Monday, October 27, 2008 @ 5:02 AM
alright dudes, i have posted 5 posts today, thus i am going to do chinese now. i will post the halloween night at night safari on halloween day itself! so tadaa! BUH-BYES!
@ 4:42 AM
potential bakers!
this baking thing took place after lit paper !!! people coop your pictures now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  me, getting ready to bake! =D  tell me about it! a mountain of FLOUR!!  frantic, frantic!!  machinery makes things progress faster than ever!  xl showing off her talent! SCRAP!!!!  the PROS! trying to help the mixer to progress to greater hts!  here is the result after the mixer had done its job! looks like.. uhmm!  YAY! end results!  brownies! this is instant, don get fooled by the chio appearance! after this we watched "one missed call" and OH NO I CANT REMEMBER!! anw, it's a horror movie with a guy's name. i think it's johnny, eh no. i think it's peter! ahhh, i have no idea la! but anw i think after all these years, i am so immuned to horror movies that i don scream anm. wadsoever. i still remember the times in sec 1 and 2, where, siling, lixin, wanxing, xinlin, rachel, yuki, nicole, chanel, amy, and i donno who else came to watch horror movies. i think i rmb suhailah comingto watch pontianak. that was the scariest movie and the most people who came to watch! i think we watched shows like chunky, some thai horror movies, the jap ones, and koreans ones! eyeeeeeeeee!!!! the worst is those indo ones! and i remember once i didn watch with them cos i had dance and they went to watch SAWIV w/o meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! =( LOL! nice remembering the times where they would come over to my house and rock the house down! LOL! it's funny thinking back okay! we were so innocent then! now leh!!! we are so immune to such supernatural stuff that we would go for the GHOST TRAM to freak ourself out in the middle of the night at 11pm! into the jungle to meet the fake supernaturals! then, such purity!
@ 4:27 AM
fun, fun, FUN!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY X- TRA LARGE! LOVE the fish and the mushroom soup! xD and for only 9.90! =)  then went over to spot light. chanel had to leave early, thus no pictures of chanel! anyway, see the annoying figure btwn me and cheng. brrrrrr! 
AIR HOSTESS!! and the dumb pilot! AHHAHAHAH!!!, I AM THE MAN!  i cant landscape this, i have no idea why!!! HAHAHHA!, she dared me to do this!!! went to PS! ahhhh, shouldn have thrown away all the legos and the disney stuff man!! checkout all the toy outlets at the cinema level. totally should just kong my head man!! rahhhhh!! daiso again. heehee. bought more seasoning and stuff for my dog. YUPP! i love the dog more than my frens. and thats what they all say, which is totally not true.
@ 4:14 AM
TOTALLY LOSTT!!  @the bus stop for so long that we aint able to get back to sch on time.  AHHH, where is 156?!!!!  here it is! LOST!  TOTALLY LOST! this is yiochukang rd at serangoon area. right up is UPPTHOMSON rd, AMK ave1 and HOUGANGave2. totally confused and lost that we went to camp at the nearby prata house to wait for the rain to get smaller, while we played "i HAVE;"
@ 3:57 AM
the FAMOUS ones;
HAPPY DEEPAVALI! whheeeeeeeeeeeeeee. last week was a real hectic week okay! the point is, i was so tired when i got home each day that i just bathed and went to bed immediately! i cant exactly remember what went on the last whole week. but i still do remember going to MANHATTAN FISH' MARKET on dearest XINLIN'S BIRTHDAY!!! and friday, we went NIGHT SAFARI!!!! HALLOWEEENNN!!! now now now, i remembered being lost in YIOCHUKANG, PHILIPS AVE, SERANGOON NORTH AVE 1 on wednesday!?!!!! the dudes and i were at the bus-stop surronded with private estate, with HDB flats at a distance away. and i thought yiochukang was supposed to be near my house where YIOCHUKANG mrt station is, THUS i never knew there was a yiochukang near serangoon. which is LOL?!!!! for my entire life, i never knew yiochukang had such long long stretch of road. nnnnooooobbbbb! i still cant figure out, how did they link yiochukang mrt all the way to yiochukang RD! seriously, what an eventful week! sigh, i am screaming a lot in this post. please count the number of exclamation marks yo!
@ 3:54 AM
that kept me going,
the things i had done upon my own selfishness. i had settled and unsettled. i had stayed but left. i had created a mountain outta a molehill. and all that i did, was to be able to hide away.
Friday, October 17, 2008 @ 7:38 AM
don't stress;
let's start with something presentable before moving on to something really horrifying!  Be prepared! especially those with high blood pressure. not suitable for the weak hearts. did this cuckoooish thinggy yesterday during pw since we didn have much too edit. finally and thankfully we are finished with WR! so fast lehhh, suddenly all the complains on how wr is irritating, annoying and bullshitty doesn make much sense now, doesn feel like we had actually finished up wr! brrrr. OP slides done. left THE SCRIPT(s). hahahahah! our scripts! i must remember to send to xl!!!! ahhhhhhhhhhhh, i will never eat KFC AGAIN! apparently, my dad told me that they bred chicken using chemicals in labatory and so the chickens have no feathers. =.= and that's why if you notice, KFC is no longer uses kentucky fried chicken as their trademark or something like that. oh nooooo. today will be the last time i eat kfc chickenssssssss. tried the new icekachiinnngg shop next to master donut ate AMK today. i think the chocoicekachinggg is quite nice. worth the money tooo. ONLY $2 with 4 toppings. where to find such gooodyy deal?! i never had such a nice, sweet afternoooon nap for a long time ever since august or somewhere around there. slept for 3 hours straight, that i even thought i had to prepare to go to school when i woke up! sillyme. but i dreamt of the weirdddest thing ever. ohgosh! x(
Wednesday, October 15, 2008 @ 5:59 AM
 terrible chinese results, 0,0,0!! but look closely!! chengdong and i got 12 for the previous section! so fluctuating! brrrrrrr!!  OBS leaf, rmb rmb?! hahaha, i miss OBS! miss rockclimbing, canoeinig, quarry swimming, hiking, mass shitting, mass peeeing, mass digging! i miss OBS! blessed by the Lord. promos results were out today. results were far better than expected. actually i expected to do better for econs and lit, but wadtheever!! i should be contented since this is the first time, the only time that i passed all subjects! other than the tests in term 3. so i wanna give thanks to the Lord for he really did brought me through the very hard times and i wouldn be able to do it if not for the many encouragement from friends. keep having faith people! thou there's still additional of 40%, i really do hope, things will just be as good. im certain that we'll be fine, since we have travelled so far, what's abit more, yupps. we'll be just okay! dentist.ikea.alexandrafoodvillage after school. claypot laksa is the love. awwwwww, love the sugar cane as well which was only $1!! super duper cheapppp!! bought ang ku kueh also! peanut and durian! it's really good! change my braces colour to a lighter shade of lavender, i like! :D ikea swedish meatball and hotdog rocks! ughhhh, so much so much so much food today! bought a red colour towel from ikea. pretty in red. heee. i wanna go ikea to buy more furnitures! today is great. yesterday was great too. GJ cocoa loco and coldstorage sushi is uberrish good! we love people watching, don't we? hee. i want my fossil watch!! i want my fossil watch x100!! my 14 years of swatch is dying. turing red to brown, really, not joking. i live for fooooooooodd! yippppeeees!
Monday, October 13, 2008 @ 6:13 AM
funky as ever!
 i have finally done it right. i didn expect it to happen, but it did. just when i thought i will never get a chance to do it anymore last friday, miracles do happen sometimes. and for once, i did it. my first and my last. thanks. I know we will remember this day.
I am constantly trying to remind myself that I should not despair! Written Report complete :D all smile! so anyway, Had BOTAKJONES today! so happy, i love my Cajun chicken + cheese Potato + fries!! tender meat. slurps! strawberry cake and strawberry iceblend was OISHIII!!! HAHAHAH! silly me made a fool of myself thou, by telling the aunty i wanted ichigo ice blended cos before that i was before playing around with the dudes. xinlin, thanks!
Sunday, October 12, 2008 @ 6:47 AM
I must say,the rainbow gave me hope, renewed my faith and keeps me going.
Thursday, October 09, 2008 @ 9:20 AM
baby, i saw it coming
we have grown!!!!! prettier, i hope =)))  30/05/2007 super toot, i don even wanna put up the sec3 pic!  15/11/2007 yellowwyyyyyy bad camerraa!
 23/01/2008 hahah, progressing....  28/06/2008 =)) i am certain, we have grown much more presentable over the years. purposely chose the ones dated years ago that are superb ugly to see the progression! this is all for personal grooming. haha! i had school today! :) we had some post exam activities. it was as usual, boring. cept, the "last dialogue session" was interesting and off to GJ. decided to try cocoa loco today! having too much voltage gave me a terrible sorethoart. out with XL and JOEY! Had voltage at GJ yesterday as well! so lovely, and we saw sokwun with her boyfriend. LOL! this is my third time this year seeing her outside! -_-!!!!! i got two shorts yesterday! really really happy lah! and it was on discount, so i saved a lot. yeahhhh, i knowww, the rest must be thinking, i'm like super auntyyyy right??!!! not the first time being so auntyyyyyy anw. coldstorage have the best wasabisalmonmaki! and only $2.80!!! plus they gave me cold ice in case my sushii turns bad on the way home. so goooood right. betya' wont get such awesome service in ntuc ok! coldstorage is the BEST! oh, the J2s are graduating tmr. the sec4s too i suppose. it really doesn feel very much like a year. and my life hasn changed much in anyway. my super kuku auntiesssssss are still the same three dudes. just some friends have become more distant than before (it is expected) and some things will change in a few months time. the most important thing for now, i don` want to know the pressurizing stuffs that are going to come up and of course i hope you don' drop a bomb on me again (as and when) and tell me you were serious about what you said that day. cos' i don think i will be able to take it when i ha thoroughly prepared myself over the last few months (mentally and emotionally) that some things will not happen. i don' want some things to happen, though i am still convincing myself to not want it to happen, do not come near. you, back off. that's the irony. i must update about tuesday tomorrow!!! i must remember to get the photos from xl!!!
Wednesday, October 01, 2008 @ 11:10 PM
and i hope this remains very personal to both. i am craving for voltage, GJ anyone? all Rachel's fault. i am craving for raw prawns, suki again anyone? all Chanel's fault Tuesday was great! painted skin was awesome! Singaporeans are waking up earlier. haahaa, the cinema was quite packed at 1040am! zomg, Tuesday was the earliest and will be the earliest time i will wake up for the rest of the week. then to sukisushi! marvellecious! i ate 3plates of amaebi (the raw prawn) !!! i would have ate more if my stomach didn failed me. i bought fluff's toothbrush and it def wasn easy brushing her teeth! and gloriajeans! the cake was at 50% off so we tried obscenity cake! i think i gained many many many kgs this week. sigh, i shall go now to venture further for greater expectations. (this line doesn make much sense) and to the one who smsed me at 0400 last night, glad you're cherishing the people around you.