Wednesday, December 31, 2008 @ 8:51 AM
It's officially the 31st of December. this marks the very last day of 2008! soon-to-be a whole new year tmr. that also means it's time to do the A levels in a few months time. but anyway, for those who feels like there's something they really have to tell the person they love, do so, before this year ends. then again, with every end, there's a new beginning. since this is the official last entry of the year, it's time to spill out each and every word i have to say before the new year begins. well first and foremost, i wanna give thanks to every positive and negative things that God has put in my way this year. whether i had found it annoying or glad or was upset or cheerful over it, im pretty sure i have grown a tad bit wiser than the last. God has worked miraculously over the months in my life, who can i be more thankful for.
Secondly, the people that stood by me rain or shine. i must present, the MFG! hahahahaha, what stupid name. the KUKUS!  5 reasons why i love them. These four dudress are probably 1)the only friends in school that would never betray you, in all perfect honesty! because they laugh, cry, fail exams, don do tutorials together, pon lectures, so on and so forth all tgt with me! 2)the only people who will gang up all together among themselves and prank me! 3)only people who will know your address, go into your house without telling you they are already there and stuffed themselves with all the food 4)of cos the only people you go overseas and have to buy souveneirs back or they will kill you. 5)crazy people who adds extra ingredients into recipes. thanks people for all these years. the sixth year and out final year being together. love you guys loads! Thirdly, i proudly present to you... ClubMoriah! 
this is one group of youth who has give me much much joy on my saturdays and sundays. this year-end holiday has been a great time for me to bond and fellowship with them. Youthconference, youth camps, caroling, stayovers has been certainly wonderful and awesome with these people around. I enjoyed every bit of it very much. In this new year, may CM continue to grow ever soo intimately and closely with the Lord. of cos there are many others who i may truly thankful for, esp those from mf to ny. anyway this post is getting kinda long winded. then again, i spent the 30thDec(supposedly to do econs proj) but ended up, with the kukus, reminiscing over secondary school days, OBS, sec3 camp, cca and yadaa daa. hahahahaha, i actually miss chem prac in lab with yuki. i miss mixing all the leftover solutions into many many beakers and then one fine day wx got scolded by the lab technician cos that lady thought it was her who made the mess and i got away all fine. of cos there were days i got scolded too. hahahahah. hahahaha. and i rmb how we had sec3camp and angelinetoh flew up cos she belayed zhihui i think. and wx and i thought we saw a ghost and alarmed deb and doreen who were near us. and the next day we went back there and found out its a rock. twoinkz! and of cos the usual people who never do their homework irregardless of whose homework it was. of cos that included me and distinct others were bezner, fir, zhenghui, wanxing, yuki. and if im not wrong, there were huiwen and junhong. hahahaha, what memories and some others will join us occasionally. wahlao, im really so lazy coming to think of it. and we had mr ang who particularly wasn so nice to me and i remembered he gave hoho lots of minor offence in the stupid yellow book. and yuki the pon-sch queen. hahahahahahahahahah and we wrote so many excuse letters that yoyo had to tell us to stop it. and yoyo scolded the class when half the class decided to pon during national day celebration. so many more that were really hilarious and classic. how time flies. it's another year. and the kukus had a good laugh! (: oh really, what memories we had...
Monday, December 29, 2008 @ 6:26 AM
this post is dedicated to YUKI-chan!
KAAYUUUUU!!! here's your photos. more to come babe(:
Sunday, December 28, 2008 @ 3:05 AM
like the sea breeze
the year's coming to an end. it's time to do some self-reflection and come up with new resolution for the new year. time to give thanks to the Lord for his goodness. just means, it's time for thanksgiving. 2008 has given me my fair share of the rollar coaster ride. things like the change of school environment, change of friends, change of hangouts, change of this and that has taught me to adjust, to crawl out of my comfort zone. but one thing that hasn change is that God has always been faithful. i have gained many and lost many in just this year, but it has taught me patience and love. i shall do a more detailed reflection on the 31st.
Saturday, December 27, 2008 @ 7:00 AM
damm regret
i feel nothing more than stupid. gross inside more than it can contain. anyway, went out with chengdong on a friday afternoon! hahahahahahah. borders calenders were having discount. then went to cine to eat soft shell crab pasta at shokudo. and attempted to do some work at GJ but failed. so decided to go down to bishan to cut hair and stuff liddat.
Friday, December 26, 2008 @ 4:42 AM
those words that we spilled out last night. was it, just a form of entertainment? a way to boast our ego? for self satisfaction? for the attention? were those, words without serious intention? words with superficial meaning? or was it the personal truth.
Thursday, December 25, 2008 @ 7:40 AM
we're flying first class.  the sleepers @ yt's place.  lots of smileyss! (:  trying to act different from the usual!   looking pretty as ever! (: (with makeup) me and yuk!  just as pretty as always (: without makeup!  tadaaaaa!  sherrie and joy!   the night crawlers at the kitchen cooking instant meegoreng! Merry Christmas! it's 4 minutes till christmas is over. but christmas this year is different from the other years. My white christmas! spent christmas eve evening caroling. it was pretty promish with everyone with makeup and stuff. and almost everyone looks different but pretty and sweet. we were having a wonderful time in the bus singing alongside with Joash and Menshing playing the guitar. i think the caroling went really well(: after caroling, CM went over to yaoting's house for sleepover. we're having so much fun playing Wii!(it's my first time playing Wii) and cooking instant noodles, playing pingpong and talking and stuff liddat. woke up on christmas day playing more Wii HSM, tennis! hahahah. and pinponging! then down to thomsonplaza. the claypot chicken rice is noooo good! please do not eat it for your own pleasure. hahah. then chilled at Starbucks and homed! a blessed christmas everyone. PS, do not wish me meery christmas at 11.59pm on 25thdec like my dearest chengdong, it's confusing. hahah! Happy boxing day everyone!
Monday, December 22, 2008 @ 8:57 PM
i dreamt of you again
last night, i dreamt of you again. how action packed it was. still, i remember the small details of the unreality. this reminds me you should be back soon. when and when, i will try not to notice. then again, love is currently not in my dictionary. for now. funny how you reach seventeen and all the relatives that you haven seen for a long time starts asking if you are seeing someone. and when any age younger than seventeen means you are not ready and blah blah blah. and how you tell them no, and nobody believes. and it makes it worse when you have a brother who do the opposite. kabish! im seventeen and im not ready, p.l.e.a.s.e tell your mummy(S) to kindly stop asking. meow!!!
@ 8:48 PM
Early Christmas Special
Christmas celebration on 21st sunday!  and all the smileys!  all in blacksss!  the G3! muahahahahahaha  clubmoriah with covenant players!  ahhh and huggs! thanks babes for your pressies! i like the boxers, charms!
after christmas service at HAC, went back home for the kukus celebration! the 4 of them came over to my place to start preparing the dinner first. what a splendid meal. hee, and wx i love your cupcakes and gingerbreadman! i don care, i want it for my birthday! ahahaha! chanel bought stingray :) i like! afterwhich we ripped our presents!! i haven took any pictures, but i did guess right bout the slipper and bag! hahaha, anw, the dudes bought me a billabong slipper and billabong tatami mat for picnic that was fitted in nicely in a transparent bag plus a ducky note pad and xl handmade a pair of earrings for yours truly. thankyou guys!
dudes, hope you guys love your presents and use it well! of cos, sleepover means staying up late till we cant dong anymore. we played monopoly which got a bit boring and switched to uno and pokkacards and scrabbles. hahahah. and cant take it anymore at 3 plus that we went to bed.. ahhh! the rest had to leave early for sch and stuff the next day so they left abt 11. but nice and awesome wx stayed and help me bathed fluffy! fluff fluff is soooo clean now. and we brought her to the playground and took many many pictures of her using the vivitar. zomg, fluffy the superstar! haa. and at night, went for lalalallalalalallalal(carolling prac) i cant sing for nuts! >.<
Friday, December 19, 2008 @ 8:30 AM
spinning around in circles.
i realised that i reallyx1000000 need to start concentrating on my Econs proj!! walked, and more walking.i am looking forward to sunday(: be it for christmas celebration at church or the sleepover. to my kukus: i am really excited, i hope my guess is correct. HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAH!
Monday, December 15, 2008 @ 7:04 AM
hello babysss!
hello fellows, im back but i will be away for youthcamp from 16-19dec sleepover at charms! 13thdec.  yuks think i look cute here! she looks really kukumalu! hahah!  !the happy people x)  while yuks tried to scare charms, she forgot, there's smth behind her!  thy sleepers!  hey guys, aint you touched??!! do i hear a YES?! i actually remembered you people!! if you guys are going to watch the fireworks during the newyear eve, do check out if you can see your names on the balloons! heeeheee, i will be displayed on that day! i know you people are smiling now rights! awwwwwww.  me and yuks do rmb 4E!!! we tried to think of 4E's iconic symbol but apparently we couldn think of anything cepts zh muscle man which is ugly as ever. and being us as unartistic as always, the muscleman seems abit euuuuwwwwwwwwwwwwwishhhhhh.  so pretty right!! let me narate the whole story! we were in the train from payalebar heading toward bukitbatok. in the train there was this girl who was drawing random people who was sleeping. of cos we were pretty excited and we want her to draw us. so being mousyy timid as ever, only vivi the courageous and brave soul braced herself up and wrote her a note. and she drew a portrait of from left: Joy, Yuk and Yours truly. ahahhahahaha! im so honoured!  us@ astons(specialities) and we saw vickyy!  clubmoriah mafias!! men in b l a c k!  girls from clubmoriah who went for youthconference(:
Tuesday, December 09, 2008 @ 5:21 AM
walking past, missing by
caught waiting because i want to, and it's beautiful, i say that feeling was indescribable. the times that i have slipped by you, so many, so uncountable. are there times that we didn notice? so unrealistic, so unbelievable. i dont want to mingle in that crowd, i dont want to lose you in that corner. but, so impossible.
Sunday, December 07, 2008 @ 9:09 AM
lazy sunday. basically slacked at home then went to rafflestownclub in the evening. zomg, i feel really tired these few day. need more amount of sleep. tried to do the holiday assignments but are rather unsuccessful, not suprise anw. 4 more weeks of holiday till school reopens. i feel emotionally burdened by all my workloads. goshh. i wanna do more swimming, it makes me a whole lot happier inside. and i wanna get a underwater camera!! then i can take pictures when i go swimming with my frens. that would be so awesome isn'it. hahahaha, hinthint people!!!! lol! anw, i baked cheesecake for my dad's bdae on friday. being me, as usual, i didn notice that the receipe stated the degree of the oven in F!! zomg! im am freaking careless and dumb! ga-bishhh no wonder the cake is terribly burnt.. okay, a bit burned! hahahahaha.
Thursday, December 04, 2008 @ 11:06 PM
thy high, jump higher
  happy happy holiday! dance in the morning was superb tiring but good cos i felt lighter. mmm, mentally. hahahahah. lyrical dance is getting better (: went to meet xl and rach after that for GJ! been tad long man! i realise it's always raining when im going to town for GJ, i wonder why.
 hearts GJ, Voltage with lotsa chocolate sauce, thymuacks! >.<
 xl trying to be OHSOartistic! the toliet at basement Heeran is awesomelly pretty!  zomg, another shot from xl! anw, it was totally caffeine OD ytd. we drank GJ like at 3 plus and after shopping at heeran till ard 630, we were walking down STARBUCKS lane!!! GUESS WAD?!! they were giving out free coffee from 5-7pm cos it was the christmas open house! any flavour in the house! we were contemplating initially, was like want or don want since we already had a regular drink at GJ, plus i drank VOLTAGE! after that we went la, free what right. ok, the point is, we decided to try out the christmas flavour, since it's supposedly free (you see, we made a donation to salvation army), so not exactly FOC ok, we're nice people. xl and i ordered DARKCHERRYMOCHA and rach got the TOFFEEsmth  THE CHRISTMAS SPECIALS ARE FABOULICIOUS! 
US, so happy and high after all the coffee intake in mere hours! LOL! as a result, i couldn sleep in the night and still feel energetic now:)
@ 8:47 AM
the stranger, he/she creeps behind in the dark. far and almost apart, soft and almost unspoken closer to you, he wears this facade. i know you recognize those lies. therefore, the reason you wouldn trust, unless the stranger proves it otherwise. or else, the distance btwn both will always be miles apart. then, now, so on and ever. one day, this will get it clear across to the stranger. when the stranger speaks, he/she knows you more than a person. he/she personifies you. almost as if, anything could be everything of course, the stranger holds no gender, nor any image to you. for, reality destroy fantasies. till then, love, me.
Wednesday, December 03, 2008 @ 4:53 AM
Taiwan Day 2 yeliu stone park! love the sea!  awwwww, how natural. captured w/o knowing!
 JUMPSHOTS!!!  the queen's head!
 jiufen! i like this picture. so vintage!

jiufen!    thy best smellytofu ever!!!