it as it was at its best than mend it and see the broken places as long as I lived" studying today was abit effective. i read one chapter of great ex! =DD and fluffly had lotsa fun. dude start sending me the photos, quickk! how everyone is so diligent is making me abit afraid of the doom that's before me. im tech unsavvy, neither am i logical. wx: are you going to sterilise fluffy? chiat: NO, i want to see her wear pampers!! and my friends started to nag at me on how not forward looking and illogical i am and im a mean and irresponsible mother bcos if fluffy really gets pregnant, my grandchildren aint going to survive! blah blah blah. nothing beats having a dreamless night.
Tuesday, June 03, 2008 @ 6:54 AM
12/7/2005 boo, nerd! im now in california. haha. how's u ar? missed me? you are one weird kid... GCYC, life is not all about love and trust. and there are things that you can control other than these two, two-way qualities. girl, you can admire and be sastified, you can care for others and not expect that care to be returned. look at another from a view of the lover, but the another cannot change your view. ask yourself, do you want to be loved, or to love another? +*cHaNeL*+ was here. ** think dear gal... i was reading through my past testis on frenster and i saw this. this is weird.... hahaha, thats so long ago man!
@ 2:27 AM
 & i thought this is how i really feel now. im not sure if im suppose to be angry over it, im upset, but at the same time, im abit emotionless. perhaps, i have been waiting far too long.
Monday, June 02, 2008 @ 8:31 AM
2nd week of the what is suppose to be a long holiday has started. haven started studying at all. which is so died, i think im going to fail econs. im sure i will. i haven even passed a single econs test. which is O.o! im really a goner! i miss what im not suppose to. everyone's leaving me. first, chanel, then mummy, now nicole. urgh! whatever. everyone's going off except me. and cheng will be going off too!! boo-hoo.
@ 1:01 AM
woke up at 1pm again. it isn unusual or anything. it's the holidays. rather laidback attitude, i feel as though im not that cut off to be what a mugger JC student should be doing. going out again later, my life, indeed is in a total mess. i need the drive to get back on track. seems rather difficult, it took me a long 8 mths to get back to study for O's. what about now? i don have 8 months to get back on track to study for Promos. shit face. i know, im still the same. carry off the same smile. perhaps growing at the minimum level of maturity. it wasn easy to swallow those words. i really haven tot much about my future. shamefully speaking, i only have a 2 digit sum in my bank, unlike you with passive (suppose this is how you spell it) income and investment. you must be laughing, but i don grow as fast as you do. perhaps, i haven met someone like you. you plan for the future but im still coping with my present. it's terrible, really. it's shocking but im happy to know that you have grown that much, you have become better person in your own ways. "some things should be left unsaid for the better" im tired of waiting for the day. let me go, bcos i know im not important anymore.