Saturday, November 29, 2008 @ 8:46 PM
none of that, more of nothing
we see the different individuals, most float by you, but some slow down their pace. there's some that comes close in a second and are gone the next minute. yet some stick as close as forever but what's forever you ask, forver ... it can be a year, 2 or 3 just how you define it for now. yesterday was fluffy's bdae officially a year old. and the best thing tt ever happened in my entire life, thou i hated her when she poop everywhere in the hse. but what will i be w/o her? i have random thoughts now and then. i wanna do many things this december. it's december but my life is more packed than ever.
Friday, November 28, 2008 @ 6:41 AM
back for good
back from taiwan, the most awesome place ever to shop (apart from japan) had econs proj meeting today! a total failure cos we felt superb slacky like ugggghhh, it's suppose to be the holidays!! why in the world is there econs?!?!!!!! PW!!!!!!! anw, i mapled ytd at nicole's lan shop(her place) and it took me like 3 years to become lvl44! like since sec2eoy! hahahaha, i still rmb how i used to play maple during O's and even during days when i have paper the next day. super addictive esp monster carnival. been watching gossipgirls lately. i do not like vanessa. blabsss! >.< i love dan!!!!!!!!! (: i wanna subscribe to chnl v! it's super addictive . i think wo ai hei she hui and mo fan ban ban tang is coool. i like such variety shows, not like the ones in singapore. shit i think my hanyupingyin sucks!!!! ayeeeeeee. dance ytd was hais. cant rmb my steps, cant seems to get it right. i feel emotionally dots~! on a lighter note, getting my quad cam galaxy tmr. i shld be a bit happier righties! cheerios dude, have to wake up at 8 tmr morn...
Tuesday, November 18, 2008 @ 3:22 PM
hello world, i am at the airport now with stupid xinlin beside me saying "oei" hahaha, cheng dong!!!! how's fluffy??? OOKKKK!! HOW ARE YOU??!?!?!?!?!! anyway, if you lose fluffy i am going to sever all ties with you!!! RAHHHHHH!!! rmb not to bring her to bishan park or my bro will kill you!!! hahahahahaha!! anyway, take care when ur mama is not around. i know chuck(not chuck B.) will drive you NUTSS!!! wahahahahahahahahahahahaha anyway, i gtg, the gate is opening soon. "i know you love me, xoxo"
Monday, November 17, 2008 @ 5:45 AM
went out with xl today to do our hair and went to vivo to get her canon powershot E1!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA! pictures of the day!  i dunno what im doing manzzzzz +.+  shoesss!!  checkout the pokka dots and leopard prints. teehee!  ohsopretty! :D  hats again!!! <3  bwahhahahahahahah!  yah man! we rock! bought a camera for only 35 bucks and it can take 4 shots in a sec, one one frame. im so happyyy!! here come my lomo camera! shall post pictures when i get the camera!!!
Saturday, November 15, 2008 @ 6:57 AM
it's been a long time, there was a confirmation between you and me, that level of certainty was enough. till then, i had always waited eagerly, but now, i don't take notice of such stuff anymore. that last phone call, make it the last time i'll ever shut you up. we have been. too simple.
Friday, November 14, 2008 @ 10:32 PM
fairytale, nothing more than a dream it's finally the holidays :) and 5 more days to taiwan :) im sure im gonna gain a lot of wg man! ): lots of work to complete. ugh, school is a killer manz!
Thursday, November 13, 2008 @ 5:16 AM
this was taken after A level chinese which was on 30/10/2008! but dear me, who is so lazy will only blog now! met yuki-san after the chinese paper and went to vivo to catch HSM3! chinese was tough, but wadeva!! i like SHAR-PEI!!! hahahahahah, not that dog breed btw!  us@ toyRus!  FIGHT ONNNN!!! ONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!  dumb xl, dunno whad she doing man!  i won! victory is mine! what a dumb pose!  us, halloweeennyyyy! :)  CHOOOO CHOOOO!!  xl too big, cant fit herself in!  yuki and chong around the world in 80DAYS!  me, yuk and chong! on top of the globe! :/  chong wanna eat up the hamsters. she's a hamivour!  RILAKUMMMMMAA :D  so cutttee :D me not rilakuma nor cheng!  heehee :/  rilakuma LAND!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008 @ 6:35 AM
after AvenueQ on 3rd november! im not gonna promote or do any review on AvenueQ cos it's no longer in singapore i think. okay, maybe in short, it is quite interesting (yes, very vague), entertaining and lotsa SEX! the point of having this post is to upload the beautiful moments captured or else i will be murdered in minutes! :D  chong and i @ FOX!  artistic right?!! by the green tea lover, chanel!  us w/o stupid chanel @ TOPSHOP!  nice furry boots that made my legs looked shorter than ever!  chanel being an idiot! xP!  me and rach being random!  chong and i look good right?!? heehee!  all of us, with cheng tornado-ing! wad was she doing huh?! as kiasu as ever, cant wait to get outta the lift. -_-""  singapore flyer!! we went up to the top of the world! yeah right!
 beautiful scenery!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008 @ 5:03 AM
this is a belated halloween post!
night safari pictures. it's taking forever to upload, so i will just show some. =) night safari with the dudes were a blastx) so freaked out that i grabbed chengdong's arms the whole duration! she said i like to mo mo (touch touch) here and there!!! like im some perv or what huh?!! but the walk is really scary okay! should have dressed up right chanel!!!! =(
STOP ANIMAL ABUSE! hahahahah, the animals are really kawaiiiii-ne!
 this is US, the dudes! the dare-devils! BAAAAAHH!!! scarecrows cant scare us away!! on the GHOST tram @11PM! MUAHAHAHAHAH!  inside the GLOW IN THE DARK SHOP!
 beware!! BE WARENED!!! EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED!  chanel tryingg to be emo!! FAILED!!  sexy!! *.*  butcher chicken?? with rachel!  hee, we're wicked! beware!  little red riding hood (devilish version?!)  US! the dudes with dracula!!! >.<  they hor, trying to wake up the spirits up!! chiang chiang chiang****!  HALLOOWEEEENNNN! PUMPKINN!!  night safari!! >.<  ps: im so happy, there's a pets lover shop @ amk!!!
Saturday, November 08, 2008 @ 8:17 AM
we'll never need to win,
im feeling super tired, i think it's bcos i have been sleeping darn late these few nights. all cos of fated to love you. practically chasing the drama cos before promos when i tried to watch the first few episodes, i felt uber guilty when i don study. so now since i have the luxury of time, then yeah, chiong the show like there's no tomorrow! there's still one more week of school! cant wait to escape from singapore, to taiwan!! (: lalalala, im so happy cos chengdong can look after fluffyGOH! God's grace yeah! so relieved that i don have to consider sending my dog to a borading house or worry my maid will forget to take her out to walk or eat or shit cos dearest chengdong mama allow fluffy to stay at their house. wheeee (: life's soooo goood! i have plenty of photos in my camera manzzzzzzzzzzzzz! toooots! must start sending people photo albums soon!! and my bro reaccepted Christ today! (: im so happy for him manzzzzz!!!!!! before youth today, went to meet YUKI-san for lunch. while crossing the road to hub, i thought i saw chanel, but it wasn chanel, just someone who dressed like chanel (with a hoodie and a cap) and i wanted to walk up to tap on her shoulder until i noticed that the not chanel person's very fair leg and realised chanel aint that fair to be chanel! then after lunch i really saw chanel ok!!! but she was buay song with me cos i didn go for the mftraining today, partly cos i felt really pukish and of cos i was really tired~ i will go the next time lurhhhh! (: taiwan seems to be a very hot tourism spot. i went to the library twice to get the taiwan guidebook but to no avail! aahh-bishh! maybe i should reserve the book right! need new contact lenses! babyyyy! cant wait till i turn like 25! i will defo do LASIK!!!!
Friday, November 07, 2008 @ 8:18 AM
love is a game you cant win,
another year to go guys! im so glad, so glad that we made it through. another year together at least. thank God! during mid-year exam, with those veryshitty results, it seems so impossible to actually promote, but we eventually did it! chengdong don have to take CLB! isnt it great?!!!!! see her smiling away man!! cheers with tears(of JOY) eveyone! (: i wont find a solution to win, i don have to win.