Thursday, July 31, 2008 @ 8:14 AM
 i've got love, overflowing.. DID I MENTION!!!! I PUT ON WG!!! MUST BE ALL THE DURIANS! AND I ATE DURIANS AGAIN TDY!! OMG!!! THE WHOLE DURIAN ONLY TWO SEEDS! AND ITS DARN HUGE LA!! SO FLESHY FLESHY!!!! no wonder my body also so fatty fatty! UGH! and im happy, i finally and thankfully got a D for GP! like finally!!!! while im bet the rest of the world had got their D at least once this year and move on to getting a C, i only had mine for this common test! BUT WHEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! pat pat chiat! so anyway! I MUST BLOG ABT YSTD!!! i learnt FIRE FIGHTING!!! FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =)))))))))))))))))))))))))) i really got a shocked of my life and screamed when they lit the gas like thing! and i learnt cpr (i typed cpu initially =.O) and first aid!! i can save lives now! but............ and tmr's friday! which means pe=tennis=sweat=cravings for SWEET STUFF!! hmmm, maybe shall go for icekimo after sch! we'll see, we'll see! deng man! tmr last period is cheena! im having this really annoying thought now in my head. which is to PON lessons! and i like econs now. cos it's abt inflation, and we all know, i love talking about inflation like since sec 4, i think its darn funny. always always always when someone say, aiyo the price increase again! then i will go INFLATION!!!!!!! and mrs roy is really hilarious! lear's test tmr! denggg! think i might screw it. 4 weeks of darn crazy lear course and guess what we finished the text!! 4 weeks leh!!! and we finish the whole text! much ado for nothing we learnt it for a year! yet. king lear we did it in 28days, 16 lessons! 1 hour each! prO-ness!!! s-u-p-e-r!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008 @ 4:41 AM
i was reading past entries of a friend. and how things changed in mere months, it makes me stop and stare blankly. im certain the only thing that changed is the environment. other than that, maybe we'll all the same. still the one that pushes and nagg, still the one.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008 @ 7:56 AM
 make it six. monday = pe = tennis = sweat = sugar rush i love tennis. it makes me wanna work out. beats running srsly! i went back to mayflower today! the school was so empty! today was e-learning for sec 3s. so that explains it. lucky kids! i miss JEP!!!!! i was reading my testimonials. im not sure who wrote JEP as my contribution. it makes me feel upset to think abt the past.. =( esp when all the photos are gone. cos those memories are definitely smth worth holding on. boomwhackers that day reminded me of those days as well. sigh sigh sigh.
Monday, July 28, 2008 @ 5:26 AM
i just wanna honour Him. went for youth on saturday. just had this call somewhere in me it's time to go back. =) had auntie joyce to pray for me on all the doubts i had, thanks for the confirmation Lord. it was such a heavy burden lifted up. for all the advices i didn heed before, still. many thanks to cheng and yuki. my fringe is funny right! deng deng deng deng!!! =)) ahhhhhh, i cant blog anm, geog tutorials to be done by tmr! =(( please do things more professionally. =.O doing those just makes me wanna detest you.long time ago, i used to think i got over a person when i scrutinised and mocked his actions, but then i knew it was bcos i wasn able to let go. but this time it is different.
Sunday, July 27, 2008 @ 8:44 AM
 I WAS SO PISSED WITH LIFE!!!!!! I SNAPPED MY HAIR! BANGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ughhhh!!!!!! i had been wanting to chop off my hair since that day in the toliet after taking back the miserable geog papers and today i really couldn take life, i held the scissors!!!!!! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnddddddddddddddddddddddddddd SNAPPED!!!!! all hell broke lose. i think it looks ok! heeeeee
Friday, July 25, 2008 @ 7:26 PM
 im looking through to find a photo to post. i like an entry with a picture, then or many times i didn noe what to put up, and i randomly decided to pick this today. memories sake. if there's something i wanna change abt myself, i wanna learn to stop being so indecisive. learn to start making choices. parents teachers meeting ytd. i feel zomgggg!!! my dad talked for like darn long. 40 mins i think!!! horrible man!!! so so darn long. it happens all the time anw, last year i rmb we had parents teacher meeting regarding midyear results. my dad spoke so loudly in the room that every other parents and classmates could hear my dad. sobs man! and sometimes i wonder. there's so many things to say yet so lil time. we have to juggle so many things in life. studies, cca, friends, family, etc etc. where do we find time for other things. i feel as though i have neglected my dog too. D: times like this, we don even rmb to spend time anm. everytime i see my dog, it hurts to remember those time she clings onto you. times where i would walk her out with y0u. and now i wake up everything seems like a broken dream. i screw this love when i started to stop making choices myself. see better chiat, and so they say. then again, it's too late for regrets now. my smile was washed away by the cruelty of your heart. it hurts badly. time is my factor for the misery of life. goodbye world.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008 @ 6:56 AM
IM REALLY A MT. USU! i bought a yakpak at SPINTHEBOTTLE (heeran) for s$65 bucks. heartpain!!! loanshark got a liverpool bag from adidas~ NO MORE SHOPPIN!!! no moreeee! everybody, don't stress don't stress don't stress realised everyone is like a time bomb now. a lil irritation can lead to a massive destruction! AHHHHHHHH, beware. cranky muggers are everywhere! atomic bombs ready for fire! the mini confession with ms fernandez made me realised there is really no time for any other social activities than studying hard for promos! ciao~
Monday, July 21, 2008 @ 8:09 AM
current : geog meeting online. =( depressing stuff!! we're such bad kid. skipped CHEENA today! and went town except chengdong! >.< omg, have been to cityhall for 7 weeks straight!! zzzoooooooooommmmmmmmmmgggggggggggg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GP ESSAY WAS TOUGH! and im really farking tired. went to sch early this morn for project work consultation! freak shit! have to get EOM done by next monday. it's like never ending??! SRSLY?! thank GOD we only have to edit evaluation and sponsorship for wr. and we're done. =)))))))) well done all KIDDOS!
Sunday, July 20, 2008 @ 5:47 AM
 cheena lc! ahahaha!  11 dungs
Saturday, July 19, 2008 @ 11:34 PM
and what do i do now?
it's not about holding on, sometimes its like a holding back kinda thing that makes you, stop, think and not wanna move on. and yet, this very amazing touch somewhere in your head tells you to get on with life. sometimes, it's as though, it is almost impossible. and who says life is always a bed of roses. and boy, you got me thinking
@ 9:13 AM
linger on,
it's finally the weekends. i love saturdays! slept and ate a lot and watched my shows. =)) i wanna watch fireworks! but it really gotta be the week after next! ughhhh. =/ curry zazzle @ pizza hut will never be SPICY to me! i think there's smth really wrong with my tastebud! PIZZAHUTTING on thursday reminded me of those good old times me, xl, wx and rach had last year. we used to go pizza hut like ever so often. sometimes with yuki as well. =) and how the waitress there always spilled the drinks on us! LOL! and how we always ask for the coupons to have the free platters. and way before we had to walk all the way to the serving area to get our soup. the way cheng and i were being so typical kiasu singaporeans, we would wait till they bring out a whole new pot! then we'll chiong there, and use the ladle from all the way below, we would scooped out the chicken. HAHAH! and of cos those times whereby i would have nothing else on the menu but the bbq chicken pizza and cheng and i would finish up two bottles of cheese. and we had a hard time sneaking ard getting the second one. yesterday was a fkup friday! i had every subj lesson except GP !!! i didn bring my chinese dictionary, didn bring my GC, didn bring my GAOZHI! thats three things in a day! after school, the five of us wanted to go people's park but we ended really late!!! and things just don always go the way you want them to be. and so we went to the amkcentral hawker to have desert. along the way, i saw people whom i never spoke to for a long time, which was weird. and anw! i was so pissed cos they didn have my REDRUBY! and their honeydew sago sucks like euwwwww gross. firstly, the sago was hard like I HAD TO BITE ON IT TO SWALLOW! the honeydew was like ICY HARD??!!! and nevertheless, it doesn taste sweet at all! then we went up to cheng's place and i was making myself so at home. i took off my socks and laid on her bed! CHENG DONG!, bring the book on monday!! i will defo figure it out! so anw, everything's great so far. the best thing of every night now is that we're not fighting anymore.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008 @ 4:15 AM
i edited my entry. it's finally wednesday. it has been a long week so far. today's class photo taking! erm hahaha? wanxing and rach are in my class photos for the fifth year! geez. and i stood beside ms fernandez. hahahahaha! didn go for dance today. 1)didn feel like it 2)nicole didn have dance pants 3)some other things have to be said before it's too late. i wanna eat gong bao ji, imma craving for it now!!!! =((( my gong bao ji remain at $3.50 a bowl!!! uuubbe. =( im a very indecisive person. and i have oldchangkee today. INFLATION sucks ok! the curry puff went from $1 to $1.20!!!! WHAT THE HELL?!!!! OMG!!! even the beancurd in my school is $1!! i rmb last time in the market was only 50 cents!! AH-bisssshhhh!!! everything's getting expensive!! the prices are all increasing! and YOU KNOW THE STUPID ICE POP?!!!! LAST TIME WAS 10 cents??!! NOW IT'S 50 cents!!!!! not fair, everything's increasing!!!! all except my allowance!!! sucks man! i wanna make things right,i wanna prove to you things are moving,i wanna show you that obstacles can be overcomed.but will you give me a chance?
Monday, July 14, 2008 @ 7:16 AM
i was being a real retard in the toliet!!! i was so close to just chopping off my fringe. im going kuku. imma kuku bird! schools' stress. beach anyone?
@ 4:32 AM
i tried to detach myself from reality, i tried, really hard. i cant stop caring, i cant stop reacting, i cant stop showing. sweet talk honey red tea is not sweet today! =( it has been raining since forever. and i thought it aint the rainy season now? hmmm.. there's this new desert stall at amk central. black sesame looks good. i wonder why hot deserts are chaper than colder ones.. my mum bought like 10 durians?!!! =.= loanshark must be tad jealous. heeheehee. when i was reading daddy's lil girl, my heart ache my heart sank. and i felt her agony. JIAYOU JIAYOU JIAYOU! must strive harder for PROMOS! oral last friday was really bad. =( i hate chinese.
Sunday, July 13, 2008 @ 6:21 AM
my thumb is gone again!! rah rah rah! i have been losing stuff recently. almost misplaced my handphone twice this week. i forgot to bring my mp4to sch, have been forgetting this and that and this. sigh why do people always say "never mind"? is it because they don't care? or they dont wanna care. it irritates me. can people make up their mind??! im tired of hearing such indecisive phrase. k's funny. oh-so-sentimental freak i hate school. i want to quit school. it's tougher than i ever imagined it to be. i had desert for 3 days straight. woah, im feeling the fats around my tummy man! i had red ruby yesterday and today! red ruby kick my ass! i rmb the first time eating it was at suntec. and then i started eating it since then and that fetish for it never stops. and everytime im upset, i will crave for that and im not sure why. it just brings me memories i suppose. i am not going to hope for things to happen anymore. i am not going to hold on to life as it is anymore. i am not going to care abt you anymore. i just wanna leave, break me free.
Saturday, July 12, 2008 @ 11:32 PM
i slipped my hand off the string, i just wanna see it fly away.
Thursday, July 10, 2008 @ 5:49 AM
heehee, i think that's true.we are not the typical kind you see around.tsk, how did we even made it this long?
@ 5:11 AM
i saw two rainbows today!!! after morning assembly!! =) wanted to take a picture of it, but then... there were like 1600+ people so forget it. and loanshark has a depreived childhood! she has nvr seen a rainbow until today! HAPPY RAINBOW DAY! be glad you celebrated it with ur dearest friends! uhhhh, today was darn embarassing! my teacher came up to me in the morning wanted to tell me something. then suddenly she said that i didn button my fourth button! oh man! so paiseh! srsly man?!? and it came off again and my teacher had to tell me again! LOL! =.= and i saw my dad at s11 today! wth was he doing there. NEAR MY SCHOOL!! must be spying one me! i had hazel daze today while loanshark ate some choco thingy! i love hazel daze, i have enuf of CHOCOfudge! and i went to gatchapon today! i got what i wanted! my marie jewellery BOX! hurhur! ^^ cos there wasn chip or dale so marie the cat is my next option. =D i like king lear. lit makes me abit wilder and crazy!
Wednesday, July 09, 2008 @ 6:44 AM
weight of the world
YAY!!! im so happy for myself. my chinese compo got 48/60. thats like the highest of all my 16 years of chinese education, HOWEVER! i got 8 marks deducted for wrong words. UGHH!! but pat pat chiats! but then, my paper 2 was badddddddd. so ugh. rach got 80, and i got 50! blah, see the difference?! had dance today, finally... erm, did abit of syf. i swear in my next life im going to be a bird!!!. in mayflower, we did SOAR and SOARING!!!!! NOW!! we are doing ON BIRDS AGAIN! and this time we are the bird nest!!! i see my life as a bird coming!! oh so soon! just that this dance is happy like OMG?! we run like a bird?! flapped flapped!! so not me, i don like happy dance, and i don like chinese dance. i am so not motivated to dance. i am speechless. cole called me bimitch! ahahahah! wtf?! so we have sitch, pitch!?! cole is silly and dumb. but she make me smile a lot. and just so you know, i got U for econs. OMG!!! WELL DONE?! i might as well not do the paper man! draw the diagram like nvr draw at all cos i didn explain the diagram. crap! and apparently other classes got people getting Bs. so im just lousy! we are all just lousy!! I AM SO LOUSY! and my econ class only have 1 person who pass OK?! and so i thought it was purrrrfeectly okay to get a U, until hannah told me, that her cls majority subpassed and got Bs and Cs! i feel so darn demoralized. and i think that the teacher said no one wants to study econs right, then half the class walked out. cos they had oral??! im not sure man! either the cls rebelled or something happened. parents meeting on the 25thJULY! OH MY TIAN!?! my legs told me to run, i dunno why either. i knew i wasn going to just let it go.
i cant eat anymore! since the binge ytd. my stomach feels weirder than ever. i tried shitting, but doesn help much. it still feels so bloated. it still feels warm. it still feels abit upset. NO SEOUL GARDEN! it hurts so much, i slept during PW! one whole period, i laid on the floor, put the cushion under my head and just sleep. i wanna shit again!! mossy today w sh,zh and teng. it's been long since i last stepped into there. had terriyaki chicken, it seems like there is more fats on the chicken today. but still yumms! slurpslurp! i think imma food-addict. each bite from the cookies makes me think of every lil thing that we did. sorry and thanks.
Tuesday, July 08, 2008 @ 7:29 AM
the best thing in your life,
i wish one day, The best thing about tonight's that we're not fighting Could it be that we have been this way before I know you don't think that I am trying I know you're wearing thin down to the coredidn do chinese, didn study econs. i am so screwed tmr. i am darn disappointed in my math marks!!! i thought i can get an A! must practise mroe chiat!! 10 weeks to promo! i think i will be getting back geog, econs and lit tmr and chinese!! BAW-WAAAHHHHHH!!!! major events happened today! ahhhh---bissssshhheeedd!!! i hate life. and they say "chiat is exceptionally quiet today." has my mood really been affected by you? i question myself to my 4 duo hua : WARNING!! my mood is really gonna get really bad these few days! so i apologize in advance for my severe mood swings yupp?! i went to binge after school today. i was very upset apparently. so head down to marinasq, seoul garden. i ate like so many chickens, i can stop eating for the next 2weeks. pukified. i dunno what caught up into my head la! i won ice kachang competition! heee! wdv! selfproclaim! and im so not fated to get the billabong bag!!! it's GONE!!!! GONE!!! GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! pictures will be uploaded tomorrow.
Monday, July 07, 2008 @ 7:05 AM
don't only see the importance only when she's leaving, then you're a step behind time. did project today. ugh, didn accomplished much. a few more days before the dateline. wheee, sch ends at 1230 tomorrow. and wanxing got the billabong backpack, stripey!!! i want a backpack tooo. but im having second thoughts about it. oh noooo.. i miss hong zao soup. at least i found a foodcourt that sells it. i thought only my granny cooks it. wheeeeee!!! and chanel loves it too!!! YAY!! im not in the mood to blog about today or anything about my life. a major bummer just happened.
Sunday, July 06, 2008 @ 8:38 AM
and yes,
@ 7:03 AM
my dad has been pmsing everyday!!!!!!!! rah! it's hard not to feel annoyed. so this convo has been on for a few days. dad: why you treat (insert name) so well. you shld walk me to the bus stop too. dad: you shld walk your ma there as well dad: i don see you being so nice to me. ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh and wx! im going to give you a suprise tmr! hahahahaah!, and you just wouldn believe!i hope it turns out well, i haven tried it myself anw. so anw, ghost whisperer freaked me out badly on friday. it's getting really scary! and baldy, doesn mean listening to jaychou means im cheeennn! asshole. your ability to not communicate well made me wasted half an hr of my oh-so-precious time and 90 cents! you're a real asshole.
Saturday, July 05, 2008 @ 8:22 AM
went to moe excel fest today with the kukus. zomg. nothing much to do there. but at least we've done our learning journey. me and chengdong wanted to queue for the balloons but it was really taking too long. so yupp, we had free ice cream, credits temasek poly. and we didn win the quiz which was very malu. rah! we are so not fastest finger first. i swear i can take spices real well. x)) rach finally bought her dumb wallet from animal at only $22! grossly disgustingly cheap! and i hate shopping where there's truckloads of people. uhmmmm. and i hate weekends cos there's no student discount anywhere. then me and xl decided to go ICEkimo for ice cream! i had a free banana split from loanshark. she's sooooooo darn nice right! hahahah! anw, banana split pawns waffle ice cream. =) stupid baldy should really kill himself. i have no idea what u're thinking at times man!
Thursday, July 03, 2008 @ 11:09 PM
and yet those, they mould me. as much i can tell you that you are long forgotten, i still think i still reminisce i still cant forget. maybe just pieces here and there. i tried to remember those times, yet i couldn reach it all i could play you was a song. make it "simple love". it's easy to create one, don make it so complicated. the present is the future's yesterday. time after time. it's just that, i have place you deep within, a place somewhere that's out of my reach. i managed it so well that i hid it so deep in, it's almost impossible to reach in and feel it anymore. it was well kept,the memories are well kept. too deep in. dug deep, you make me realise the difference between wanting and needing, but only after losing. yet, i have lost and loved. and you never touched my hand then, not once. yet yesterday, i felt that warmth, i know you're different.
@ 8:01 AM
today is just cool. got back GP paper. needless to say, i've got an E grade. "you need to improve on your language and grammer, it SERIOUSLY hinder your writing." the examiner was so sarcastic. needless to say, i scored 9/20 for language! thank GOD content was okay! i just need that 1/2 mark to get a D! suck man! tomorrow is work again! continuation of PW CAMP! which is also the finale. =) need to rush up on so many things. it's like no matter how many times we edit, there's always still room for improvement. never ending, really. my dear friend. i dunno if you will read this, but i hope you find your way here. speaking to you today, i feel so much better. those bottled up feelings, i managed to spill it all. remember, there's a difference between needing and wanting. a goal is from your inner self and not an aim made or influenced by another person to do it. it's hard to change, but you must. i think about the old, and i wished i had told you earlier. yet again, now it isn too late, as long as you're willing to, i will help you. anw!! TO MY KUKU FRIENDS!! YOU ALL CAN NEVER BELIEVE THIS! I FIX MY MP4 VOLUME MYSELF DESPITE FORGETTING THE PW! I WENT TO THE NET AND SEARCH FOR A SOLUTION AND YAY IT'S FIXED!! IM NOT TT BIMB AFTER ALL! CHEERS MAN!!!!
Wednesday, July 02, 2008 @ 8:05 AM
make it,
we make love, with paints and crystal-eye colour pencils and papers  this is what you get when you have chiat in the group! i went to take more than 100 consecutive shots with her webcam and doodle on her paints. HAHAH!!! LOANSHARK!! WATASHI WA ZUTTO ZUTTO TOTEMO AISHTERU!
4 lappies 1 me!! =(((
uber nice =))! chanel's wonderful artpiece for the proj!
all the mess in the world we can come up with!
 we're super diligent! HEE!
we went bonkers again!!!! TODAY IS the last day for pw camp!! i feel sad cos PW CAMP IS SO SLACK! all you do is sitting around the laptop and make some sense out of the written report. have bbt, have calbee chips, have buns and slack it out.
@ 5:24 AM
yet, it's so hard to say goodbye
everyone has a story to tell...yet each holds it's owni cant take you anymore. every of your actions, it makes me darn fark up.
Tuesday, July 01, 2008 @ 6:15 AM
look, it's all so beautiful
it's 1stJuly. which means half of 2008 is gone. woah!! i cant exactly believe. i mean it feels just like yesterday when it's 2007 where i was just in MFSS! i took my O's. followed by prom night, 4Echalet then long holiday to china and spent the remaining holiday working. then went to YJC for PAE then ponned school all the time. went into CJC then xfered to NYJC and then march holidays, june holidays, mid years and doreenparty and now, im chionging pw!! today's only tues and i am feeling the thick panda eyes, heavy eyelid. i donno how am i going to survive for the rest of the week. im going to intro BUNN-chan today. it's chanel's daughter/son. and it's my abducted kid. i will abduct her and go stand at the window side and stroke and tell her how my friends bully me. and i will stroke her belly and i stroke her eyes and tell her how much i am sad while looking towards the tennis court. chengdong say im weird... hahahah! but really she's not much better  and bunn-chan says"i love my mum"   i love my ipod, imma going to sch now. =) rach is so going to kill us??!  she makes me feel a bit of love is in the air.  while typing on the laptop! she gives me comfort.  click click, click away!! (i was squatting under the table) bad photographer!!!  stupid chengdong trying to suffocate her. MURDERER! OKAY! im such an asshole. OMG! i tried to sync my MP4 without connecting the cable to the cpu!! and i waited darn long and tot my mp4 went BerSERK! shit man! i think i shld kill myself