Tuesday, January 27, 2009 @ 7:07 AM
it's school again tomorrowwwwww...
my school week will start off with everyone's most fav lesson! none other than PE! ahhaha oh well, apart from visiting my relatives, eating many many pineapple tarts and counting my hongbao money (i kinda hope counting it over and over again, it will multiply!!!) i have been playing LEFT4DEAD! man, i really like killing zombies and witches. how they excites me, really. haha! im off to lala~land!
Sunday, January 25, 2009 @ 7:10 AM
Happy chinese new year world!   **!luocaisheng! on tuesday, the dudes and i went to sakae to celebrate rach birthday! so we decided to use the leftover vegs to luoyusheng! hahahahaha. shld have added some raw salmon right! I BOUGHT MY BBF YESTERDAY NIGHT! im like super duperly happy mans! hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahah. i got the red one, but i feel quite dumb buying it now cos its like 200 bucks!!! there was super lil people at bugis today. hahahah, i like. easier to shop not that i even bought anything. i guess it was really an acheivement man, went to town and spent only 1.20 on pokkamilktea cos i didn eat nor buy any stuff! hahahahahaha, super proud of myself. i haven been doing impulse buying since school reopen cept for the bbf! hahahaha, and cos coldstorage had to close by 5pm so the sushi was only 50cents per piece!!! (: tired and sick from reunion dinner just now. i shall go watch bride war now!
Monday, January 19, 2009 @ 4:06 AM
 credits wx! her blackbirds fly very pretty (: as if i haven had enough, im contemplating to get a 2way vista(dual cam)! the camera function damm superb okay! can take panoroma shots and the normal kind and plus with build in flash okay!! tsk man, i know i had spent lotsa money the last holiday. but i can seems to get enough. i think i will get, i'll really think about it. went to the dentist to get my powerchain fix. i can remove my braces real soon! ): ughhh, im kinda tired with all the thoughts of having to do all the homework by tdy. kinda random! i have this really huge craving for sushi, i want sakae tmr mans!
Sunday, January 18, 2009 @ 7:57 AM
Vivitar, roll one
Vivitar(: X-processed film! lomoslide!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009 @ 7:33 AM
i have no idea why im feeling so sour, literally. this sucks. i dun wanna feel that way, not suppose to, so unrelated we are in reality.
@ 6:03 AM
shake accordingly;
Open house was finally over ytd! i guess the performance wasn tooo bad lurh! saw some juniors, hopefully they will make it in, so all the best! anyway, lessons started as per normal today and the workloads that the teachers gave are unbelievably huge! don bother trying to know how huge it is! it's going to suffocate me soon! essays and more essays and more more essays. some pictures from the open house ytd, more photos are with the other dancers! my currypok head is so huge and pommy for once!  Hannah(:  cassandra(:  tacole!!! spot my hideous pimple!  huiteng(:  stupid tacole again! had dance again today! it's back to chirpy chirp chirp! tortureous stretching, i don like! goodbye toodles, off to understand a portrait! more othello and bkc tmr!
Monday, January 12, 2009 @ 5:26 AM
it's the first day of schoool!
cheerioss! im kinda happy with my timetable now cos sch starts at 9 cepts on the day i have PE!! i know i hated my timetable ystd, but maybe cos i didn really understood it last night. hahahah! wheeeeeeee, im really (: cos this means i can sleep till 745 everyday and get my dad to send me to school. God is good! so anyway, school was kinda stupid and boring today cos we just had to go there for some briefing and then off to our respective places to publicise the school which is like zomg. so anw, my class went to tpy mrt at 12pm (kinda dumb) cos all the secondary 4 students are like still at home(so wasn really effective). there were just that lil of them! then trotted off to amkhub then decided to join 0814 at mf! lunched opp mf! really really happy cos i had my indian rojak, fried rice and hor fun! heee, im really growing fat. Open house tomorrow, i don feel like dancing. i feel undanceable! so, it's official we wont be seeing each other that frequent anm.a pity, really.
Sunday, January 11, 2009 @ 6:39 AM
HELLO school, im back for more.
tell me about it, school's officially starting tomorrow. no, im not looking forward for more lectures, tutorials and cca. not looking forward to canteen food. most of all, not looking forward to PE! my timetable is kinda disatrous after inspecting that on even weeks (tues and thurs) i have many many hours of break inbtwn lesssoons! I have yet to complete some homework, but whatever~ im just going to get scolded as usual what! anyway did i not mention? i dislike(hate is too strong a word) blogs that have their own list of favourite music or whatsoever that you will auto hear the music once you open their webpage. i tell you, it's irritating cos i have to scroll frantically to find their player and turn off the music. worse of it all, the songs just cut into my music that i was currently listening to and it annoys me lots!!! i know i used to be one of the "irritating" ones in the past that have the stupid BLG SONG on my blog. i sincerely apologise! hhahaahahahah! the year end holiday is over! but i'm really glad for the many things that had happened!(: that include you.God really listens!
Thursday, January 08, 2009 @ 6:00 AM
This holiday!
HOHOHO! the holidays is coming to an end. i had dance today due to the technical error made by the PA on tuesday. zomgg mans! then had lunch at pizzahut with cole and ken. i kinda miss having curry zazzle already! had my braces fixed yesterday! i have to go down twice next month for some major issue with the wisdom teeth! BLABS! then went ikea with the kukus to do econs proj! finally done. This holiday has been really fruitful. i guess i did managed to meet up with most of the people i was dying to meet! (: this holiday has been a good break for me. i need closure sometimes! need to recharge my internal batteries for the predicted-moody year.  HAHAH! this is the first screen shot i took since i got my comp like 2 years ago?!! okay, im really untech -savvy. i never knew i could print screen till xl told me on monday! seriously, i know! i always wondered how people could print screen their website or something. haahah! so i was like having this interesting conversation with fir and he started becoming me for the most stupid reason! LOL! it's finally friday tmr (:
@ 5:39 AM
The Fortress
My first roll from, quad cam galaxy, THE official diseri 4 lens! yadddaaa daaaa!!! i finally went to develop the film in my QUADY! pretty upset thou cos only 17 pictures managed to come out, but still some were in the under-exposed conditions! least it only $9.85 so it's not so bad! quite cheap i think(: i want an oktomat after all the playing with my quady! after all the thinking-here-and-there, i didn get my BBF! amazingly, my first shot actually came out. hahah, but it's an unglam shot of wx! TADDDDDDDDD, presents!!!!
hahahaha, first time using it, so accidentally place my finger on the lens!  i like this picture best! cos fluff fluff is so cute!
 taken at east coast(:  hah! i can really change my facial expressions in 1 sec!  the cross road at paya lebar! it seems that i always place my finger on the second lens! im trying out my second film already! heeeeeee heeeeeee! cant wait to finish it! maybe i will spam it really crazily during the open house or something!
Tuesday, January 06, 2009 @ 5:05 AM
i say today is a good day. to a certain extent it was a good day. i had sch this morn, which kinda suck, waited waited waited. but that aside, i had subway. i don really like the tandori chicken(smth liddat), should have really got teriyaki chicken or cheese steak. well, today was a day of clearing the air. it's good, really good. the sorting out and going back in time has help me notice the things of my immaturity in the past. but all's over now. older and tad bit wiser. hah! age seems to have catch up with me. somehow i think im going deaf, there's like this blob of thing in my eardrum i think. it kinda hurt when i blow my nose. oh sigh. i kinda wish i don have to take any major exams this year. i want it to be a year of slacking.
Sunday, January 04, 2009 @ 7:10 AM
Today's sermon really drilled the thought of relying on God in my head in the new year of c.h.a.n.g.e. i thought maybe i should write this down in my blog so perhaps when i read back my archives in the later part of the year, i will still be reminded that i should always lean on God and not do things according to my own wills and perspective which i tend to unknowingly. especially so in this financial meltdown, may everyone continue to seek God first and not just depend on head knowledge.
@ 6:11 AM
First post of 2009!
HAH! this is my first post for 2009! so far, so good. it's the 4th today and life goes on as usual anyway. so while everyone starts school on the 2ndJan! the marharkers(full attendance man!) went out after each and everyone of us were done with school in the morning, and of cos, dance just had to fall on that day. so just anyway, we decided to go to lilliput for minigolf which was at east coast and along the way there, we had this huge confusion whether big splash is near macs, near ski360, near parkway or wherever it should be. hahahhaa, and being as aunty and loud as ever, i shouted for help from the bus uncle. muahahahah! as usual let the pictures do the talking. First and foremost let me introduce the golfers! captions will be at the bottom of each picture.  clockwise : jacq, zh, yours truly, huzzy, chong, eddie, tiang  on the way to lilliput, i think the beach is a really pretty place.  this changi airport was the first station and it killed my life. cos i swung the putt for 3 times and i still missed the ball. then i hitted it so hard that it flew and it took me like 18 shots to reach the hole! im so lousy man!  this was the second station and of cos i did improve! hahahah!  chong and i with the merlion! muahahahaha, it is at the last station!  chong, tiang, me!!!  our putt and balls! heees i like my ball >.<  ball washer! -_-  OUCH! im stepping on the crocodile! THE MARHARKERS! stupid zhenghui just had to cover the hippos!  obviously acting cute...
 this mrt thing can move!! it actually bring ur ball to one place to another. kinda cool!  me, jacq and tiang  the sun was so glaring that we could see our reflection! i think this is the prettiest photo of the day, it isn easy to capture a sun's ray i guess. tiang trying to act cute! LOL! the shadow of the day! teeheehaa! xl the photographer trying to capture the ray! the four princesses! hahahaha! Marharkers, at the last station! completed the whole journey of 18 stations!  on the way HOME sweet HOME! i took 76 home and walked! i actually walked a bus stop or two home! hahaha. the minigolf is deinitely a place to go for first timers with a big group of friends. its the laughters and smiles that made it fun, in all honesty, cos it's quite price like 15 bucks in total for a person so it would be nice for a whole group of frens to hogg the place. sigh, i was the overall loser! hahahahahaha, seriously!!